Presentation in English

Learn how to deliver a presentation in English. Our English for presentations lessons cover all aspects of making a presentation in English, including starting your English presentation, engaging your audience and handling the Q&A.

English for Presentations | Presentation in English

Are you looking to improve your English for presentations? Whether you’re a professional or a student, being able to deliver an effective presentation in English is a valuable skill that can open doors to new opportunities. In this guide, we will explore the key strategies and techniques to master the art of business English presentations. From structuring your presentation to using persuasive language, we’ll cover everything you need to know to captivate your audience and make a lasting impression.

Our earlier lessons look at key language for making a presentation in English . You’ll learn how to make a clear introduction, link and signpost your ideas, and deliver a powerful summary with a compelling call to action. As you progress, handling questions and answers becomes second nature, ensuring you can deal with any Q&A session confidently.

Moving on to delivery skills, we guide you through aspects such as using your voice effectively and presenting charts and graphs. These foundational skills lay the groundwork for a successful presentation in English.

Advanced lessons include our “Presenting Online” series, guiding you through the nuances of online presentations, and the advanced English presentations trilogy, covering the entire presentation process for advanced business English learners.

In the world of product presentations, we look at how to present essential features so you can perfect your sales pitch. For international conferences, our lesson on opening presentations ensures you start events with confidence, setting the stage for engaging sessions.

Handling Q&A sessions can be tricky, but our lessons on presenting in English prepare you to respond smoothly, managing queries with ease for a polished presentation. Lessons on SWOT analysis, presenting persuasive arguments, and sales presentations further elevate your proficiency.

Whether you’re building a solid foundation or refining your skills, these lessons serve as a comprehensive guide to business English for presentations. Get ready to captivate your audience and make a lasting impression in your next English presentation!

Our English for presentations lessons are listed by release date, with the most recent lesson at the top. Each lesson includes the podcast MP3, a PDF transcript and online quizzes.

BEP 37c – English for Presentations: Questions and Answers (2)

BEP 37c LESSON - English for Presentations: Questions and Answers 2

Welcome back to Business English Pod for the second part of our lesson on English for presentations and handling a question and answer session at the end of a presentation.

Presentations can be stressful. Speaking in front of the public, or even just your colleagues, makes even confident people nervous. And there’s one part of a presentation in particular that might dial up the nerves: the questions people ask at the end of your presentation.

The Q&A requires you to think on your feet. Some of the questions you get might be really difficult. And for that reason, it may be important to check that your answers are sufficient for the question-asker. At the same time, the questions might not even be relevant! So you’ll need a strategy for that situation as well.

Sometimes a person will ask a question that you think you’re not the best person to answer. In that case, you can figure out who to redirect the question to. And if this entire Q&A situation is stressful, well at least you have some control. You can control the timing, instead of letting it go on forever.

In this lesson, we’ll continue listening to a Q&A in a meeting at a steel company. Nick, a sales director, has just given a presentation. He and his boss Max are dealing with questions from Bryan and Cindy.

Listening Questions

1. After telling Cindy about measures of success, what question does Nick ask her?
2. What does Max say about Cindy’s question regarding morale and how the sales staff are feeling?
3. How does Nick respond to John’s question about marketing in the U.K.?

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BEP 36c – English for Presentations: Questions and Answers (1)

BEP 36c LESSON - English for Presentations: Questions and Answers 1

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to deal with the question and answer session at the end of a presentation in English.

A presentation can be planned, organized, scripted, and rehearsed. But that’s simply not possible with the questions you might get at the end of your presentation. Sure, you can try to anticipate what people might ask, but you never really know. They may refer to specific points in your presentation and challenge you on these points.

For this reason, you need the skills to handle whatever you’re faced with. And sometimes that means overcoming doubt or resistance to your ideas. You might have to use buffers to deal with tough questions and concede certain points to your audience. You may also find yourself clarifying a point and paraphrasing your audience’s questions.

In this lesson, we’ll listen to the Q&A following a presentation in English by Nick, a sales director for a steel company. Bryan and Cindy are posing some difficult questions. Nick, and his boss Max, are using several techniques for dealing with these questions.

Listening Questions

1. How does Nick respond at first when Bryan asks a tough question about the survey results?
2. Cindy begins to ask a question about retraining the salespeople. What does Nick say to clarify what he meant?
3. How does Nick deal with Cindy’s question about measuring success?

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BEP 33c – English Presentations: Summarizing and Call to Action

BEP 33c - English for Presentations: Summarizing and Call to Action

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to finish a English presentation with a summary and a call to action.

An effective presentation in english is one that you remember. And an effective presenter is one who knows how to get information to stick and how to make a lasting impression on the audience. But for many people, that’s easier said than done. So how can you get your ideas to stick?

Well, there’s a simple structure that you can follow. That structure involves signaling that you’re going to end your presentation. Next, you can provide a summary of what you’ve discussed. Then you can make a call to action. And finally, you can thank your audience and invite questions. With this structure, you can make a strong finish to your presentation and a lasting impression.

Today we’ll listen to a presentation by Nick, a sales director for a steel company. Nick is giving a presentation about ideas for increasing sales, which have been rather disappointing. He uses several techniques to summarize and emphasize his key points. And he provides a strong finish to his presentation.

Listening Questions

1. What does Nick say to introduce the final summary of his main ideas?
2. What does Nick tell people he wants them to do near the end of the presentation?
3. What does Nick do to end his presentation?

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BEP 380 – Videoconferences: Presenting Online (3)

BEP 380 - Presenting Online 3: Managing the QA

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on videoconferences and presenting online. Today, we’re going to focus on handling questions and managing the Q&A.

With the rise of hybrid teams, presenting online is just a regular part of work for many professionals. And while the basics of delivering information in a virtual setting may seem simple, interacting with your audience and dealing with questions feels very different online than in person. Skilled presenters have a variety of tricks for ensuring a productive Q&A, or question and answer, session.

For example, when someone asks a good question, you might redirect it to the entire group. That gives the Q&A more of a discussion feel. And if people aren’t asking questions, you can ask some yourself. Of course, sometimes people introduce ideas that you don’t really have time to explore. In this case, you can suggest more discussion at a later time.

Good presenters are also ready to admit any limitations to what they’ve presented. Nobody has all the answers, so don’t pretend you do. And finally, once the Q&A is finished, it’s a great idea to encourage people to follow up with you later if they have any other questions.

In today’s dialog, we’ll listen to the end of a presentation by Adam, a business consultant. He’s handling some questions and encouraging discussion after presenting his ideas on ways to increase sales. We’ll also hear Adam’s colleague Nancy and his boss Heather ask questions and participate in the discussion.

Listening Questions

1. What question does Nancy ask that Adam redirects to the entire group?
2. What question does Adam ask everyone to encourage them to share their ideas?
3. What key point does Adam admit they’re still not sure about?

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BEP 379 – Videoconferences: Presenting Online (2)

BEP 379 - Presenting Online 2: Transitioning to the Q&A

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on videoconferences and presenting online. Today, we’re going to look at how to wrap up your presentation and transition to the Q&A.

Great presenters always make time and space for questions at the end of their presentation. And if you’ve done a good job of engaging your listeners, they may have lots to say or ask. Before you open it up for questions, however, you need to summarize.

One thing you can do to emphasize key points near the end is to ask a question yourself, then answer it. And an effective way to answer it is with a visual or some kind of illustration. That will help your ideas stick, not just at the end, but throughout your presentation.

Near the end of a presentation, there may be people who have to leave early so it’s important to acknowledge these people and let them know how you’ll follow up. Finally, it’s a good idea at the end to summarize your key points. Once you’ve done these things, you can make the transition to the Q&A section of your presentation.

In today’s dialog, we’ll rejoin a presentation by a business consultant named Adam. He’s wrapping up a talk about how the company can increase sales. We’ll hear how Adam finishes up and transitions to the Q&A.

Listening Questions

1. What question does Adam ask his listeners which he then answers by showing a visual?
2. What does Adam offer to do for people who have to leave early?
3. What’s the first big opportunity Adam mentions as he summarizes his presentation?

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