

Project Management English

學習 project management English 提供商務英語播客課程,用於以英語進行項目.

商務英語播客提供廣泛的專案管理英語課程,涵蓋從專案規劃和執行到風險管理和利害關係人溝通的各個方面. 課程涵蓋以下主題 專案規劃和調度, 風險管理, project scope, 預算和財務, 利害關係人管理, 專案站立會議, 領導力和激勵, 專案報告, 和 專案執行和交付. 另外, 這些課程為學習者提供了 詞彙, 語法, 和口語練習, 讓您能夠在專案管理環境中自信、流利地用英語進行交流.



金融英語 | English for Finance and Accounting

在我們的 金融英語 課程, we cover a range of topics to help you succeed in the finance and accounting.

Within our core business English finance and accounting lessons, we look at essential subjects such as budgeting, 公司業績, taxes, and the broader economic landscape. These lessons equip you with the vocabulary and confidence to actively participate in discussions within your company and with clients.

In more recent lessons, we look at selling financial services, with lessons on English for finance you can use for meeting new clients and crafting compelling pitches to showcase your company’s investment services.

For those needing to learn basic English for accounting, we cover key terms and business English accounting vocabulary. This includes terminology related to the economy, basic accounting principles, and understanding balance sheets according to generally accepted accounting principles (公認會計準則) standards.

Moving on to advanced english for accountants, we explore topics such as financial crises, bankruptcy, bonds, macroeconomics, stocks, shares, corporate taxes, and company finance. These lessons enrich your understanding of complex financial concepts and idioms commonly used in accounting English.

And our business news lessons keep you updated on contemporary financial English topics such as global trade, currencies, big tech IPOs, economic outlooks, trade disputes, inflation, and interest rates.

Our English for finance and accounting lessons are listed below with the latest lessons first.


通過商務英語播客課程學習銷售英語 銷售英語. 學習英語 打銷售電話, 與客戶打交道, 參加貿易展覽 以及我們的整個銷售過程 銷售英語 課程. 我們的銷售英語課程按發布日期列出, 首先是最新的課程.


所有課程 商務英語語言功能. 下面列出了我們的英語功能課程,首先是較舊的課程.