最佳實踐 385 – 關於花錢的英語慣用語 (1)

最佳實踐 385 - 關於花錢的英語慣用語 1

歡迎回到 商務英語播客 今天的課程 商務英語慣用語 related to spending money.

As a wise person once said: it takes money to make money. In other words, you need to invest money and spend it in order to make more. 另一方面, spending money unwisely can eat into your profits. 所以, from both perspectives, figuring out how to spend money is one of the keys to business success.

And it should come as no surprise that spending money is a common topic of conversation in any business. It’s not just the folks in the purchasing department who think about it. Everyone has an opinion about how their company should and shouldn’t commit its resources. And for this reason, English has many idioms we use to describe the different approaches to spending money.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear a conversation between three managers at a tech company: Shelly, Martin, and Vince. The company has just landed a big new project, and so they anticipate having more money to spend soon. But the three aren’t all in agreement about how they should spend that money and they use many different idioms to express their opinions. Try to pick out some of these 商務英語慣用語 as you listen, 我們稍後會在匯報中解釋它們.


1. According to Martin, what approach to spending is now in the past?
2. What does Vince believe about competing in a new and different sector of the market?
3. How does Martin describe the salaries of the two positions they previously discussed hiring?

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