
透過我們的技術英語課程提升您的 IT 英語. 學習與 IT 相關的詞彙和語言, 技術和計算機. 我們有關於專案管理技能的課程, 科技英語和科技世界.

商務英語新聞 54 – 科技收購

商務英語新聞 54 - 科技收購

在這個 商務英語 我們看的新聞課 商務英語詞彙 與技術收購或併購相關.

收購是其中很大一部分 科技 商業, 他們並不總是充滿敵意. 實際上, 許多年輕企業家建立了利基公司,希望被收購. 對於科技巨頭來說, 併購是重要的增長戰略. 涉及個性和自我, 收購讓新聞周期熱鬧非凡, 正如 Twitter 上發生的戲劇所示. 據《衛報》報導:

埃隆·馬斯克的 $44 億美元收購Twitter 2022 承諾進行公司成立以來最大規模的改組. 這位前世界首富在對該網站的偏見和內容審核政策感到失望後,熱衷於接受該項目. 但推特的革命在這個過程中變成了一場大屠殺, 裁員 80% 磨練新的方向. 然後,由於精益團隊難以管理虛假信息,他們失去了用戶和廣告商, 網上惡搞和冒充.

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商務英語新聞 53 – 抖音

商務英語新聞 53 - 抖音

在這個 商務英語 我們看的新聞課 商務英語詞彙 與科技和 TikTok 有關.

似乎每週都會有另一次試圖禁止 TikTok 的消息. 確實, 聯邦政府和美國一半的州. 禁止在政府擁有的設備上使用該應用程序. 以前從未有過應用程序的突然流行引起如此大的反應. 那麼該應用程序的下載量是如何達到 10 億次的? 150 美國 100 萬活躍用戶? 據《衛報》報導:

TikTok 的巨大成功歸功於一系列精明的選擇. 它們具有易於使用的視頻, 使用模糊創作者和消費者之間界限的創作工具. 他們龐大的授權音樂庫讓青少年可以為自己的剪輯配樂,而不必擔心版權糾紛. Facebook 上耗資 10 億美元的廣告活動吸引了新用戶,扎克伯格的公司一派新用戶就來.

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商務英語新聞 52 – 聊天GPT

商務英語新聞 52 - 聊天GPT

在這個 商務英語 我們看的新聞課 商務英語詞彙 與人工智能和ChatGPT相關.

一陣子, 圍繞人工智能的炒作似乎已經平息. 但人工智能的最新發展席捲了世界. 它的名字叫ChatGPT, 除非你住在山洞裡, 你肯定聽說過. 但到底是什麼? 正如《衛報》所解釋的:

通過人工智能和機器學習進行培訓, ChatGPT 旨在通過對話界面提供信息並回答問題. OpenAI 表示,新人工智能的創建重點是易用性. “對話框格式使得ChatGPT能夠回答後續問題, 承認自己的錯誤, 質疑不正確的前提, 並拒絕不適當的要求。”

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BEP 392 – 專案管理英語: 確定專案範圍 (2)

BEP 392 - 專案管理英語: 確定專案範圍 2

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on pricing strategy. This is the second of a pair of lessons on project management English and scoping new work for a client.

Every project is its own animal. 當然, you might run different projects with similar tools and approaches, or apply standard processes. But with different clients, at different times, and with even small differences in inputs, each project is different. And that means pricing is different.

Once you’ve talked with a client to clarify and nail down the project scope, what happens next? 出色地, the client will want something on paper – whether that’s a full-blown proposal and bid or a simple quotation. And one of the most important things they’ll be looking at is price. So as a team, you need to figure out a strategy to bid on each project.

Your pricing strategy is going to depend on a few things. First off, it’s going to depend on your capacity and the client’s perception of value. Then you’ll have to figure out your bid strategy, which may work upward from a minimum viable product. Or you may take a different approach like hourly pricing. And there are always intangibles you need to take into account when deciding how to price your bid.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear Jill and Martin, who work for a software development company. They are working out a pricing strategy for a project that Jill has already scoped. They’re trying to figure out the right approach for the two options they’re proposing to the client.


1. What is the first concern Jill expresses during the conversation?
2. How will they direct the client toward their alternative approach?
3. How will the client’s timeline affect their pricing strategy?

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BEP 391 – 專案管理英語: 確定專案範圍 (1)

BEP 391 - 專案管理英語: 確定專案範圍 1

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to scope a project. This is the first of a pair of lessons on project management English and scoping new work for a client.

So what does it mean toscopea project? We use this word “scope” to describe what’s included and what’s not included in a project or agreement. So when wescopesomething, we’re asking questions and trying to understand what’s involved in a project.

There are many obvious questions you might ask when scoping new work. But you’ll likely find yourself having to educate the client about technical issues and costs. You may have to dig deep into assumptions and address client concerns. And you may have to present different solutions for the client to consider. 這樣, scoping isn’t just about asking for simple project details. It’s both factual and relational.

在今天的對話中, we’ll listen to Jill, a software developer, talk with Ivan. Ivan works for a large retailer that wants to make significant changes to their HR software. Jill is asking questions to try to understand the company’s wants and needs so she can scope the project and put together a proposal.


1. What does Jill believe Ivan is suggesting about their current approach?
2. What does Jill say about the cost of what Ivan is asking for?
3. At the end of the conversation, what does Ivan ask Jill to include in her proposal?

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