BEN 22 – Telecommuting: Back to the Office

Business English News 22 - Telecommuting

In this Business English News lesson, we look at trends in the workplace, particularly changing attitudes to telecommuting.

The question of “live to work or work to live” has been around for decades, with many employees trying to strike that perfect work-life balance. Employees around the world benefit from the use of modern technology to do their work in the comfort of their own homes.

Recently though, Yahoo’s CEO, Marissa Mayer, made some waves with her decision that all employees must work their 9 to 5s in the office.

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1 thought on “BEN 22 – Telecommuting: Back to the Office”

  1. Cédric Verduger

    I think that teleworking is a good idea in a number of professional activities because it will reduce pollution which is a big problem at the moment and with many other advantages. So I think that if we can telecommute it should be done but without abusing it.

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