BEP 160 – Talking about your Company

BEP 160 - Describing your Company

This is the second of a two-part Business English Pod series on talking about your job and company.

What can you say about your company? How would you describe it? There are a number of things to consider. There’s the company size, its employees, and its branches. But there’s also company history, culture, reputation, and future plans.

In today’s lesson, we’ll cover language for talking about your company. We’ll start with giving the basic facts and then move on to ways to describe company culture and structure, reputation, and the organization’s future plans and goals.

We’ll listen to Stella, an IT manager, and Ronda, a recruiter who is helping Stella find a new job. In the last episode, Stella told Ronda about her job and her concerns about the company’s old equipment and outdated technology. Today, she’ll tell Ronda more about the company itself.

Listening Questions

1. How many people work at Stella’s company?
2. What does Stella’s company sell?
3. What are two ways the company contributed to the local community?

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8 thoughts on “BEP 160 – Talking about your Company”

  1. Hallo everybody,

    I am new member here. It is useful for me to learn Business english. Could you please tell me how i can get transcrip of these lessons.
    Thank you so much in advance

  2. I’m learning English very bad, so I want I can speak with everyone more good. Can you help me? I’m trying. Could you tell me how I can do that?
    Thanks a lot

  3. I want to speak english well so I am looking for a a foreing friend to do practice

  4. Hi everyone! Does anyone know how to download these listenings? I would like to listen to them while driving my car. Thank you in advance!

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