


学习 项目管理英语 提供商务英语播客课程,用于用英语开展项目.

商务英语播客提供广泛的项目管理英语课程,涵盖从项目规划和执行到风险管理和利益相关者沟通的各个方面. 课程涵盖以下主题 项目规划和调度, 风险管理, 项目范围, 预算和财务, 利益相关者管理, 项目站立会议, 领导力和激励, 项目报告, 和 项目执行和交付. 此外, 这些课程为学习者提供了 词汇, 语法, 和口语练习, 让您能够在项目管理环境中自信、流利地用英语进行交流.



金融英语 | English for Finance and Accounting

在我们的 金融英语 课程, we cover a range of topics to help you succeed in the finance and accounting.

Within our core business English finance and accounting lessons, we look at essential subjects such as budgeting, 公司业绩, taxes, and the broader economic landscape. These lessons equip you with the vocabulary and confidence to actively participate in discussions within your company and with clients.

In more recent lessons, we look at selling financial services, with lessons on English for finance you can use for meeting new clients and crafting compelling pitches to showcase your company’s investment services.

For those needing to learn basic English for accounting, we cover key terms and business English accounting vocabulary. This includes terminology related to the economy, basic accounting principles, and understanding balance sheets according to generally accepted accounting principles (公认会计准则) standards.

Moving on to advanced english for accountants, we explore topics such as financial crises, bankruptcy, bonds, macroeconomics, stocks, shares, corporate taxes, and company finance. These lessons enrich your understanding of complex financial concepts and idioms commonly used in accounting English.

And our business news lessons keep you updated on contemporary financial English topics such as global trade, currencies, big tech IPOs, economic outlooks, trade disputes, inflation, and interest rates.

Our English for finance and accounting lessons are listed below with the latest lessons first.


通过商务英语播客课程学习销售英语 销售英语. 学习英语 打销售电话, 与客户打交道, 参加贸易展览 以及我们的整个销售过程 销售英语 课程. 我们的销售英语课程按发布日期列出, 首先是最新的课程.


所有课程 商务英语语言功能. 下面列出了我们的英语功能课程,首先是较旧的课程.