BEP 184 – Thảo luận về kế hoạch đào tạo (Phần 2)

This is the second part of our Business English Pod series on English training and development vocabulary and collocations.

Good training is crucial for any company, big or small. How can we expect people to do a good job if they don’t have the right knowledge, kỹ năng, and tools? Providing employees with these tools is a key function of training.

And training is what we’ll be talking about today. We’ll be looking at some important vocabulary and collocations related to training. Nhớ lại, collocations are natural combinations of words that native speakers commonly use. There are no clear rules to collocation, only patterns. When you learn a new word, you should try to learn what other words are used with it. Ví dụ, you might think that “crime” is a useful word to know, but it will be difficult to use it if you don’t know that we usually use the verbcommitbefore it, as in: “commit a crime.

Trong tập cuối, you heard many useful training collocations. We listened to Jeff, who works in HR at an engineering firm, talk with David, who has just given a presentation on new approaches to training. We heard Jeff explain how his company wants to improve their learning and development program. Hôm nay, David will explain more about learner-centered training.

Câu hỏi nghe

1. What is a traditional approach to training?
2. What does David say another company has recently started?
3. What is David’s biggest piece of advice for Jeff?

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2 suy nghĩ về “BEP 184 – Thảo luận về kế hoạch đào tạo (Phần 2)”

  1. CHÀO, this is great. But I couldn’t get one word of from this listening. It is regarding question 1. They are talking about a kind of e-training for those who cannot attend classes. I think they mentioned something likeself—–” I cannot figure it out. IF someone could answer it for me I would be grateful.

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