BEP 118 – đàm phán: Từ chối một lời đề nghị

Negotiations don’t always go according to plan. Disagreement is part of life. But to build lasting relationships, coping with failure is even more important than celebrating success. So in this show, we’ll examine a deal that does not get completed. We’ll look at making a final offer as well as expressing dissatisfaction and regret. Đặc biệt, we’ll focus on maintaining goodwill even when talks break down.

Peter is the owner of mobile phone ringtone and game provider, Textacular. He is in discussions with Maxine about buying her company, Gamester. Cuối cùng, Peter wants to sell his business to a larger, regional service provider for a profit, so he is attempting to roll up or buy other small companies to increase the value of his business. But Maxine wants €15 million for her business, and Peter isn’t prepared to pay that much.

Khi bạn lắng nghe, pay attention to how Peter makes a final offer, how Maxine declines it, and how they both work to maintain goodwill.

Câu hỏi nghe

1) What are Maxine’s reasons for staying firm on price?
2) What does Peter say to justify not being able to pay more?
3) How does Maxine leave open the possibility for future cooperation?

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