925 Урок английского 23 – Как уточнить понимание на английском языке

YouTube видео

В сегодняшних 925 английское видео урок, we’re going to learn how to clarify something you didn’t hear properly.

If you don’t hear what someone says, the easiest thing to do is just let it go. Move on. Let them keep talking. But that can be a very dangerous strategy. Я имею в виду, what if they asked you to do something important? Or what if they told you some important information? Do you really want to miss that?

So rather than letting it go, it’s easy to just ask the person to repeat what they said. To do that politely, we might say “Could you repeat that please?” Or you can use the expression “I beg your pardon?” Then the person knows you haven’t heard them, and they’ll repeat it for you.

925 Английский это курс английское видео lessons for beginner level English learners. С 925 На уроках английского вы можете выучить деловые выражения английского языка для использования в работе и бизнесе..

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