BEP 208 – 合同谈判 1: 寻求优惠

在这个 商务英语播客 课, 我们将研究谈判合同的语言.

因为我们将讨论合同, 你可能想看看我们的视频词汇 合同法的教训 刷新你的记忆.

很多生意都是通过口头协议和握手来完成的. 但是不需要律师就知道您通常最好将所有内容都写在合同中. 合同保护安排的双方,并明确规定谁必须在什么时间和地点做什么.

如果您熟悉合同, 你知道几乎总是包含某些部分和条款. 但具体如何写可能因合同而异. “细节决定成败,” 俗话说, 这是传统的说法,细节非常重要.

当谈到合同谈判时, 你将不得不关注很多细节. 您可能会大体上同意您想要的安排类型, 但是,如果您想要一份适合自己的合同,那么计算出更好的点是至关重要的. 谈判这些细节需要几个关键技能. 今天我们将介绍合同中的突出问题, 寻求让步, 并引用先前的安排以加强您的地位. 我们还将考虑同意对让步犹豫不决,并强调积极的一面.

我们将听到山姆与拉里谈判车辆租赁合同, 租赁公司代表. 山姆想为他的公司租赁几辆汽车和货车. 他和拉里已经就主要问题达成一致,现在正在通过电话讨论合同草案.


1. 为什么 Sam 提到他们的客户代表试图与客户保持密切联系?
2. Sam 对他们最近的租赁情况有何看法?
3. 拉里愿意为山姆做什么?

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BEP 207 – 贸易展览会英语 4: 达成交易

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 doing business at a trade show.

If you’ve ever worked or attended a trade show, you know that there are a lot of people and companies competing for attention. And you can stand there all day having casual conversations with people but never make a solid business connection, let alone sign a deal.

That’s why first you have to separate the good prospects from the bad. Then you have to make a connection with the good prospects and find out what they need. If you can manage that, then you’re on your way to closing a deal. And this is what we’ll be looking at today.

Closing a deal at a trade show requires a few essential steps. You need to show a customer that you are listening to them, build trust, and offer good solutions. Then you will be in a good position to ask the person to buy. These are all ideas that we’ll hear in today’s dialog.

We are going to rejoin Jenny, who works for a packing company called D-Pack. She is talking with Andrew, whose company is looking for a redesign of their packaging. Jenny has assessed Andrew’s needs and now wants to make a deal.


1. What concerns does Andrew have?
2. What solution does Jenny offer?
3. What is Andrew’s final decision?

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BEP 206 – 贸易展览会英语 3: 会面

这是我们的商务英语播客系列的第三节课,内容是在 贸易展览会.

贸易展是寻找潜在客户的绝佳机会. 如果你有正确的态度和沟通技巧, 你应该能够做一些销售.

现在, 如果您已设法与强大的潜在客户建立联系,并且该人回来进行第二次约会, 下一步你要怎么做? 你怎么知道你面前有一个真正的买家,而不仅仅是一个四处寻找信息的人? 您不能只是让潜在客户浏览您的目录并向您提问. 你需要负责并确切地找出你在和谁打交道.

提问技巧很关键. 这就是我们今天要关注的. 我们将首先研究如何提出开放式问题. 然后我们将开始询问需求, 购买权, 预算, 和时间表. 如果你能做到这一点, 您将处于实际销售的有利位置.

我们将加入珍妮, 谁在一家名为 D-Pack 的包装公司工作. 她正在与一位名叫 Andrew 的潜在客户坐下来聊聊 D-Pack 的产品. 珍妮会问很多问题来评估安德鲁需要什么以及 D-Pack 如何提供帮助.


1. 安德鲁说他的公司需要什么?
2. 为什么 Jenny 会问 Andrew 是否是采购经理?
3. 安德鲁的公司什么时候需要完成工作?

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BEP 203 – 贸易展览会英语 2: 合格的前景

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on doing business at a 贸易展览会.

If you can connect with the right people at a large event like a trade show, you can get a lot of great sales leads and maybe even close some deals. Making these connections is all about your attitude and the way you communicate.

But trade shows come with challenges. One of these difficulties is focusing your time on those good prospects. This means that you need to be able to identify a bad prospect and to make your conversation with him brief. Doing this requires a combination of common sense, a focus on business, and some tact.

Today we will learn how to disengage from a bad prospect. But first, we’ll hear how to engage in small talk, 展示兴趣, and get people to talk as these are all essential steps in determining if a prospect is worth pursuing.

We’ll rejoin Kevin, 谁在一家名为 D-Pack 的包装公司工作. He is talking with Mick, who represents ElectroHome Cleaning. Kevin is going to both begin and end a conversation with Mick, who turns out to be not such a great prospect.


1. Why does Kevin ask Mick about ‘product demos’?
2. What does Mick say about cleaning products?
3. How does Kevin bring the conversation to a close?

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BEP 202 – 贸易展览会英语 1: 吸引潜在客户

欢迎回到 商务英语播客. My name’s Atalie, and I’ll be your host for today’s lesson on working at a trade show.

Trade shows can be fantastic opportunities to meet good prospects, network with others in the biz, and even close sales. But there are definite dos and don’ts about working the trade show circuit.

At a trade show, there are a lot of people. That means a lot of potential customers and leads, but it can also be easy to waste time on bad prospects. So you have to be outgoing to draw people in, but you also have to figure out quickly who is really worth talking to. And to engage good prospects and get rid of bad ones, you need excellent communication skills.

在本课中, we’ll look at how to be approachable, connect with customers, and make a quick pitch. We’ll also learn how to pass a prospect off to another team member and how to set up an appointment.

We are going to hear Kevin and Jenny, who work for a Chinese packaging company called D-Pack. They’re working a booth at a large trade show. They are dealing with Andrew, who works for a manufacturing company. Andrew has come by D-Pack’s booth, and Kevin and Jenny have to work their magic.


1. What does Andrew’s company want to do?
2. Why does Kevin talk about their big US clients?
3. What are Jenny and Andrew going to do at 10:00 the next day?

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