BEP 325 – Phát triển kinh doanh 1: Kết nối với khách hàng

Tiếng anh bán hàng - BEP 325 Phát triển kinh doanh 1

Chào đón trở lại Tiếng Anh thương mại cho bài học hôm nay về how to talk with customers in English. Potential customers, đó là.

If you work in sales or business development, a big part of your job is meeting new people in search of new customers. That might include cold-calling, where you phone someone at work or drop by their office. But often this kind of networking takes place at events, like conferences, forums, and pretty much anywhere else you have a lot of people in one place.

At these events, you don’t usually begin a conversation talking about business. Thay thế, you talk about the weather, or sports, or other non-work topics. This is where giao lưu bằng Tiếng Anh and doing business in English are closely connected. You’ve got to break the ice socially before you introduce your company, the work that you do, and other clients. And then you’ve got to lead into talking about the customer’s needs and asking to follow up at a later time. The trick is doing this naturally.

Trong cuộc đối thoại hôm nay, chúng tôi sẽ nghe thấy Nick, người làm việc trong lĩnh vực phát triển kinh doanh cho một công ty tư vấn nhân sự. Nick is at a dinner event during a big HR conference. He is seated at a table with Andria. Nick clearly demonstrates how an English sales conversation works, as he identifies Andria as a potential customer.

Câu hỏi nghe

1. How does Nick introduce his company?
2. What do Nick’s company and Andria’s company have in common?
3. What does Nick ask to identify a gap in Andria’s HR strategy?

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BEP 299 – Tiếng Anh bán hàng 6: Theo dõi sau bán hàng

BEP 299 - Tiếng Anh cho Quy trình Bán hàng 6: Theo dõi sau bán hàng

Chào mừng bạn quay trở lại Business English Pod cho bài học hôm nay về cách theo dõi khách hàng sau khi bán bằng tiếng anh.

Đang bán hàng, công việc của bạn không kết thúc khi khách hàng đồng ý mua những gì bạn đang bán. Nhân viên bán hàng giỏi hiểu tầm quan trọng của việc theo dõi, đảm bảo khách hàng hài lòng, và giúp họ hiểu sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ mới của họ. Sau tất cả, khách hàng hạnh phúc tiếp tục là khách hàng, và bán nhiều hơn cho khách hàng hiện tại dễ dàng hơn việc tìm kiếm khách hàng mới.

Làm thế nào để bạn đảm bảo khách hàng hài lòng chính xác? Vì một điều, bạn có thể cần phải trấn an họ rằng những gì bạn đã bán cho họ là giải pháp phù hợp. Họ có thể lo lắng về chất lượng hoặc độ tin cậy, và nhiệm vụ của bạn là nói rõ với họ rằng họ không có gì phải lo lắng về.

Nhưng đôi khi khách hàng có vấn đề với sản phẩm của họ, một vấn đề mà bạn cần giải quyết. Trong trường hợp này, điều quan trọng là phải tự tin nói rằng họ sẽ có giải pháp nhanh chóng. Bên cạnh những lo lắng này, sẽ rất hữu ích nếu bạn có thể cho khách hàng thấy sản phẩm của họ hoạt động như thế nào bằng ngôn ngữ rõ ràng. Bạn cũng có thể cung cấp các mẹo bổ sung để cải thiện trải nghiệm của họ với sản phẩm. Và cuối cùng, chúng tôi thường thảo luận về những điều khách hàng không nên làm khi sử dụng sản phẩm.

Trong cuộc đối thoại hôm nay, chúng ta sẽ nghe cuộc trò chuyện tiếp theo sau bán hàng giữa Aaron, Eva, và Dave. Eva là quản lý của một khách sạn có quán cà phê mới, quán ba, và nhà hàng. Aaron vừa bán cho họ máy làm mát lạnh cho quán cà phê và quán bar. Và Dave là một nhà thầu làm việc trong việc cải tạo khách sạn. Aaron đang nói chuyện với Eva và Dave để đảm bảo mọi thứ diễn ra tốt đẹp với việc lắp đặt bộ làm mát.

Câu hỏi nghe

1. What does Aaron promise when Dave points out that there is a “kick plate” missing?
2. Aaron chia sẻ mẹo đặc biệt nào khi làm sạch các hộp màn hình?
3. Aaron dùng biểu cảm gì để cảnh báo Eva không nên ép cửa kính mở quá xa?

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BEP 298 – Tiếng Anh bán hàng 5: Xử lý thất bại

Tiếng Anh thương mại 298 - English for Sales Lesson 5: Xử lý thất bại

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on dealing with setbacks near the end of the sales process.

Working in sales can be really tough. Sometimes you put a lot of hard work into the process but still things don’t work out the way you want. You might understand your customer’s needs and propose a great solution. But still, some customers might not see the value of what you’re offering.

Trong vài trường hợp, that means they decide not to buy what you’re selling. Ở những người khác, it means they don’t completely accept your price or terms. Dù là trường hợp nào, you’ll need to be prepared to deal with these kinds of setbacks. Sau tất cả, a good salesperson is not just a good talker, they can adapt and face challenges with confidence.

One part of dealing with setbacks is responding to the bad news with understanding and a positive attitude. Tell the customer you understand their concerns and let them know you’re still interested in doing business in the future. And you should be careful not to use language that shows disappointment or frustration.

If you have to negotiate on the price or terms, you need to proceed carefully. Sometimes you might agree with hesitation, making sure to tell the customer why something might be difficult. And sometimes you’ll need to stay firm, while remaining polite and friendly. It’s also a good idea to know the language we use to offer something, such as little extras that will make the customer happy. Và cuối cùng, at this point in the sales process, you will often have to discuss or make suggestions about the schedule and timelines.

Trong cuộc đối thoại hôm nay, we’ll rejoin Aaron, who works in sales for a commercial refrigeration company. Aaron has been trying to sell cooling systems to a hotel undergoing remodeling. He has offered some great solutions and overcome some obstacles, and now he’s about to hear the customer’s decision. Aaron is talking on the phone with Eva, the hotel manager.

Câu hỏi nghe

1. How does Aaron respond when he first hears Eva’s decision?
2. What does Aaron emphasize about the deli cases in response to Eva’s concerns about the price?
3. What extra does Aaron offer to Eva to help push her to accept the price?

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BEP 288 – Tiếng Anh bán hàng 4: Xử lý nghi ngờ

BEP 288 - Quá trình bán hàng 4: Overcoming Doubts

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on dealing with a customer’s doubts about a proposed solution during the sales process.

Customers rarely agree to buy after an initial pitch. Sales typically involves a lot more work than just the initial approach. You need to get to know the customer, understand their needs and offer them good solutions. And somewhere along the way, you’ll have to deal with their questions and doubts. Sau tất cả, people want to be sure they’re making the right choice, and that they’re spending their money wisely. And even when you’ve shown them all the right reasons to buy from you, they might still be on the fence. So what can you do?

Tốt, there are a few useful techniques that can help you deal with a customer’s doubts. We can ask about reasons, and propose solutions. We can also relieve their fears and anticipate their concerns. Và cuối cùng, we can show them why the other alternatives are not good choices. Trong bài học hôm nay, we’ll learn how to use these techniques.

Trong hộp thoại, we’ll rejoin Aaron, a salesman at a commercial refrigeration company. He’s been talking with a hotel about providing cooling systems for their restaurant and bar. Aaron has taken the time to get to know his customer, and he’s submitted a proposal that he thinks matches their needs. But now the customer has some doubts. Besides Aaron, you’ll hear Eva, the hotel manager, and William, the contractor who’s renovating the hotel.

Câu hỏi nghe

1. What is Aaron’s solution to Eva’s first concern?
2. What other concern of Eva’s is Aaron able to guess?
3. Why does Aaron think that not choosing his solution for the freezer is a bad idea?

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BEP 287 – Tiếng Anh bán hàng 3: Phù hợp với một giải pháp cho nhu cầu


Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on matching solutions to customersneeds during the sales process.

Have you ever been frustrated by a salesperson who tried to sell you something you didn’t need? Đúng, we all have! And so if you’re the one doing the selling, remember that a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t likely to work. Thay thế, you need to build a relationship and learn about your customer’s needs. Only then can you provide the right solution.

In our last two lessons on the sales process, we looked at how to make your initial approachunderstand the customer’s needs. Vì vậy trong bài học này, we’ll look at the next step in the process: matching a solution to those needs.

There are several techniques we can use to offer a solution to a customer. We can warn them against doing things a certain way. Đó là, we can advise them against solutions that don’t match their needs. We can also emphasize cost benefits or quality, and ask hypothetical questions in order to persuade them. Và cuối cùng, once we’ve used these techniques, we can finish by summarizing agreement.

Trong cuộc đối thoại hôm nay, we’ll rejoin Aaron, a salesperson with a commercial refrigeration company. He has been talking to customers at a new hotel who need equipment for their bar and restaurant. Aaron has visited the hotel to meet them and talk about their needs. Now Aaron is putting together a proposal, and he calls the hotel manager, Eva, to talk about some of his proposed solutions.

Câu hỏi nghe

1. What does Aaron advise Eva against doing at the beginning of their conversation?
2. What point does Aaron emphasize when he recommends the Coil-Pro unit?
3. Khi kết thúc cuộc trò chuyện, how does Aaron introduce his summary of their discussion?

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