Навыки 360 – Presentations: Соединение с вашей аудиторией (1)

Business English for Connecting your Presentation to your Audience 1

Добро пожаловать обратно в Навыки 360 for today’s lesson on how to connect with your audience during a presentation.

You’ve probably heard all sorts of advice about delivering a good презентация. But at the end of the day, every single presentation strategy is designed for one thing: connecting with the audience. Фактически, if you don’t connect with your audience, you might as well pack up your PowerPoint and head home. You need to build a bridge to send your message across. No bridge, no message. And don’t think you need to be an easy-going extrovert to connect with an audience. This is something that you can learn to do well.

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БЭП 276 – Навыки презентации английского языка 3: Завершение

БЭП 276 - Навыки презентации английского языка 3

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on wrapping up a презентация на английском языке.

Some people say that the start of a presentation is the most important part. That’s where you grab people’s attention and give them a reason to listen. But the end of your presentation is just as important. If you do a great job of engaging your audience but then have a weak finish, they’ll walk away with a bad last impression. And you want to avoid that at all costs.

So what exactly is involved in a good conclusion to a presentation? What do you need to do to make sure people walk away feeling that they learned something, they want to buy something, or they agree with you?

Сегодня, we’ll learn some great ways to do just that. We’ll look at a variety of Презентация на английском языке techniques such as summarizing key ideas, closing inspirationally, and opening up for questions. We’ll also learn how to connect your ideas with the big picture and wrap up at the end of the presentation.

В этом уроке, we’ll hear how two different speakers finish their presentations. The first speaker is Nick, a recruiter for a medical supplies company. He’s been trying to convince potential recruits that his company is great to work for. In the second dialog we’ll hear Diane, who’s finishing up a report about her company’s third quarter financial statements.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. In his summary, Nick mentions several topics that he covered. Кто они такие?
2. To inspire his listeners, what does Nick ask them to think about?
3. What does Diane say is the company’s larger vision?

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БЭП 275 – Навыки презентации английского языка 2: Привлечение вашей аудитории

БЭП 275 - Навыки презентации английского языка 2

Добро пожаловать обратно в Деловой английский Pod for today’s lesson on delivering an engaging and organized presentation.

Getting up in front of a room full of people to give a презентация на английском языке can be a difficult task. Whether you’re reporting information or trying to convince people to buy something, you need to catch their attention. Then you need to keep it. And at the end of it all, you want them to walk away feeling like they learned something, or they agree with you, or they want to buy what you’re trying to sell them.

Конечно, it might seem difficult, but there are skills you can learn to make it much easier. Several techniques in both presentation and delivery can help ensure an engaging Презентация на английском языке that will wow your listeners.

На сегодняшнем уроке, we’ll take a closer look at some of these techniques, including asking people to imagine a situation in order to persuade them, and focusing on the “why” behind your ideas rather than the “what.” We’ll also learn how you can use a single thread throughout your presentation and how you can transition between ideas. And finally we’ll cover how to check in with your listeners and add emphasis.

Today we’ll hear two short dialogs from different presentations. Во-первых, we’ll rejoin a recruiter called Nick who is presenting to some potential recruits for a medical supplies company. В секунду, we’ll hear finance manager Diane continue with a report about her company’s quarterly financial results.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. What does Nick ask his listeners to imagine?
2. What is the key idea that Nick keeps coming back to?
3. After talking about fuel savings, what does Diane do before moving on to her next idea?

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БЭП 274 – Навыки презентации английского языка 1: Начиная

БЭП 274 - Business English Presentation Skills 1

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on getting your Презентация на английском языке off to a good start.

We all know a skilled presenter when we see one. It’s a person who catches our interest right away and connects with the audience. He gives us the information we need without droning on and putting us to sleep. He’s clear about his purpose, he’s organized, and he answers our questions.

But most skilled presenters weren’t born with those skills. They learned to be good presenters. And you can learn the same skills in order to inform, persuade, or motivate any audience. В сегодняшних Презентация на английском языке урок, we’ll take a closer look at some great techniques you can use at the start of a presentation. We’ll learn how to get started, build rapport with the audience, and introduce a single key idea that can run throughout your presentation. We’ll also cover how to state your purpose and headline your key ideas.

Конечно, your approach to a presentation might be different depending on your audience. So today we will hear two short dialogs from the start of two different презентации на английском языке. Во-первых, we’ll hear a recruiter named Nick, who works for a medical supplies company. He’s giving a presentation to a group of potential recruits at a university. Во втором диалоге, we’ll hear a finance manager named Diane giving an internal presentation about her company’s third quarter financial statements.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. What question does Nick ask his audience at the start of his presentation?
2. What is the key idea that Nick says his company is all about?
3. What does Diane say is the purpose of her presentation?

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БЭП 267 – Представление чисел на английском языке (Часть 2)

Добро пожаловать обратно в модуль Business English Pod на сегодняшний урок представление чисел.

В процессе вашей работы, вам, наверное, пришлось пережить унылый Презентация на английском языке в котором докладчик зачитывает числа из таблицы или слайдов PowerPoint. А может быть, вы думали, что лучше было бы потратить свое время, просто читая отчет со всеми данными..

Конечно, числа важны. Однако не обязательно проводить презентацию только для того, чтобы сообщить цифры.. Но вам, возможно, потребуется провести презентацию, чтобы объяснить, какие числа являются наиболее важными и что они означают..

На сегодняшнем уроке, мы рассмотрим несколько отличных методов представления и интерпретации чисел. Мы узнаем, как показать причинно-следственную связь и корреляцию., как сгруппировать данные, и как выделить важные числа. Мы также рассмотрим, как делать выводы на основе данных и делать прогнозы..

В диалоге, мы снова присоединимся к Тони, кто работает в большой сети продуктовых магазинов. Тони дает презентация на английском языке о недавних рекламных мероприятиях, нацеленных на рынок молодых одиночек. Мы также услышим двух руководителей компании, Эллен и Уильям.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. Что, по словам Тони, было причиной повышенной посещаемости по воскресеньям??
2. Какой ключевой номер хочет выделить Тони?
3. Что Тони уверена, произойдет в будущем?

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