БЭП 145 – Денежные идиомы (Часть 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on idioms related to money.

It’s difficult to imagine business without money. В конце концов, making money is the main goal of many businesses. Profits often determine a company’s success. And companies must spend money, and budget carefully, to reach their business goals. Так, it’s not surprising money idioms are featured regularly in business conversations.

We’ll be covering many of these idioms today. Take note of them as you hear the dialog, but don’t worry if you don’t understand them the first time around. They’ll all be explained in the debrief and you’ll have a chance to practice them at the end.

We’ll be listening to Kevin and Leah, two colleagues at a mid-sized cosmetics company. Cosmetics is the industry name for make-upproducts used to enhance a person’s appearance, such as mascara or eye shadow. They are discussing promotional plans for the coming year while working on a tight budget, so there isn’t much money to spend. Kevin and Leah don’t agree on the best way to spend the money and must find a compromise.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. What promotional plan does Kevin suggest?
2. Does Leah agree with this idea? Почему или почему нет?
3. What does Kevin think the company needs to show?

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