BEP 36 – 演讲: 问题和答案 (1)

在本期商务英语播客课程中,我们将再次探讨制作 英文演讲 分为两部分的系列中的第一部分着重于问答 – 俗称Q&A.

这个听的是从Q&上一期结束演讲后的会议 – BEP 33. 它在Harper-Tolland的高级销售和市场营销人员会议期间举行, 全球特种钢生产商. 当我们开始, 尼克·费舍尔, 欧洲销售总监, 刚刚完成他的演讲.

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BEP 33 – 英文演讲: 关闭 & 总结

This lesson has been updated – 在这里查看改进的课程.

在今天的商务英语播客课程中, 我们将着眼于总结并总结您的 英文演讲.

就像我们之前提到的 BEP 101 (单击此链接收听播客), 强有力的介绍对让听众有倾听的理由很重要. 相似地, 一个强有力的结论对于给观众留下深刻的印象并给他们清楚的信息说明采取什么行动非常重要。.

So what structure should you use to close down an 英文介绍? 我们建议这种简单的格式:

1. 向听众明确表示您将要完成的信号.
2. 简要总结您的演讲要点.
3. State your recommendation or give your call to actionlet your audience know what you want them to do.
4. 通过感谢您的听众并邀请问题或讨论来结束.

在今天的聆听中,我们将探索这种格式. 聆听在Harper-Tolland进行, 全球主要的特殊用途钢生产商. 去年,Harper-Tolland推出了新产品线,但在欧洲的销售业绩令人失望. 尼古拉斯·菲舍尔, Harper-Tolland的新区域销售总监, 已被雇用来解决问题. 他只是在结束一个正在讨论他的提案的演示文稿.

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BEP 32 – 会议: 集思广益 & 讨论想法

New versions of this lesson are available here:
BEP 32 A – English for Discussing Solutions to a Problem (1)
BEP 32 B – English for Discussing Solutions to a Problem (2)

In this Business English Podcast lesson we take another look at the language used to suggest and discuss ideas in meetings and teleconferences. We’ll also provide further language for diplomatic disagreement and agreeing action points at the end of the meeting.

The teleconference is run by Jim as a type of meeting called a “Brainstorming” meeting, which is useful for gathering and openly discussing ideas as the format is more relaxed.

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BEP 24 – 电话会议: 使用外交语言

This lesson has been updated with new explanations, examples and practice.The new lessons are available here.

In this Business English Podcast we’re going to listen to a teleconference between the head office management of a US guitar manufacturer and the manager of their new Latin American plant.

Key language structures explained are: diplomatic language and using probing questions. We also introduce some useful English phrases for starting a teleconference meeting, interrupting and clarifying.

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BEP 20 – 会议: 支持你的位置 (部分 3)

A new version of this lesson is available here: BEP 20c – Presenting a Cohesive Argument

In the final episode of our three-part series on supporting your position in meetings, we look at language used to make your statements more persuasive.

Jack is going to summarize his proposal for the move to Costa Rica and hopes to get a final recommendation on the outsourcing project to present to the Board. He must persuade the managers to proceed, and answer the objections raised at the last meeting.

Key language: Making coherent, 有说服力的论点, and effective use of language to support your arguments.

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