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BEP 22c – 電話英語: 查詢

Business English for Telephoning BEP 22c - 查詢

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to make an enquiry on the 英文電話. Making an enquiry means that you want to ask a question, or questions, to get information.

Getting information over the telephone in English can be challenging! You need to be very clear about what you need, and sometimes you need to ask the other person for clarification when you can’t hear or don’t understand. If information isn’t correct, or if it’s misunderstood, there could be big trouble. So it’s important that you learn good ways of making telephone enquiries.

What do you actually do when you make an enquiry? 出色地, 開始, you will want to ask for information. That could simply mean telling the other person what you want to know more about. Sometimes you might also use an alternative choice question, likeis it A or is it B?” Giving limited options like that can help make things clear.

現在, what if you can’t hear the other person correctly? 出色地, you might have to use an expression likesorry, what did you say?” to get the other person to repeat himself. And sometimes a word or abbreviation might not be clear and you might have to spell it out, letter by letter. All of these are ways of making sure your enquiry and the information is clear.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear George, who works for a company called Airtronics. George’s company is writing a proposal to make radios for an aircraft company called Cyclops. George is talking to Simon at Cyclops Aircraft to get some information he needs for his proposal. The telephone connection isn’t always clear, which creates some difficulty in the call.


1. George asks Simon about “shipping,” or delivering the radios. What are the two choices George gives Simon about shipping?
2. At one point, George can’t hear what Simon says. How does George ask Simon to repeat himself?
3. Simon uses two words to make it clear to George that he means “XV.” What are the two words?

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BEP 21 乙 – 電話英語: 接受並留下信息


歡迎回到Business English Pod,以了解有關如何在廣告語言上留言的信息。 英文電話.

您可能曾經遇到過這種情況: 有人打電話給您的辦公室,想和不在那兒的人聊天. 所以你會怎麼做? 你留言, 當然. 但是你如何傳達信息?

出色地, 首先詢問呼叫者是否真的要留言. 然後,您將獲得一些信息, 像那個人想和誰說話以及他們想談論什麼. 也, 不要忘記獲取呼叫者的電話號碼,以便對方可以給他們回電. 最好與來電者聯繫,以確認您的信息正確無誤, 因為錯誤的消息可能會導致大問題.

但是,如果您是來電者並想留言,該怎麼辦? 出色地, 您可以簡單地問是否可以做到這一點. 然後,您將提供所有重要的詳細信息, 就像你想和誰說話, 您想跟他們談什麼, 和你的電話號碼. 這些是我們今天將要學習和接受的信息的技巧和語言.

在對話方塊中, 我們將重新加入克萊爾和內森之間的對話. 在我們的最後一課中, 我們聽到克萊爾在一家名為Airtronics的公司接電話. 內森(Nathan)是呼叫者. 他為獨眼巨人飛機公司(Cyclops Aircraft)工作,他正在打電話與一個叫George Kline的人談話. 但是喬治不在, 所以克萊爾必須要給他留言.


1. 內森(Nathan)為什麼要與喬治·克萊恩(George Kline)聯繫?
2. 克萊爾向內森重複了消息的哪一部分?
3. 通話即將結束, 克萊爾說她會立即嘗試做什麼?

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BEP 21 一個 – 用英語接聽電話

Business English for Telephone Calls

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to start a 用英語打電話.

On the telephone, you can’t use your smile or body language to communicate feelings or ideas. You’ve only got your voice! So it’s really important that you know what to say and how to say it at each step of the call. This is especially true of the start of the call. Whether you’re the caller or the receiver, you need to cover the basic information right away so you can move on and deal with the matter at hand.

所以, what are those basic things you need to cover at the start of a call? 出色地, that’s what we’ll learn about in this lesson. If you’re the receiver, you’re going to have to answer the call with a greeting and something to identify yourself and company. 在一個非常簡單的層面上, that might sound like “Good morning. This is Jane at City Contractors.” If you’re the caller, you’re also going to have to identify yourself before you ask to speak to someone. Once you’ve identified yourself, 接下來發生什麼事? 出色地, as the receiver, next you will want to connect the caller with the right person. But before you do that, or before you take a message if the person is not available, you want to find out why the person is calling. So you’ll ask about the purpose of the call.

在今天的對話中, we will learn how the call works from both sides. We’ll hear Claire, who works at a company called Airtronics. She’s answering the call. We’ll also hear Nathan, the caller, who works for Cyclops aircraft. Nathan is calling to talk to someone named George Kline in the contracts department.


1. What are the different parts of Claire’s first statement when she answers the phone?
2. How does Nathan ask to speak to George Kline?
3. How does Claire ask about the purpose of the call?

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商務英語課程 – BEP 69A: 用英語接聽電話

This is a free preview of a video lesson from our Business English Kickstart Course.

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商務英語課 著眼於回答的語言 英文電話. 通過電話交談已成為商務英語中極為重要的部分. 您需要能夠以專業的方式接聽電話,並僅憑自己的聲音就能為自己和公司樹立良好形象.

商務英語入門課程 涵蓋 3 會議主要商務英語技能, 演示和電話交談 20 適合中級英語講者的課程. The course is available on the Udemy platform which provides desktop and mobile access for Android and iOS devices.

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BEP 15c – 打電話: 尋求協助

BEP 15c - Asking for Help on the Telephone

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to ask for help on the 英文電話.

Asking someone for help with a problem is hard enough to begin with. But on the telephone it can be even more difficult! You can’t see the other person and how they are reacting, and they can’t see you. You can’t rely on a smile and friendly body language. So how can you get the help you need?

出色地, don’t worry. In this lesson we’ll look at some simple steps to making an effective call. If we’re talking to someone we know, it might start with a bit of friendly small talk about things like sports or the weather. That helps makes people feel relaxed and positive, which is important if you want to talk about a problem. After you’ve created a relaxed atmosphere, you can introduce the problem. You don’t want to just blurt out “I have a problem, please help me.” You need to do it gently, or carefully. At this point, the other person may ask some questions to clarify the situation. If they’re going to help you, they’ll need a clear idea of what you need.

下一個, you can suggest a solution or explain how the other person can help. 再次, you don’t want to just tell the person directly what they should do. You need to be friendly and polite so that the other person actually wants to help you. And hopefully the result of all this is that you have some agreement about what will happen next and who will do what. It’s a great idea to summarize this agreement near the end of the call just so both of you are perfectly clear. 所以, that sounds like a pretty good way to ask for help, doesn’t it?

We’ll hear all of these steps in today’s dialog between Eric and Brenda. Brenda works for a manufacturing company that buys parts from Eric’s company. She is calling because there is an important part that hasn’t been delivered. But Brenda doesn’t just want to complain about her problem. She needs to get Eric to agree to help her.


1. After introducing themselves, what do Eric and Brenda talk about first?
2. What solution does Brenda suggest for her problem?
3. What does Eric say he will do for Brenda to help solve her problem?

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商務英語課程 – Kickstart your Business English

Are you ready to kickstart your Business English? Do you need to use English in meetings, presentations or on the telephone? Do you want to communicate in English like a pro and get ahead in your career? Then check out our new Business English course: 商務英語入門課程

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Course Features

  • 20 lessons on meetings, 簡報 & 打電話
  • 超過 5 hours of video lessons
  • Downloadable PDF & MP3 for each lesson
  • Progress quiz for each lesson
  • Course completion certificate
  • Mobile access using the Udemy app for Android & 的iOS
  • Includes lifetime access to the course & 課程
  • Suitable for intermediate English learners (CEF B1-B2)

The Business English Kickstart course focuses on language and speaking techniques that you can put to use right away. You’ll improve your skills and confidence in three key areas: 會議, 簡報, and telephoning.

The course builds from the basics up to the more advanced skills and language you need in real-life business situations. And it’s about more than just vocabulary. You’ll learn the phrases, structures, techniques, and special expressions that will take your English ability to the next level.

Each lesson starts off with a realistic dialog. 下一個, 我們會逐步解釋對話中的內容,並揭示母語人士所使用的語言和技術. 在每堂課的最後,您將有機會自己練習語言和技術. 我們有很多很棒的話題, 許多不同的口音, and lots of real-life business situations to help keep you motivated and learning throughout the course.

What’s the end result? You’ll understand the language we use in business and why we use it.

Business English Pod has helped thousands of learners succeed since 2006. You too can benefit from our years of experience, learning to face common business situations with confidence and skill. So whether you need English for meetings, 電話會議, 簡報, or phone calls, look no further.

Listen, learn and practice. Enroll now and build better English skills for work and business.


We’re pleased to announce our new mobile iOS app 打電話英語 現在已在Apple App Store中發布: 下載


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學習 打電話英語:

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> 練習日常工作場所中使用的商務英語.
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BEP 261 – 打電話投訴 2

歡迎回到Business English Pod,今天的課程是關於抱怨和取得成果的課程 電話.

很少有人真正喜歡抱怨, 但是有時候你只需要. 有句老話說:“吱吱作響的車輪會沾上油脂,” which means that if you don’t complain, 您實際上不會解決任何問題. 因此,如果您為某項產品或服務付費而又不滿意, 通常最好讓公司知道.

我們可以通過電子郵件投訴, 但是電子郵件並不總是那麼強大. 我們需要用自己的聲音來傳達我們的想法, 情緒, 和認真. 我們可以親自投訴, 但這並不總是可能的. 所以在很多情況下, 我們需要通過電話投訴. 但這不是一件容易的事, 因此,今天我們將介紹一些可用於通過電話獲得結果的技術. 在本課中, 我們將拒絕提出建議的解決方案, 構成威脅, 並要求擔保. 我們還將學習確定後果並表達對解決方案的讚賞.

在對話方塊中, 我們將重新加入唐娜和邁克. 唐娜在富勒食品工作, 從邁克擔任客戶經理的公司購買水果. 唐娜一直抱怨交貨延遲和產品損壞. 邁克(Mike)試圖通過尋找問題的解決方案來使她高興.


1. Donna認為Mike與公司中的人討論該問題的想法?
2. 為什麼唐娜會提到她接到其他公司銷售代表的電話?
3. 如果交貨遲到,唐娜會提出什麼建議?

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BEP 260 – 打電話投訴 1

歡迎回到Business English Pod,今天的課程是關於抱怨 電話.

我們都知道對產品或服務不滿意會帶來沮喪? 並且因為問題不斷發生而使您感到沮喪? 在某一點, 我們必須停止只是向我們的朋友或同事抱怨,而直接向公司抱怨. 畢竟, 你為某事付出好錢, 而你想為此高興.

因此,您給公司打電話,然後嘗試通過電話處理問題. 這不是一件容易的事, 但是您可以學習一些技巧來使投訴更有效. 在今天的課程中, 我們將禮貌地解釋問題, 拒絕不好的藉口, 談論問題的影響. 我們還將學習如何參考以前有關該問題的討論以及如何尋求解決方案.

在對話方塊中, 我們會聽到唐娜, 在一家名為Fuller Foods的食品公司工作的人. 她在打電話給邁克, 一家水果公司的客戶經理. 唐娜(Donna)對自己獲得的服務感到不滿意,並想為此抱怨.


1. 邁克起初給這個問題有什麼藉口?
2. Donna抱怨的問題有什麼影響?
3. 對話結束時,唐娜會問邁克什麼重要的問題?

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