Search Results for: 工作面試

BEP 291 – 英語面試技巧 3: 目標與期望

BEP 291 - 工作面試英語 3: Career Goals and Expectations

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on talking about your goals and expectations in a job interview.

在一個 英文求職面試, you’ll surely have to answer questions about your experience and your background. And you’ll be trying to convince the interviewers that you’re the person they are looking for. But what are you looking for? And how does the job you’re applying for fit into your plans?

Your goals and expectations matter. Interviewers want to know that you’re the right fit for each other. So you should be prepared to talk about your plans and what you’re looking for. You should also be ready to talk about the industry, and about the company you’re hoping to work for.

Today we’ll learn some of the techniques and language you can use to talk about your goals and expectations in an 英語工作面試. We’ll look at how to answer a question about career goals, and to answer a negative question. We’ll also cover how to show knowledge about the industry and ask good questions about the company. 最後, we’ll look at how to give salary expectations and talk about your intangible priorities, which means what you’re looking for besides money and benefits.

在對話方塊中, we’ll rejoin Ryan, who’s interviewing for a job at a software company. He’s being interviewed by Sandra and Victor, who want to know about Ryan’s goals and expectations.


1. What is Ryan’s career goal?
2. What question does Ryan ask about the company?
3. What are Ryan’s salary expectations?

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BEP 290 – 英語面試技巧 2: 處理困難的問題

BEP 290 - 工作面試英語: Dealing with Difficult Questions

您好,歡迎回到商務英語播客. 我叫埃德溫, and I’ll be your host for today’s lesson on dealing with difficult questions in a job interview.

在一個 英語面試, even simple questions about your experience and background can be difficult to answer well. Even though you’ve done your preparation, you might feel nervous or uncomfortable. 接著, to make it even more challenging, the interviewer asks you a difficult question.

當然, everyone expects the question about a personal weakness. That’s one that you need to have a good answer for. But you might also get a range of other difficult questions that you can’t prepare for. And so you need to think on your feet and give the best answer you can.

Today we’ll look at some of the techniques and language for interview English you can use when faced with these difficult questions. We’ll learn how to answer hypothetical questions and leading questions. We’ll also cover softening language for talking about a weakness and stalling for time with a difficult question. 最後, we’ll look at how to explain how you’re different from other candidates and how to connect an idea back to an earlier idea.

在對話方塊中, we’ll rejoin Ryan, Sandra, and Victor. Ryan is interviewing for a job at a software company, while Sandra and Victor are giving him some difficult questions to deal with.


1. How does Ryan answer the question about what he “would” do in a certain situation?
2. How does Ryan describe his weakness?
3. What does Ryan think makes him different from other people?

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BEP 289 – 英語面試技巧 1: 談經驗

BEP 289 - 工作面試英語: 討論以前的經驗

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on talking about your work experience during a 英文求職面試.

一個 interview in english might just be one of the most stressful experiences in our working lives. 賭注很高, because there’s a job on the line. And it’s our one and only shot to show people why they should choose us over all the other applicants.

So how do you convince someone you’re the best candidate? 出色地, you need to answer their questions, 當然. But you also need to look behind the questions to see what the interviewer is trying to learn about you. And you need to take the questions as opportunities to impress.

幸好, there are techniques and language you can learn to help you make a great impression. You can highlight transferable learning from your previous experience. You can also highlight accomplishments and their impact as well as describing your personality. 最後, you can show why you want to work for the company. 在今天的課程中, we’ll learn how to use these techniques in a job interview.

在對話方塊中, you’ll hear Ryan, who’s 英語面試 for a job at a large software company. Two managers from the companySandra and Victorare asking questions about Ryan’s experience and personality.


1. What does Ryan say he learned at his previous job?
2. Ryan describes one of his accomplishments. What does he say was the impact of that accomplishment?
3. How does Ryan describe his own personality?

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BEP 282 – 求職面試英文詞彙 (2)

求職面試的英語搭配 2

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 英語搭配 您可以用來在 英語面試.

求職面試既是機遇也是挑戰. 面對 英語面試 有信心地需要一定的技能和語言. 在今天的課程中, 我們將聽到兩名受訪者展示了其中一些技能和語言. They’ll use chunks of natural language that we call “collocations” to talk about their abilities.

但是“搭配”到底是什麼?” Well it’s a combination of words that often go together. 而不是總是學習單個單詞, 您可以學習這些自然語言. Think about the noun “career.” Do you say “follow” a career “at” something? 沒有, we say “pursue a career in something.” That’s a collocation, 你應該自然地組合在一起學習這些單詞.

當您聆聽本課中的兩次不同採訪時, 嘗試挑選一些搭配,我們將在稍後的匯報中討論它們.

在第一次面試中, 我們將聽到Dale採訪Carla在一家保險公司從事會計工作. 戴爾正在向卡拉詢問她的弱點和職業計劃, 兩個常見的艱難面試問題. 在第二次面試中, 我們會聽到索非亞面試約瑟夫的管理工作. 她請約瑟夫談談他的人際關係和領導能力, 和他對個人發展的態度.


1. 卡拉在保險業的最終目標是什麼?
2. 約瑟夫說他與直接報導的關係?
3. 約瑟夫說什麼兩種品質可以幫助他擔任領導職務?

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BEP 281 – 求職面試英文詞彙 (1)


歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 英語搭配 您可以用來描述您的能力 英文求職面試.

求職面試是您在工作中遇到的最緊張和高壓的情況之一. 這麼高的賭注, 你不想留下任何機會. 因此,您可以預見會問到哪些問題,併計劃如何回答.

在本課中, 我們將聽到幾個受訪者如何回應典型 – 但具有挑戰性 – 英語面試題. 當他們回應時, the speakers use some useful expressions that we call “collocations.” Learning collocations is a great way to expand your active vocabulary and sound more natural and confident.

但是究竟是什麼搭配? 出色地, 搭配只是我們通常一起使用的一組單詞. It’s like a “chunk” of language that you can plug into a sentence. 例如, you might have heard the expression “to take an approach” to something. We always use that verb “take” with the noun “approach,” so you can remember them together. 搭配聽起來自然, 他們使語言學習變得高效, 因為您可以學習大量的語言而不是單個單詞.

當您聽兩個不同的採訪時, 嘗試挑選一些搭配,我們將在稍後的匯報中討論它們.

在第一次面試中, 我們將聽到戴爾採訪卡拉, 誰正在保險公司申請會計工作. 卡拉在談論她的經歷, 知識, 和成就. 在第二次面試中, 我們會聽到索非亞採訪約瑟夫. 約瑟夫正在他工作的公司申請管理職位. 他將談論他的工作方式和解決問題的能力.


1. 卡拉說她在保險領域有多少經驗?
2. 卡拉提到什麼特別的成就?
3. 約瑟夫怎麼說他減輕了部門壓力?

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技能 360 – 技術工作面試 (部分 2)

技術面試商務英語 2

歡迎回到 技能 360 對於今天關於如何在技術上取得成功的課程 英文求職面試.

一個 技術面試 聽起來像是一個非常可怕的前景. 面試官將測試您對技術概念的知識和理解, 以及你解決問題的能力. 您還需要向他們展示您的知識和想法. 這是一個相當高壓的情況, 在金融、工程或技術方面的工作很難跳過. 但沒有辦法解決, 所以你最好習慣這個想法. 上個星期, 我談到瞭如何回答你面臨的那些棘手的問題. 今天我想談談你在技術面試中可能會遇到的一些常見陷阱.

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技能 360 – 技術工作面試 (部分 1)

技術面試商務英語 1

歡迎回到 技能 360 對於今天關於如何處理技術問題的課程 英文求職面試.

無論你是金融, 工程, 技術, 或軟件設計, 您的求職可能涉及技術工作面試. 在一個 技術面試, 您必須做的不僅僅是回答有關您的背景和經驗的問題. 您已經表明您了解您所在領域的技術來龍去脈,並且頭腦敏銳. 你會通過解決技術問題和回答腦筋急轉彎來做到這一點.

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BEP 259 – 困難面試情況 2

歡迎回到Business English Pod,了解有關與 面試困難.

想像你正在面試, 回答有關您的經歷的問題. 事情似乎進展順利, 但是突然之間你說了自己不想的話. 也許您提到您在以前的工作中犯了一個大錯誤. 也許您對前雇主說了不好的話. 您看著面試官的臉看看她的反應, 你的心開始跳動.

這些不是異常情況. 我們都面對過他們. 如果你保持冷靜, 有一些好的恢復方法. 在今天的課程中, 我們將研究一些針對此類情況的有用技術. 我們將考慮承認過去的錯誤, 解釋失敗後我們所做的事情, 並強調我們從經驗中學到的東西. 我們還將著眼於否定性陳述,然後說一些消極的陳述.

今天我們將聽到兩個簡短的對話. 在第一, 我們將重新加入西蒙和夏琳. 西蒙正在面試一份銀行經理的工作. 在第二個對話框中, 我們會聽到薩拉和尼克. 薩拉正在面試一家大型零售連鎖店的買家職位.


1. 西蒙在上一份工作中犯了什麼錯誤?
2. 西蒙犯了個錯誤後做了什麼?
3. 薩拉認為她的前任雇主需要做得更好?

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BEP 258 – 困難面試情況 1

歡迎回到Business English Pod,參加今天的課程 工作面試情況 和問題.

我們都知道面試很緊張. 我們都知道減輕壓力的關鍵之一就是做好準備. 但是有時, 無論我們準備得多麼充分, 我們發現自己處境艱難. 也許我們被要求談論一個弱點, 也許我們不了解有關我們正在面試的公司的重要信息.

無論我們面臨什麼面試困難, 我們需要深呼吸, 保持冷靜, 並表現出信心. 幸好, 我們可以學習語言技巧來幫助我們在艱難的面試中取得成功. 在今天的課程中, 我們將看看顯示積極因素如何導致弱點, 我們如何嘗試改變弱點, 以及我們如何成為團隊合作者. 我們還將著眼於展示一般的行業知識並提出好的問題.

今天我們將聽到兩個簡短的對話. 在第一, 我們會聽到Sara採訪一家大型零售連鎖店的買方職位. 她正在接受尼克的採訪. 在第二個對話框中, 我們會聽到西蒙面試以擔任銀行經理的職位. 夏琳正在接受他的採訪.


1. 薩拉對她的固執給出什麼理由?
2. 薩拉做了什麼改變她的固執?
3. 西蒙說他對銀行業有什麼了解?

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