BEP 289 – 英語面試技巧 1: 談經驗

BEP 289 - 工作面試英語: 討論以前的經驗

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程,談論您在商務英語期間的工作經歷 英文求職面試.

一個 英語面試 可能只是我們工作生活中壓力最大的經歷之一. 賭注很高, 因為有一份工作正在等待中. 這是我們向人們展示為什麼他們應該選擇我們而不是所有其他申請人的唯一機會.

那你要如何讓別人相信你是最好的候選人? 出色地, 你需要回答他們的問題, 當然. 但你還要看看問題背後,看看面試官想了解你什麼. 你需要把這些問題當作給人留下深刻印象的機會.

幸好, 您可以學習一些技巧和語言來幫助您給人留下深刻的印象. You can highlight transferable learning from your previous experience. You can also highlight accomplishments and their impact as well as describing your personality. 最後, you can show why you want to work for the company. 在今天的課程中, we’ll learn how to use these techniques in a job interview.

在對話方塊中, you’ll hear Ryan, who’s 英語面試 for a job at a large software company. Two managers from the companySandra and Victorare asking questions about Ryan’s experience and personality.


1. What does Ryan say he learned at his previous job?
2. Ryan describes one of his accomplishments. What does he say was the impact of that accomplishment?
3. How does Ryan describe his own personality?

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