БЭП 69 B – Telephoning: Принимая сообщение

С возвращением в модуль Business English Pod. This is the second part of our look at answering the phone and taking a message. В этом уроке, we’ll focus on taking a message.

Сегодняшний урок также включен в нашу новую электронную книгу: Деловой английский для телефонии. Эта электронная книга охватывает основной язык для многих типов деловых звонков, в том числе с клиентами и жалобами, согласование и проверка заказов.

В нашем последнем уроке (БЭП 69 A – Answering a Call), we looked at answering a call effectively. We heard an example of poor telephone skills and started in on a dialog that demonstrated good telephone skills. Сегодня, we’re going to continue with that dialog and look at how to take a message. Have you ever missed a telephone message? Or have you received a message that didn’t contain the necessary information? If so, then you understand how important it is not just to take a message, but to do it right.

We’ll look at ways to ask someone to leave a message, information that should be included in a message, and how to offer help. You will also learn how to acknowledge, check back and confirm information that a caller gives you.

Сейчас, let’s rejoin Mark, who works for a company called Trivesco. He is calling a shipping company, Daneline, hoping to speak with someone named Sylvie Petersen. Sylvie is not there, so Mark has to leave a message with Amy, the receptionist.

Вопросы для прослушивания

1. How does the tone of Amy’s voice sound?
2. What information does Mark include in his message?
3. How does Amy make sure she has Mark’s phone number correct?

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