
925 英语课 27 – 使用问题询问详细信息

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在今天的 925 英文视频 课, 我们将学习如何用英语提问来询问细节.

如果每个人都能准确地告诉我们需要知道的事情,那就太好了. 但通常不会发生. 当我们想要详细信息时, 我们需要出去拿它. 这意味着向人们提问.

您可以通过简单的 yes 来确认信息 / 没有问题, 喜欢 “你们卖打印机吗?” 或者 “你是经理吗?” 但我想首先看看可以获得不同类型信息的问题, 不只是一个 “是的” 或者 “没有” 回答. 获取信息的最佳方法之一是提出 WH 问题. 我们有五个英语 WH 单词: WHO, 什么, 在哪里, 什么时候, 以及为什么. 您也可以使用 “如何,” 其中有一个 “w” 和 “H” 但不是按这个顺序.

925 英语 是一个过程 商务英语视频 初学者课程 (CEFR A2 级) 英语学习者. 和 925 您可以学习英语课程,以在工作和商务中使用商务英语表达.

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BEP 322 – 项目管理 7: 汇报用户测试

BEP 322 课程模块 - 项目管理英语 7: 汇报用户测试

欢迎回到 商务英语播客 今天的课程 项目管理英语 并在软件项目中汇报用户测试.

询问技术界的任何人,他们都会告诉您,用户测试是良好软件开发的关键. 实际上, 这不是真的, 因为关键实际上是良好的用户测试. 用户并不总是为您提供所需的确切信息. 否则他们可能无法为您提供所需的所有信息. 由于这些原因, 您需要能够出色地向用户汇报用户测试.

汇报基本上意味着谈论经验. 汇报有助于我们了解用户在使用该软件期间的想法和感受. 并从事软件开发, 这意味着我们可以进行必要的更改以改善体验.

有效地汇报用户测试可能需要您做几件事. 对于一个, 首先确定汇报的重点是一个好主意. 然后, 您可能需要将用户带回该关注区域. 大致了解体验, 您可能会要求整体印象. 并获得更多细节, 您可能会要求用户谈论软件使用过程. 在出现重要问题时也要承认是一个好主意.

在今天的对话中, 我们将听到一个名为Jill的软件开发人员向Carla汇报用户测试的情况, 一个办公室工作人员. 吉尔的公司, 光学技术, 一直在为Carla工作的物流公司开发新软件.


1. 吉尔说她想集中精力做什么?
2. 吉尔如何回应卡拉关于能够更新驾驶员身份的建议?
3. 当卡拉(Carla)提到路线改变颜色过早时,吉尔如何回应?

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BEP 280 – 销售英语 2: 了解客户需求

Business-English-Pod-280-Sales-Process 2

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on understanding your customer’s needs in the sales process.

As a salesperson, you can’t just walk up to a customer and start pitching your products. How do you know the customer actually needs your products? And why would the customer buy from you without knowing anything about you? 没有, the sales process doesn’t start with a pitch. It starts with making your initial approach and getting to know your customers, which is what we looked at in our last lesson.

So what come’s next? 出色地, once you’ve made your initial approach, you can move on to understanding the customer’s needs. And that’s what we’ll focus on in this lesson, because if you understand what the customer needs, then you can offer them the right solutions.

What are the techniques we can use to learn about a customer’s needs? 出色地, today we’ll cover several, including how to ask direct questions, present alternatives, and ask about priorities. We’ll also look at proposing the next step and asking about buying authority. 一旦你完成了这些事情, you can move on confidently to matching your solutions to their needs.

在今天的对话中, we’ll rejoin Aaron, a salesperson with a commercial refrigeration company. He’s talking to a couple of potential customers at a new hotel: 伊娃, the hotel manager, and Robin, the head chef. Eva and Robin have just given Aaron a tour of the hotel’s restaurant, 酒吧, and café. Aaron has learned a bit about their plans and now he wants to know more about their specific needs.


1. Which area of the hotel does Aaron present an alternative option for?
2. What are Eva and Robin’s two major priorities?
3. What does Aaron say he is going to do next?

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BEP 279 – 销售英语 1: 制定你的方法

BEP 279 - Business English for the Sales Process 1

欢迎回到今天的商务英语播客 商务英语课 on making your initial sales approach.

Sales is right at the core of business. It’s how you connect people with products, and turn products into profits. But most sales aren’t made with a single conversation. There’s a process involved. This process involves many different steps, and at each step, a good salesperson has to use their skills to keep the process moving forward.

在本课中, we’ll focus on the initial step of the sales process: making the approach. This is when you talk to the potential customer for the first time. You want to establish a good rapport and ask some questions to start learning about their needs. We’ll learn how to compliment a prospect and ask open-ended questions. We’ll also cover how to show interest to get more information, show that you’ve done some background research, and reference other business connections. 具备这些技能, you can get off to a good start with your prospect.

在今天的对话中, we’ll hear a salesperson named Aaron, who works for a company that sells refrigeration and cooling equipment. Aaron is visiting a new hotel in Thailand and talking with Eva, the hotel’s manager and Robin, the head chef. He has arranged to visit the hotel and hopes to start building a relationship and finding out about their needs.


1. How does Aaron compliment his prospective customers?
2. What does Aaron show interest in to get more information?
3. What business connection do Aaron, Robin, and Eva have in common?

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BEP 24c – 外交英语 (部分 2)

欢迎回到 商务英语播客 for today’s lesson on using diplomatic, 或间接, 语言.

What do I mean by 外交辞令? 出色地, 想像您正在开会,但您不同意某人. Is it okay to sayI disagree with you?” 出色地, 也许在某些情况下. 但是通常我们需要减少直接性. 例如, you could sayI’m not so sure I agree with that.Usingnot so suremakes it softer, 或更多外交.

当我们谈论问题时,这种语言真的很重要, 对? 我们可以用谨慎的语言淡化问题. What isdownplay?” That means to make a problem seem less serious. 例如, 也许您的同事担心计算机问题. You could downplay the problem by sayingthere’s no reason to think it will happen again.You didn’t say there isn’t a problem, 对? 你只是让它看起来不太严重.

所以, 你今天会学什么样的语言? 出色地, 您将学习如何谨慎地分歧以及如何引导人们提出关键思想. 您还将学习如何礼貌地打扰, 淡化问题, 并突出重点.

在对话框中, 你会听到一个 电话会议 在一家吉他公司工作的四个经理之间. 在上一课中, 我们听到杰克在工厂里认真谈论一个问题. 一些工人生病了, 其他经理则担心,因为工人向政府抱怨. 现在那些经理想知道更多关于工厂可能发生的事情.


1. 杰克认为其他人都在夸大其词, 或夸大其词, 问题. 他告诉他们这个之前他怎么说?
2. 丹在讲话时打断杰克. Dan如何做到这一点? 他说什么?
3. 据杰克说, 这些是新问题吗?

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