BEP 311 – 电话业务 1: 讨论生产问题

BEP 311 - 电话商务英语 1: 生产问题

欢迎回到Business English Pod,参加今天的课程,讨论生产问题 在通电话.

在当今的经济中, 似乎我们大部分的沟通距离很远. 只需考虑一下您花在手机或电子邮件上的时间是多少. 当然, 这并不奇怪: 从簿记到制造的一切都可以远程完成.

这意味着我们最终要面对一些非常棘手的挑战,而又无法直视他人. 如果您从事制造业, 可能包括生产问题. 因此,如果您是负责监督制作的人,则必须通过电话解释问题, 你该怎么做?

您可能要做的第一件事就是说明情况, 像测试结果一样. 就像任何问题一样, 你想保持积极, 或对解决方案持乐观态度. 当然, 什么使您值得薪水支票是如何处理问题. 这可能涉及解释原因, 表明您已采取措施应对情况, 并描述接下来要做什么. 和, 尽管今天的课程重点关注生产问题, 您可以使用这些技术通过电话处理几乎所有问题.

在今天的对话中, 我们会听到Cam和Dave, 在一家名为Boston Vintage的服装公司工作的人. 该公司最近已转移海外工厂, Dave正在报告新工厂的测试结果. 如你所见, 事情还没有顺利进行. 和戴夫 – 谁在中国 – 必须用Cam通过电话讨论问题, 谁回到了美国.


1. 戴夫怎么说,以介绍生产中存在一些问题?
2. 戴夫说的是问题的根本原因?
3. Dave处理这些问题的下一步是什么?

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BEP 23c – 电话英语: 采取行动

BEP23c Telephone English - 采取行动 - 课程模块

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to get action over the 英文电话.

Being productive at work means getting stuff done. And sometimes to get our own work done, we need other people to get things done. So when you need action from someone, what’s the best or quickest way to get it? 出色地, often we just pick up the phone and call the person.

那你怎么说? Is it okay to just come out and say “hey, do this” or “hi, do that?” Not really. You need to be firm and direct, but not that firm and direct. You might need to emphasize how important the issue is. 下一个, you might lead into the main issue before you actually talk about what you want or need done.

但这还不是全部! If you want action, you want to make absolutely sure you’re going to get it. That’s why you might ask for a guarantee, which is like a promise from the other person. 最后, just to be 100% sure, you should finish off by confirming the action. 通过这种方式, you’re not being too direct or bossy, but you’re still firmly doing more than just making a polite request.

在今天的对话中, we’ll hear Nathan, who works for an aircraft company called Cyclops. Nathan is calling George at a company called Airtronics. Nathan is calling because he wants to get action on a proposal from George. 进一步来说, he wants to make sure George is going to submit the proposal to Cyclops today.


1. Why does Nathan think it’s important for George to submit a proposal today?
2. What important question does Nathan ask that relates to whether George can complete his proposal?
3. Near the end of the conversation, Nathan asks George to do something just to confirm that the proposal is being sent. What does he ask George to do?

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BEP 22c – 电话英语: 查询

Business English for Telephoning BEP 22c - 查询

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to make an enquiry on the 英文电话. Making an enquiry means that you want to ask a question, or questions, to get information.

Getting information over the telephone in English can be challenging! You need to be very clear about what you need, and sometimes you need to ask the other person for clarification when you can’t hear or don’t understand. If information isn’t correct, or if it’s misunderstood, there could be big trouble. So it’s important that you learn good ways of making telephone enquiries.

What do you actually do when you make an enquiry? 出色地, 开始, you will want to ask for information. That could simply mean telling the other person what you want to know more about. Sometimes you might also use an alternative choice question, 喜欢 “is it A or is it B?” Giving limited options like that can help make things clear.

现在, what if you can’t hear the other person correctly? 出色地, you might have to use an expression likesorry, what did you say?” to get the other person to repeat himself. And sometimes a word or abbreviation might not be clear and you might have to spell it out, letter by letter. All of these are ways of making sure your enquiry and the information is clear.

在今天的对话中, we’ll hear George, who works for a company called Airtronics. George’s company is writing a proposal to make radios for an aircraft company called Cyclops. George is talking to Simon at Cyclops Aircraft to get some information he needs for his proposal. The telephone connection isn’t always clear, which creates some difficulty in the call.


1. George asks Simon about “shipping,” or delivering the radios. What are the two choices George gives Simon about shipping?
2. At one point, George can’t hear what Simon says. How does George ask Simon to repeat himself?
3. Simon uses two words to make it clear to George that he means “XV.” What are the two words?

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BEP 21 乙 – 电话英语: 接受并留下信息


欢迎回到Business English Pod,以了解有关如何在广告语言上留言的信息。 英文电话.

您可能曾经遇到过这种情况: 有人打电话给您的办公室,想和不在那儿的人聊天. 所以你会怎么做? 你留言, 当然. 但是你如何传达信息?

出色地, 首先询问呼叫者是否真的要留言. 然后,您将获得一些信息, 像那个人想和谁说话以及他们想谈论什么. 也, 不要忘记获取呼叫者的电话号码,以便对方可以给他们回电. 最好与来电者联系,以确认您的信息正确无误, 因为错误的消息可能会导致大问题.

但是,如果您是来电者并想留言,该怎么办? 出色地, 您可以简单地问是否可以做到这一点. 然后,您将提供所有重要的详细信息, 就像你想和谁说话, 您想跟他们谈什么, 和你的电话号码. 这些是我们今天将要学习和接受的信息的技巧和语言.

在对话框中, 我们将重新加入克莱尔和内森之间的对话. 在上一课中, 我们听到克莱尔在一家名为Airtronics的公司接电话. 内森(Nathan)是呼叫者. 他为独眼巨人飞机公司(Cyclops Aircraft)工作,并打电话与一个叫乔治·克莱恩(George Kline)的人谈话. 但是乔治不在, 所以克莱尔必须要给他留言.


1. 内森(Nathan)为什么要与乔治·克莱恩(George Kline)联系?
2. 克莱尔向内森重复了消息的哪一部分?
3. 通话即将结束, 克莱尔说她会立即尝试做什么?

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BEP 21 A – 用英语接听电话

Business English for Telephone Calls

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to start a 用英语打电话.

On the telephone, you can’t use your smile or body language to communicate feelings or ideas. You’ve only got your voice! So it’s really important that you know what to say and how to say it at each step of the call. This is especially true of the start of the call. Whether you’re the caller or the receiver, you need to cover the basic information right away so you can move on and deal with the matter at hand.

所以, what are those basic things you need to cover at the start of a call? 出色地, that’s what we’ll learn about in this lesson. If you’re the receiver, you’re going to have to answer the call with a greeting and something to identify yourself and company. 在一个非常简单的层面上, that might sound like “Good morning. This is Jane at City Contractors.” If you’re the caller, you’re also going to have to identify yourself before you ask to speak to someone. Once you’ve identified yourself, 接下来发生什么? 出色地, as the receiver, next you will want to connect the caller with the right person. But before you do that, or before you take a message if the person is not available, you want to find out why the person is calling. So you’ll ask about the purpose of the call.

在今天的对话中, we will learn how the call works from both sides. We’ll hear Claire, who works at a company called Airtronics. She’s answering the call. We’ll also hear Nathan, the caller, who works for Cyclops aircraft. Nathan is calling to talk to someone named George Kline in the contracts department.


1. What are the different parts of Claire’s first statement when she answers the phone?
2. How does Nathan ask to speak to George Kline?
3. How does Claire ask about the purpose of the call?

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