技能 360 – 英语的正式程度 (部分 1)

技能 360 - 英语的正式程度 (1)

Welcome back to 商务英语技能 360 对于今天的课程水平 英语口语的形式.

想象一下你正在找工作, 你在一家大公司面试. 你走进面试室,对面试官说: “嘿, 怎么样了?” Believe me, 这是一个不好的第一印象.

或者如果你去酒吧见一位老朋友,当你看到他时伸出手说“晚上好, 你怎么做?” Chances are your friend is going to ask you whether you’re feeling okay.

在这两种情况下, 问题是您使用了错误的形式或注册级别. 你根本不能使用相同的表达方式, 字, 和各种情况下的习语. 你需要衡量情况并相应地调整你的说话方式.

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技能 360 – 用英语清楚地沟通 (2)

技能 360 - 英语交流 2

Welcome back to 商务英语技能 360 for today’s lesson on how to 英文沟通清晰..

有时候您想用自己的语言能力打动人. 但是实际上还有更多情况需要相反的方法 – 您不想冒险使人困惑的情况, 所以你要确保自己 沟通清晰.

在我们的 最后一课, 我谈到了清晰的发音和单词选择. 今天我要看清楚的句子和整理您的信息.

说到句子, 拍摄简单而简短. 与其将一堆想法拼成一个长句子, 分成几个短的. Use simple words like “but” and “so” instead of words like “nevertheless” and “consequently.”

还有其他事情可能会使我们的句子更加混乱: 我们用来外交的软化单词和短语, 有礼貌, 或小心. 当情况需要时,这些表达可能非常重要. 但并非所有情况或听众都需要这种外交. 我们也有一些非常令人困惑的英语提问方式. 如果您想弄清楚, 你应该避免这些. 其中包括标签问题, 例如“您很忙, 你不是吗?” And negative questions, 就像“你不读我的报告?”

我最后要谈的是我们如何构造消息. 我的意思是更长的消息, 像一套指令之类的. 首先, 明确目的是一件好事. 告诉别人你要告诉他们什么. That’s exactly what I did when I said “the last thing I want to talk about is how we structure our messages.” You see, when you heard that, you knew exactly what I was going to talk about next.

第二, it’s a good idea to use words like “secondly.” We call this “signposting.” Signposting is basically giving clear structure and logic to what you’re saying. That means introducing things clearly. It means outlining, using words like “first, 第二, third” and “last.” But it also means being clear about how your ideas fit together. 路标使人们更容易遵循您的要求, 并记住它!

最后, 总结您的发言是一个好主意. 回顾一下就足够了. And you can introduce your summary using signposting expressions like “to sum up” or “what I’ve been trying to say is.”

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技能 360 – 用英语清楚地沟通 (1)

技能 360 课 - 用英语清楚地沟通 1

Welcome back to 商务英语技能 360 for today’s lesson on 英文沟通清晰.

您知道吗,目前大多数英语对话都是在两个非母语人士之间进行的? 在马来西亚有德国人经商, 和一个俄罗斯人和一个韩国人通电话, 和一个巴西访问西班牙. 他们最有可能使用 英文沟通 彼此.

但是英语不是一种简单的语言. 一件事, 比其他语言有更多的单词和成语. 对于另一件事, 英语有很多不同的品种. 因此,您在新加坡,迈阿密或伦敦听到的英语听起来会完全不同. 鉴于这种情况 – 世界各地的人们在不同层次上使用一种难懂的语言 – 能够清晰地交流非常重要.

让我们从发音开始. Of course, 并非每个人都会, 还是应该, 说完全一样. 完美的发音不存在, 因为有很多不同的口音. 所以说清楚,与其说发音,不如说发音. 发出声音只是意味着清楚而仔细地发出声音.

影响发音的其他两件事是速度和音量. 当我们不舒服或紧张时, 我们往往会加快速度,说话更加轻柔. 但是快速安静地讲话会损害我们的发音. Instead, 放慢一点,大声一点. 这将使您的讲话更加清晰.

清晰度也受我们选择的词语的影响. 重要的是要保持简单. 当您通过电话给别人指示时, 或在演示中提出要点, 现在不是时候用您的词汇打动人. 坚持人们会理解的表达方式. 这意味着您应该避免使用过多的语和成语。.

说到单词选择, 还有另一件事要小心: 缩略语. You might use “TBH” quite often, but not everyone knows that it means “to be honest.” You don’t have to use these abbreviations to get your point across. 而且你可能很困惑 – 沮丧 – 当人们使用其工作范围中常见但不是常识的缩写时.

如我们所见, 英文沟通清晰 可能意味着我们必须适应我们所说的内容和怎么说, 取决于观众. 大胆说清楚总是一个好主意. 如果您要确保每个人都能理解, 用简单明了的话是明智的, 同时避免语, 成语, 和缩写.

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技能 360 – 领导小组决策会议 (2)

技能 360 课 - Facilitating a Meeting to Make a Decision 2

Welcome back to 商务英语技能 360 for today’s lesson on how to lead a group meeting to make a decision.

If you’re leading a group meeting to make a decision, you should expect a few obstacles along the way.

For one, people can get a bit personal and attack the person, as opposed to the idea. Call people out for personal attacks, and keep the discussion focused on ideas, not personality conflict. This is part of your role as the meeting facilitator. You’re supposed to encourage people to listen, prevent interruption, and generally make sure people feel respected and heard. As soon as people feel attacked personally, they’ll shut up.

Another thing you need to shut down is any off topic conversation. People do this without even realizing it. They hear something, it reminds them of something else, they start talking about it and soon enough the conversation has gone way off topic. Your job is to steer the conversation back. For people who love to hear themselves talk and go on and on, find an appropriate moment to jump in and provide a summary of their idea.

Another obstacle in a decision-making meeting is what we call “groupthink.” Groupthink is when people just follow along with the ideas being discussed, without thinking for themselves. To deal with groupthink, encourage creative thinking from the get-go. One thing you might try is having people write down their ideas individually before sharing them with the group. After having people write down their own ideas, go around the table and give each person a chance to speak. The more you leave it to the really vocal people, the more susceptible the meeting will be to groupthink.

Besides groupthink, another obstacle you may face is time. So watch the time carefully. And when you’re down to 25%, remind people. Don’t be afraid to push them a bit. In most cases, people are more willing to compromise than to drag an issue out longer than necessary. But if the group really can’t come to a good decision, or if people really can’t agree, or if there’s just more information needed, then consider other options. For one, you might table the decision. A delayed decision is often better than a bad decision. 要么, you might assign a smaller group to make the decision.

Regardless, what you’re shooting for is the best possible decision. And as we’ve discussed, there are many possible obstacles to making a good decision within the time you’ve got. But if you play it right, if you manage the people well, and if you encourage good ideas, and new ideas, you should be able to come to a good group decision.

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技能 360 – 领导小组决策会议 (1)

商务英语技能 360 课 - Leading a Group Decision 1

Welcome back to 商务英语技能 360 for today’s lesson on Business English communication skills for leading a group to a decision.

In fact, it might be better to say we’re talking about how to lead groups to good decisions. After all, any meeting chairperson can push for a quick decision, or call a vote before matters have been fully discussed. But that’s not the kind of leadership I’m talking about. And that doesn’t necessarily produce good decisions. A good decision is one that people buy into, and one that has a strong rationale behind it.

So how can we go about leading a group to a decision? Well, right at the start of the meeting, you need to set the stage for a good discussion, and a good decision. Firstly, you need to be very clear about the purpose. If you’re meeting to make a decision, make sure everyone knows it.

It’s also a good idea to have a decision-making process for the meeting. And that process typically goes like this: start with information-sharing, then run through or brainstorm different options, then evaluate those options through discussion, and finally make a decision. Notice that generating ideas and evaluating ideas are separate steps. That helps prevent people feeling criticized or getting defensive.

Within this process, leading group decisions is all about facilitating good discussion. And the magic of good facilitation is making everyone in the room feel listened to and emotionally validated. Overall, you need to make sure that everyone has had a chance to speak and express themselves. Sometimes this means calling on people directly. Or it might simply mean staying attuned to how those weaker voices attempt to join the discussion.

By being clear about purpose upfront, following a basic decision-making process, and using your meetings English and facilitation skills, you can come to a good decision. And remember, a good decision is one that people buy into and that has a good rationale to support it.

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