BEP 154 – 管理英語: 激勵團隊 (2)

管理英語 - 激勵團隊 2

這是兩部分中的第二部分 商務英語播客 系列上 激勵您的團隊.

您可以使用許多策略來激勵人們. 一種方法是獎勵他們. 這種獎勵可能是情感上的, 例如對工作出色的表彰或表揚. 要么, 可以更具體, 像是現金紅利或獎品.

在本課中, 我們將通過獎勵來考察動力. 我們將討論如何感謝您的團隊的努力並給予表揚. 我們還將研究如何引入挑戰, 友好競爭, 和激勵措施. 最後, 我們將討論完成會議的一些方法,以使您的團隊為接下來的工作充滿活力.

上次, 我們聽了喬, 度假村銷售部經理, 經過一輪裁員激勵他的團隊. 今天, 一個月後,我們將回到喬的團隊. 自從第一次會面以來,他們取得了良好的進步,喬希望保持員工的積極性,以便他們繼續取得成功.


1. 團隊為什麼對尼克感到滿意?
2. 銷售競賽的一等獎是什麼?
3. 黛博拉對挑戰有何看法?

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BEP 153 – 管理英語: 激勵團隊 (1)

管理英語 - 激勵團隊 1

這是兩部分中的第一部分 商務英語 關於激勵您的團隊的Pod系列.

激勵是業務中的重要力量. 成就的大部分源於團隊的動力. 當員工對項目充滿活力時, 他們更有可能貢獻思想並為成功而努力. 但是如果他們沒有動力, 他們的承諾 – 和成功的機會 – 減少.

有時, 動力很難實現. 經濟不景氣或裁員等情況可能會破壞員工士氣, 或樂觀. 員工可能會感到失敗, 不確定他們的未來, 對未來的工作一點都不興奮.

在本課中, 我們將研究一些激勵您的團隊的方法. 我們將討論如何識別可能阻礙團隊前進的障礙. 我們將介紹傳達熱情並讓人們感到受重視的方法. 我們將討論團隊成員如何為 討論和頭腦風暴.

今天我們要聽喬, 度假村的經理, 嘗試激勵他的銷售團隊. 該部門已大幅縮減,士氣低落. 仍然, 他們有重要的工作要做.


1. 為什麼喬說團隊現在看起來不一樣?
2. 卡爾建議什麼主意?
3. 尼克的想法是什麼?

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BEP 150 – 在多元文化團隊中工作 (部分 2)

This is the the second of a two-part Business English Pod series on working in multicultural teams.

這些日子, working with people from different cultures is quite common. You might be meeting with colleagues in another country or on another continent. Business practices vary all over the world. Some cultures are more formal than others. Some have distinct customs regarding greetings, gender roles, and food. So it’s helpful to know as much as possible about other business cultures before you meet your team.

But even if you’ve done your research carefully, problems can still arise, especially in face-to-face meetings. There can be miscommunications, points that need clarification, and different ideas of what’s acceptable in a business environment.

今天, we’ll look at issues like slang and idioms, concepts of time, forms of address, and misunderstandings due to culture. We’ll also discuss opening interactions and explaining different business customs.

在最後一集中, we met Cao Ming a U.S.-based manager at a multinational company. Originally from China, Ming has worked in New York for many years and is now headed to Brazil where he’ll lead a research team. He did some background reading and discussed Brazilian culture with a colleague before he left. 現在, he’s heading his first meeting with his new Brazilian team.


1. What are two idioms Ming needs to explain?
2. What suggestion does Carla make at the beginning of the meeting?
3. Why does Felipe mispronounce Ming’s name?

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BEP 149 – 在多元文化團隊中工作 (部分 1)

This is the first in a two-part Business English Pod series on working in multicultural teams.

在現今世界裡, it’s common to work with people from different cultures. And since effective business depends on clear communication, it’s important to consider different aspects of culture. Your colleagues may do business differently than you do. 所以, knowing more about intercultural communication can help your work go more smoothly and avoid any misunderstandings.

在這一集, we’ll go over some points to consider for working in a multicultural team. We’ll look at general business culture, specific business customs, levels of formality, and local cultural awareness. And since food is often served in business settings, we’ll talk about that, too.

We’ll be listening to, a manager at a biotechnology company based in the United States. Although Ming is originally from China, he has worked for many years at the head office in New York and is now heading to Brazil to manage a team of international researchers. 在這一集, Ming is preparing for his trip by talking to a colleague, Tanya, who lived and worked in Brazil for 3 年份.


1. What has Ming heard about Curitiba?
2. What does Tanya say about relationships in Brazil?
3. What honorary title does Ming ask about?

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BEP 95 – 溝通: 解決衝突 (2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Podcast lesson on resolving conflict, in which we’ve been focusing on solving everyday disagreements in the office. Ben, a new training specialist at a manufacturing company, feels that he is doing an unfair share (那是, too much) of the work in his department. Gerry, Ben’s manager, talks with him to solve the problem.

In the first episode, we studied how Gerry opened the discussion in an informal, non-threatening way, and we looked at how he listened actively to Ben to win his trust.

在這一集, we’ll pay attention to how Gerry and Ben work together to come up with a solution. 尤其, we’ll focus on how they state common goals, raise concerns, and agree action.

Where we left off last time, Gerry had just asked a question to resolve the conflict: Gerry wants to know what Ben would suggest doing to fix the situation.


1) What solution does Ben propose?
2) In which area does Ben feel he could make a real contribution?
3) What action do Ben and Gerry agree on?

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