技能 360 – 外交和直接語言

在這個 商務英語技能 360 一課,我們來看看在危機中使用的語言. 在上兩課中 (BEP 179BEP 180), 我們聽了一個處理嚴重危機的團隊: 工廠發生事故. 您可能已經註意到有些人對他們使用的單詞非常謹慎.

危機是一個敏感的情況. 情緒高漲,人們處於邊緣. 如果您做錯了話或說錯話,就有可能發生衝突. 與此同時, 時鐘在滴答作響,您可能沒有時間去處理每個人的感受. 由於這些原因, 你在外交和直接之間有很好的平衡.

所以, 什麼時候應該外交,什麼時候應該直接? 出色地, 您需要評估情況並確定最佳方案. 外交語言可以保護人們的感情. 它還可以避免衝突並建立信任. 這些在危機中都可能非常重要, 當每個人都需要製定計劃時. 另一方面, 直接語言可以顯示出緊迫感和嚴肅感, 它可以防止混亂. 這些在衝突中也很重要, 當事情必須迅速發生而誤解是沒有選擇的時候. 記住要當好危機經理, 您需要根據情況調整風格和策略.

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BEP 180 – 處理危機 2: 制定策略

在本商務英語Pod課程中, 我們將看到在處理危機時制定戰略和計劃的重要性.

任何危機都是對企業實力的考驗. 更加具體, 這是對商界人士的考驗. 沒有什麼比危機更能告訴我們誰能承受壓力,誰會崩潰. 您的企業能否順利度過危機? Do you have people with the right leadership skills and decision-making abilities to handle the crisis successfully? Let’s see how our team handles things.

Our last episode was about taking control in a crisis. We heard Sandy and Mike report a factory accident to their boss Frank. Frank handled that early part of the crisis well. He calmed his employees down, gave them clear orders, and reassured them.

今天, we’ll see how they develop a strategy to handle the crisis. Mike has been instructed to call the company’s VP of Communications in Singapore. Her name is Monika Jing, and she’ll show some clear thinking in assessing the problem and making a plan going forward.


1. Who has Mike talked to about the incident?
2. What does Mike say could happen if the situation is really bad?
3. What does Monika want Mike to do while she contacts other people?

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BEP 179 – 處理危機 1: 控制

This is the first in a series of Business English lessons on handling a crisis.

Imagine this: it’s four o’clock in the morning and you’re sound asleep. 電話響了. It’s one of your managers. There’s been a terrible accident! 你是做什麼? 你說什麼?

At some point in your career, you will have to deal with a major crisis. It could be a labor strike or an environmental disaster. And there are minor crises, like missing an important delivery or running out of paper, that can happen every day. These events can certainly do damage, but how much? That depends on how you deal with them.

Good crisis management is the key. Your success and reputation depend on it. 那麼在這節課中, we’ll look at what happens when a crisis breaks, or begins. This is all about “Taking Control in a Crisis.” We’ll cover some useful techniques and language to deal effectively with that early morning phone call about an accident.

We’ll hear Sandy and Mike, who work at a factory in China that has just had an accident. Sandy is the plant manager, while Mike is the lead production engineer. A pipe has burst, releasing gas and injuring two workers. Now Sandy and Mike are calling their boss, Frank Menzies, in the U.S. Let’s listen as Sandy and Mike deliver the bad news and Frank takes control of the crisis.


1. Why isn’t Mike on the call at the beginning?
2. What information about the incident does Frank want to know?
3. What does Frank instruct Mike to do at the end?

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BEP 17c – 提出論點 (2)

This is the second of a two-part Business English Pod series on presenting an argument.

This podcast is one of the most popular as voted by you, 聽眾. And to celebrate our 4th anniversary, we’re giving it another go by updating the examples and explanations. We hope you enjoy it!

When you’re presenting an argument, it’s important to back up what you’re saying. You need to have relevant facts and examples at your fingertips and think ahead to what your opponents might say. It’s also helpful to know how to talk in broad terms and give your argument some contrast. 最後, it’s good to know how to conclude your argument in a clear, concise way.

在本課中, we’ll explore these points in detail. We’ll talk about ways to give powerful examples. We’ll also look at language for making contrasting points and generalizations. 和, we’ll show you how to finish up your argument, either formally or informally.

上次, we met Jack and Dan, who work for an American guitar manufacturer. Jack thinks moving production to Costa Rica would be a good financial move for the company. But Dan isn’t so sure.


1. Why are shipping costs increasing? Give one example.
2. Why does Dan think that moving production to Costa Rica would be more expensive?
3. What is happening to the company’s market share?

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BEP 17c – 用英語提出論點 (1)

這是我們成立 4 週年,慶祝, 我們將帶回您投票選出的最受歡迎的播客之一, 聽眾. 我們更新了示例和解釋, 我們希望你會喜歡這個新版本.

當你在爭論時, 你試圖讓別人看到你的觀點. 去做這個, 你需要提出你的論點 – 它是支持細節 – 以清晰有序的方式. 否則, 你的聽眾很難理解你的論點或支持你.

今天, 我們將研究提出初步建議並開始有組織的爭論的方法. 然後, 我們將討論如何排列你的論點, 如何添加新點, 以及如何強調要點,以便它們對您的聽眾產生更大的影響.

這是我們對話的場景. 吉姆, 和, 和傑克為一家美國吉他製造商工作. 傑克認為該公司應該在哥斯達黎加建一座新工廠,以節省生產成本. 讓我們聽聽他如何組織和支持他的論點.


1. 傑克的建議是什麼?
2. 據傑克說, 為什麼公司虧損?
3. 傑克如何解釋人工成本比原材料貴?

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