BEP 181 – 處理危機 3: 獲得觀點

這是我們的第三 商務英語播客 處理危機系列. 在危機的第一部分, 可能會有很多混亂和活動. 但是如果你通過那部分就可以了, 接下來是什麼?

在關鍵階段之後的某個時刻, 人們將聚在一起重新評估情況. 團隊合作很重要. 人們需要共同努力以應對危機. 如果沒有, 如果他們不同意並嘗試朝不同的方向前進, 這對公司不利. 團結是絕對必要的. 需要良好的領導才能儘早建立這種團結, 但是要保持良好的團隊合作精神.

在我們的最後一課中, 我們聽到生產工程師Mike與新加坡通信副總裁交談, 莫妮卡. 她從邁克那裡獲得了有關事故的一些信息,並製定了溝通計劃. 那仍然是危機的關鍵階段.

在這一集, 在關鍵階段之後,我們將聽電話會議. 現在該考慮發生了什麼並重新評估情況. 我們會聽到邁克和莫妮卡, 以及美國老闆弗蘭克(Frank), 桑迪工廠經理, 還有一個叫西蒙妮的律師. 讓他們傾聽他們對危機的看法並弄清他們到目前為止如何處理局勢.


1. Why does Mike say “sorry” to Simone?
2. Monika想在討論中重點關注什麼?
3. 桑迪對西蒙妮的擔憂有何看法?

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4 關於「BEP」的思考 181 – 處理危機 3: 獲得觀點”

  1. This lesson is even useful to native speakers who are working in business! We could all use a little crisis management help from time to time! Thanks for another good lesson.

  2. Really useful for business professionals or business students needing to practise their English. Great examples!

  3. I have found this lesson very difficult in a sense. I mean the words are simple and sentences are also straight forward. However it is very hard for me to follow the flow of the logic.
    尤其, I have no idea what Monica meant when she saidI don’t think this is the right time to be pointing fingers.
    If I heard this phrase in this situation, I would imagine that Mike is accusing Monica or somebody else on the causes of the incident or messes of the aftermath. But I can hardly hear that Mike is doing something like that. Mike simply tried to clarify what Monica meant, in my view. Hence I cannot see any basis for Monica’s accusation. Who and what exactly does Monica believe


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