أفضل الممارسات البيئية 299 – الإنجليزية للمبيعات 6: متابعة ما بعد البيع

أفضل الممارسات البيئية 299 - اللغة الإنجليزية لعملية المبيعات 6: متابعة ما بعد البيع

مرحبًا بك مرة أخرى في Business English Pod للاطلاع على درس اليوم حول المتابعة مع العميل بعد بيع باللغة الإنجليزية.

في المبيعات, لا ينتهي عملك عندما يوافق العميل على شراء ما تبيعه. يفهم مندوبو المبيعات الجيدون أهمية المتابعة, للتأكد من رضا العميل, ومساعدتهم على فهم منتجهم أو خدمتهم الجديدة. بعد كل شيء, العملاء السعداء يستمرون في أن يكونوا عملاء, وبيع المزيد للعملاء الحاليين أسهل من العثور على عملاء جدد.

كيف تتأكد بالضبط من رضا العملاء? لأجل شئ واحد, قد تحتاج إلى طمأنتهم بأن ما بعته لهم هو الحل الصحيح. قد يقلقون بشأن الجودة أو الموثوقية, ومهمتك أن تخبرهم بوضوح أنه ليس لديهم ما يدعو للقلق.

لكن في بعض الأحيان يواجه العميل مشكلة في منتجهم, مشكلة تحتاج إلى حل. في هذه الحالة, من المهم أن نعلن بثقة أنه سيكون لديهم حل سريع. إلى جانب هذه الأنواع من المخاوف, من المفيد جدًا أن توضح للعميل كيفية عمل منتجهم باستخدام لغة واضحة. يمكنك أيضًا تقديم نصائح إضافية تعمل على تحسين تجربتهم مع المنتج. وأخيرًا, غالبًا ما نناقش الأشياء التي يجب على العميل ألا يفعلها عند استخدام المنتج.

في حوار اليوم, سنسمع محادثة متابعة ما بعد البيع بين آرون, إيفا, وديف. إيفا هي مديرة فندق به مقهى جديد, شريط, ومطعم. لقد باعهم آرون للتو مبردات مبردة للمقهى والبار. وديف هو مقاول يعمل على تجديدات الفندق. يتحدث آرون مع إيفا وديف للتأكد من أن كل شيء سار على ما يرام مع تركيب المبردات.

أسئلة الاستماع

1. What does Aaron promise when Dave points out that there is a “kick plate” missing?
2. ما هي النصيحة الخاصة التي يشاركها هارون في تنظيف علب العرض?
3. ما هو التعبير الذي يستخدمه آرون لتحذير إيفا من فتح الباب الزجاجي بقوة?

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أفضل الممارسات البيئية 298 – الإنجليزية للمبيعات 5: التعامل مع الانتكاسات

اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال 298 - English for Sales Lesson 5: التعامل مع الانتكاسات

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on dealing with setbacks near the end of the sales process.

Working in sales can be really tough. Sometimes you put a lot of hard work into the process but still things don’t work out the way you want. You might understand your customer’s needs and propose a great solution. But still, some customers might not see the value of what you’re offering.

في بعض الحالات, that means they decide not to buy what you’re selling. في الآخرين, it means they don’t completely accept your price or terms. مهما كانت الحالة, you’ll need to be prepared to deal with these kinds of setbacks. بعد كل شيء, a good salesperson is not just a good talker, they can adapt and face challenges with confidence.

One part of dealing with setbacks is responding to the bad news with understanding and a positive attitude. Tell the customer you understand their concerns and let them know you’re still interested in doing business in the future. And you should be careful not to use language that shows disappointment or frustration.

If you have to negotiate on the price or terms, you need to proceed carefully. Sometimes you might agree with hesitation, making sure to tell the customer why something might be difficult. And sometimes you’ll need to stay firm, while remaining polite and friendly. It’s also a good idea to know the language we use to offer something, such as little extras that will make the customer happy. وأخيرًا, at this point in the sales process, you will often have to discuss or make suggestions about the schedule and timelines.

في حوار اليوم, we’ll rejoin Aaron, who works in sales for a commercial refrigeration company. Aaron has been trying to sell cooling systems to a hotel undergoing remodeling. He has offered some great solutions and overcome some obstacles, and now he’s about to hear the customer’s decision. Aaron is talking on the phone with Eva, the hotel manager.

أسئلة الاستماع

1. How does Aaron respond when he first hears Eva’s decision?
2. What does Aaron emphasize about the deli cases in response to Eva’s concerns about the price?
3. What extra does Aaron offer to Eva to help push her to accept the price?

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أفضل الممارسات البيئية 288 – الإنجليزية للمبيعات 4: التعامل مع الشكوك

أفضل الممارسات البيئية 288 - عمليات البيع 4: Overcoming Doubts

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on dealing with a customer’s doubts about a proposed solution during the sales process.

Customers rarely agree to buy after an initial pitch. Sales typically involves a lot more work than just the initial approach. You need to get to know the customer, understand their needs and offer them good solutions. And somewhere along the way, you’ll have to deal with their questions and doubts. بعد كل شيء, people want to be sure they’re making the right choice, and that they’re spending their money wisely. And even when you’ve shown them all the right reasons to buy from you, they might still be on the fence. So what can you do?

حسنًا, there are a few useful techniques that can help you deal with a customer’s doubts. We can ask about reasons, and propose solutions. We can also relieve their fears and anticipate their concerns. وأخيرًا, we can show them why the other alternatives are not good choices. في درس اليوم, we’ll learn how to use these techniques.

في مربع الحوار, we’ll rejoin Aaron, a salesman at a commercial refrigeration company. He’s been talking with a hotel about providing cooling systems for their restaurant and bar. Aaron has taken the time to get to know his customer, and he’s submitted a proposal that he thinks matches their needs. But now the customer has some doubts. Besides Aaron, you’ll hear Eva, the hotel manager, and William, the contractor who’s renovating the hotel.

أسئلة الاستماع

1. What is Aaron’s solution to Eva’s first concern?
2. What other concern of Eva’s is Aaron able to guess?
3. Why does Aaron think that not choosing his solution for the freezer is a bad idea?

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أفضل الممارسات البيئية 287 – الإنجليزية للمبيعات 3: مطابقة الحل للاحتياجات


Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on matching solutions to customersneeds during the sales process.

Have you ever been frustrated by a salesperson who tried to sell you something you didn’t need? نعم, we all have! And so if you’re the one doing the selling, remember that a one-size-fits-all approach isn’t likely to work. في حين أن, you need to build a relationship and learn about your customer’s needs. Only then can you provide the right solution.

In our last two lessons on the sales process, we looked at how to make your initial approach و understand the customer’s needs. لذلك في هذا الدرس, we’ll look at the next step in the process: matching a solution to those needs.

There are several techniques we can use to offer a solution to a customer. We can warn them against doing things a certain way. هذا هو, we can advise them against solutions that don’t match their needs. We can also emphasize cost benefits or quality, and ask hypothetical questions in order to persuade them. وأخيرًا, once we’ve used these techniques, we can finish by summarizing agreement.

في حوار اليوم, we’ll rejoin Aaron, a salesperson with a commercial refrigeration company. He has been talking to customers at a new hotel who need equipment for their bar and restaurant. Aaron has visited the hotel to meet them and talk about their needs. Now Aaron is putting together a proposal, and he calls the hotel manager, إيفا, to talk about some of his proposed solutions.

أسئلة الاستماع

1. What does Aaron advise Eva against doing at the beginning of their conversation?
2. What point does Aaron emphasize when he recommends the Coil-Pro unit?
3. في نهاية المحادثة, how does Aaron introduce his summary of their discussion?

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أفضل الممارسات البيئية 280 – الإنجليزية للمبيعات 2: فهم احتياجات العملاء

Business-English-Pod-280-Sales-Process 2

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on understanding your customer’s needs in the sales process.

As a salesperson, you can’t just walk up to a customer and start pitching your products. How do you know the customer actually needs your products? And why would the customer buy from you without knowing anything about you? لا, the sales process doesn’t start with a pitch. It starts with making your initial approach and getting to know your customers, which is what we looked at in our last lesson.

So what come’s next? حسنًا, once you’ve made your initial approach, you can move on to understanding the customer’s needs. And that’s what we’ll focus on in this lesson, because if you understand what the customer needs, then you can offer them the right solutions.

What are the techniques we can use to learn about a customer’s needs? حسنًا, today we’ll cover several, including how to ask direct questions, present alternatives, and ask about priorities. We’ll also look at proposing the next step and asking about buying authority. بمجرد الانتهاء من هذه الأشياء, you can move on confidently to matching your solutions to their needs.

في حوار اليوم, we’ll rejoin Aaron, a salesperson with a commercial refrigeration company. He’s talking to a couple of potential customers at a new hotel: إيفا, the hotel manager, and Robin, the head chef. Eva and Robin have just given Aaron a tour of the hotel’s restaurant, شريط, and café. Aaron has learned a bit about their plans and now he wants to know more about their specific needs.

أسئلة الاستماع

1. Which area of the hotel does Aaron present an alternative option for?
2. What are Eva and Robin’s two major priorities?
3. What does Aaron say he is going to do next?

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