مهارات 360 – نصائح للمقابلة باللغة الإنجليزية 2: أسئلة وأجوبة

فيديو يوتيوب

مرحبًا بك مرة أخرى في Skills 360 for today’s lesson on tips for succeeding in a مقابلة عمل باللغة الإنجليزية.

في لدينا الدرس السابق, we talked about preparation for introducing yourself and questions about strengths and weaknesses. That’s all about you as a person, or your character. في هذا الدرس, I’d like to home in on what you’ve done, or your actions and behavior.

The first big question you’ll get about what you have done pertains to achievements. As in, “what achievements are you most proud of?” Or “tell us about a recent achievement?”

الآن, when you think back on your accomplishments, what should you choose to discuss? حسنًا, rather than boasting about purely individual accomplishments, think of something that connects to the bigger picture. Or state why your accomplishment helped the company.

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