商务英语课程 – BEP 69A: 用英语接听电话

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这个 商务英语课 着眼于回答的语言 英文电话. 通过电话交谈已成为商务英语中极为重要的部分. 您需要能够以专业的方式接听电话,并仅凭自己的声音就能为自己和公司树立良好形象.

商务英语入门课程 涵盖 3 会议主要商务英语技能, 演示和电话交谈 20 适合中级英语讲者的课程. The course is available on the Udemy platform which provides desktop and mobile access for Android and iOS devices.

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BEP 15c – 打电话: 寻求帮助

BEP 15c - Asking for Help on the Telephone

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to ask for help on the 英文电话.

Asking someone for help with a problem is hard enough to begin with. But on the telephone it can be even more difficult! You can’t see the other person and how they are reacting, and they can’t see you. You can’t rely on a smile and friendly body language. So how can you get the help you need?

出色地, don’t worry. In this lesson we’ll look at some simple steps to making an effective call. If we’re talking to someone we know, it might start with a bit of friendly small talk about things like sports or the weather. That helps makes people feel relaxed and positive, which is important if you want to talk about a problem. After you’ve created a relaxed atmosphere, you can introduce the problem. You don’t want to just blurt out “I have a problem, please help me.” You need to do it gently, or carefully. At this point, the other person may ask some questions to clarify the situation. If they’re going to help you, they’ll need a clear idea of what you need.

下一个, you can suggest a solution or explain how the other person can help. 再次, you don’t want to just tell the person directly what they should do. You need to be friendly and polite so that the other person actually wants to help you. And hopefully the result of all this is that you have some agreement about what will happen next and who will do what. It’s a great idea to summarize this agreement near the end of the call just so both of you are perfectly clear. 所以, that sounds like a pretty good way to ask for help, doesn’t it?

We’ll hear all of these steps in today’s dialog between Eric and Brenda. Brenda works for a manufacturing company that buys parts from Eric’s company. She is calling because there is an important part that hasn’t been delivered. But Brenda doesn’t just want to complain about her problem. She needs to get Eric to agree to help her.


1. After introducing themselves, what do Eric and Brenda talk about first?
2. What solution does Brenda suggest for her problem?
3. What does Eric say he will do for Brenda to help solve her problem?

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BEP 261 – 打电话投诉 2

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程是关于抱怨和取得成果的课程 电话.

很少有人真正喜欢抱怨, 但是有时候你只需要. 有句老话说:“吱吱作响的车轮会沾上油脂,” which means that if you don’t complain, 您实际上不会解决任何问题. 因此,如果您为某项产品或服务付费而又不满意, 通常最好让公司知道.

我们可以通过电子邮件投诉, 但是电子邮件并不总是那么强大. 我们需要用声音传达我们的想法, 情绪, 和认真. 我们可以亲自投诉, 但这并不总是可能的. 所以在很多情况下, 我们需要通过电话投诉. 但这不是一件容易的事, 因此,今天我们将介绍一些可用于通过电话获得结果的技术. 在本课中, 我们将拒绝提出建议的解决方案, 构成威胁, 并要求担保. 我们还将学习确定后果并表达对解决方案的赞赏.

在对话框中, 我们将重新加入唐娜和迈克. 唐娜在富勒食品工作, 从迈克担任客户经理的公司购买水果. 唐娜一直抱怨交货延迟和产品损坏. 迈克(Mike)试图通过寻找问题的解决方案来使她高兴.


1. Donna认为Mike与公司中的人讨论该问题的想法?
2. 为什么唐娜会提到她接到其他公司销售代表的电话?
3. 如果交货迟到,唐娜会提出什么建议?

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BEP 260 – 打电话投诉 1

欢迎回到Business English Pod,以今天的课程学习有关抱怨 电话.

我们都知道对产品或服务不满意会带来沮丧? 并且因为问题不断发生而使您感到沮丧? 在某一点, 我们必须停止向我们的朋友或同事抱怨,而直接向公司抱怨. 毕竟, 你为某事付出好钱, 而你想为此高兴.

因此,您给公司打电话,然后尝试通过电话处理问题. 这不是一件容易的事, 但是您可以学习一些技巧来使投诉更有效. 在今天的课程中, 我们将礼貌地解释问题, 拒绝不好的借口, 谈论问题的影响. 我们还将学习如何参考以前有关该问题的讨论以及如何寻求解决方案.

在对话框中, 我们会听到唐娜, 在一家名为Fuller Foods的食品公司工作的人. 她在打电话给迈克, 一家水果公司的客户经理. 唐娜(Donna)对自己获得的服务感到不满意,并想为此抱怨.


1. 迈克起初给这个问题有什么借口?
2. Donna抱怨的问题有什么影响?
3. 对话结束时,唐娜会问迈克什么重要的问题?

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