BEP 373 – 供应链管理英语 (2)

BEP 373 - 供应链管理英语 2

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 供应链管理英语. 今天,我们将探讨供应链的零售方面.

在现今世界里, 距离并不一定是开展业务的障碍. 贵公司是否位于法国都没关系, 泰国, 或美国. 您可以向世界任何地方的客户销售.

Of course, 这并不意味着容易. 将您的产品放到其他大洲的货架上, 甚至您国家的其他地区, 很复杂. 它依靠人脉, 仓库, 和信息. 可能涉及多种运输方式, 包括卡车, 船, 我收费计划, 和火车.

我们将此活动网络称为供应链. 在今天的课程中, 我们将重新加入一家美国服装公司的会议, 经理们在这里讨论他们的供应链的零售方面. 在他们谈话期间, 他们使用许多特定于供应链管理的语言. 这种语言包括我们所说的“搭配”,”或单词的自然组合.

什么时候 说英语的人学习搭配, 他们一次都不学一个字. 而是, 他们一起学习单词, 作为一个单一的表达. 如果您学习这些搭配,则英语听起来会更流利自然, 特别是与您的行业有关的. 当您收听今天的对话时, try to pick out some of these collocations and we’ll discuss them later in the debrief.

在对话框中, 我们会听到Cam和Tanya, 在一家名为Boston Vintage的服装公司工作的人. Tanya是位于马来西亚的供应链经理. Cam位于美国. 并担任生产计划员. 他们正在谈论扩大在东南亚的零售业务, 他们在对话中使用许多特定于供应链管理的搭配.


1. 谭雅说的很雄心勃勃?
2. Tanya所说的话幸运地没有受到如此忙碌的影响?
3. 据谭雅, 4PL将使他们能够做什么?

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BEP 372 – 供应链管理英语 (1)

BEP 372 - 供应链管理与物流英语 (1)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天上有关物流和英语的课程 供应链管理. 今天我们来看看 制造业 供应链的一面.

当您在本地商店从货架上取货时, 很容易忘记该产品走了多长时间. 它可能包含来自世界各地的零件和材料. 它可能被运送到多个地方进行处理. 一旦准备好并打包, 它可能需要长途跋涉才能到达您的邻居.

庞大的信息网络, 人们, 材料, 流程称为供应链. 协调一切的人都参与其中 供应链管理. 良好的供应链管理可以使高兴的顾客和生气的顾客有所不同, 在损益之间.

在本课中, 我们将听取一家服装公司的会议,该公司拥有连接美国的复杂供应链. 和亚洲. 会议期间, 同事使用许多英语表达方式,我们称之为“搭配”。搭配是自然而然地经常出现的单词组合. 搭配的一个很好的例子是“供应链管理”。

讲英语的母语人士会自动使用这样的搭配. 特定人群或工作领域通常会使用某些搭配. 通过研究这些搭配, 您将改善词汇量,听起来更加流利. 当你听对话时, try to pick out some of these collocations and we’ll discuss them later in the debrief.

在对话框中, 我们会听到Cam和Tanya. 坎姆(Cam)是美国波士顿复古(Boston Vintage)在美国的生产策划师. Tanya是供应链经理,帮助发展公司在东南亚的供应链. Cam和Tanya在关于供应链制造方面的对话中使用了许多特定于供应链管理的搭配.


1. Tanya在事物制造方面的第一个主要关注点是什么?
2. 卡姆说地面上的人有期望?
3. Tanya所说的话会增加成本,但有助于管理风险?

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BEP 356 – 会计英语: Discussing Taxes (2)

BEP 356 - 金融英语: Discussing Taxes 2

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 accounting English vocabulary for discussing taxes.

Spring is a busy time for accountants in the U.S. and many other countries. That’s because spring is when corporations and individuals have to file a tax return with the government. It’s our yearly reminder that we don’t get to keep everything we earn.

Of course, those busy accountants aren’t just calculating your revenue and costs. They’re looking for ways to reduce the amount youor your businesshave to pay in tax. And that’s why the chatter around offices and board rooms is all about ways to avoid handing over too much money to the tax man.

Listen to these conversations and you’ll notice many useful expressions. For example, I’ve already used the phrase “file a tax return.That verb “filealways goes with “returnwhen we talk about our annual submission to the government. You can learn those words together, as one expression or “collocation.

A collocation is just a natural combination of words that native English speakers learn as a chunk. With English collocations, we don’t have to go searching for every word in our brain. Instead, we pull out a string of words that matches our intended meaning. Learning these strings of words is more efficient, and will make you sound more natural. As you listen to today’s conversation, try to pick out some of these collocations and we’ll discuss them later in the debrief.

在对话框中, we’ll continue with a conversation about the tax situation of a company called Brando Equipment. Christie has been giving an update to two senior managers: Glen and Ivana. Last time, Christie gave them an overall picture of the tax situation, and today she’s providing more detail.

Listening Questions

1. What does Christie say is one factor that increased their reported income?
2. What helped reduce the company’s reported income by about $50,000?
3. What important issue does Ivana want to discuss in more detail at the end of the dialog?

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BEP 355 – 会计英语: Discussing Taxes (1)

BEP 355 - 金融英语: Discussing Taxes 1

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 accounting English for discussing taxes.

There’s an old saying in English that “nothing is certain except death and taxes.” 但, 虽然税收是确定的, 您需要支付的确切金额不是. 只要问任何会计师. 对于公司和个人, 有各种各样的方法来降低您的税单. 较低的税单意味着我们口袋里有更多的钱, 或在我们股东的口袋里. 为此原因, 税收是一个热门话题, 尤其是在春季,大多数税款到期.

在这个 accounting English 课, 我们将听白兰度设备公司的三位经理讨论他们的税收情况. 谈话中, 经理们使用很多与税收相关的常用表达方式. We call these expressions “collocations.A collocation is just a group of words that go together naturally.

Some English collocations, 例如“抓住机会,” 被广泛使用. 但是许多搭配是特定于某个工作领域或主题的. 并从事该领域或讨论该主题, 您需要了解这些特殊表达. 说到税收, 例如, 你需要知道我们使用动词“文件” 与“税” 谈谈我们向政府提交的年度报告. 在不同的领域学习类似的搭配会发展您的词汇量,并帮助您听起来更自然.

在对话框中, 我们会听到克里斯蒂, 格伦, 和伊凡娜(Ivana)讨论白兰度设备(Brando Equipment)的税收情况, 他们公司最近购买的子公司. Glen和Ivana是公司经理, 克里斯蒂(Christie)是会计师. 三位同事在谈论白兰度设备欠多少税时,使用了许多针对税收的英语搭配和词汇.

Listening Questions

1. 伊万娜希望他们在本月30日之前完成什么工作?
2. 谈话即将开始时, 佳士得说的话比他们预期的要高?
3. 格伦想知道哪些关键信息?

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BEP 347 – 英语销售搭配 (部分 2)

BEP 347 - 销售商务英语搭配 2)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 English collocations 谈论销售.

销售量 从未如此艰难. 在数字时代, 人们注意力的竞争非常激烈. 客户拥有比以往更多的知识. 由于这些原因, 公司不能对他们的销售方法偷懒. 他们需要具有战略意义; they have to find new ways to manage customer relationships, and they need effective ways to track how they’re doing.

在本课中, we’ll listen to a pharmaceutical sales team discuss new strategies to improve and track their performance. 在他们的讨论中, you’ll hear a lot of what we call collocations. Collocations are just groups of words that combine naturally. For example, if you want to say that someone finishes making a sale, you can say that hecloses a sale.Everyone uses that verbclose.Nobody saysshuta sale ordoa sale. The correct collocation isclose a sale.

Native speakers learn and use these collocations naturally. And if you want to improve your vocabulary and sound more fluent, you can learn to use them too. As you listen to the dialog, try to pick out some of these collocations and we’ll discuss them later in the debrief.

在对话框中, we’ll listen to a discussion between Fran, Gus, and Nick. 在上一课中, the team discussed the need to improve their company’s sales. Now they’re talking about ways to do that. 在他们的讨论中, 他们使用很多 English collocations related to sales.


1. What does Nick think his colleague Dennis is doing wrong?
2. What does Nick believe is an outdated way of measuring their success?
3. Nick 认为如果他们改进他们的绩效指标会发生什么?

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