BEP 346 – 英语销售搭配 (部分 1)

BEP 346 课 - Business English Sales Collocations (部分 1)

Hello and welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on 英语搭配 related to sales.

Sales is at the heart of any business. Without the hard work of salespeople who move prospects down the funnel, turning interest into sales, no business would even exist. But the game of sales is constantly changing. Good salespeople, and good companies, learn to adapt to changes in the marketplace, in consumer preferences, and in the competition.

在本课中, we’ll listen in on a sales team meeting in a pharmaceutical company. The team is discussing past performance and future strategy. 在他们的讨论中, they use many expressions that we callcollocations.A collocation is just a natural combination of words that native speakers learn as one expression. 例如, the first collocation you’ll hear issales volume,” which refers to the number of units sold in a given period of time.

讲英语的母语人士会自动使用这样的搭配. And people in a certain field of work share an understanding of these special expressions specific to their area. By studying these collocations in different fields, 您将改善词汇量,听起来更加流利. 当您听对话时, 尝试挑选一些 英语搭配 我们将稍后在汇报中讨论它们.

在对话框中, we’ll hear Fran, Gus, and Nick. Fran is the sales manager, and she’s just finished talking about the past year’s sales results. Now she wants to talk about reasons for their disappointing results and strategies for improving them. The three colleagues use many 销售英语 collocations and vocabulary specific to the pharmaceutical industry.


1. What is the group hoping to increase or improve by discussing sales performance and strategy?
2. What does Fran believe is the reason for a reasonably good third quarter?
3. What have better sales analytics helped the company understand?

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BEP 336 – 讨论变更管理英语 (2)

BEP 336 - 讨论变革管理的商务英语搭配 (2)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 英语搭配 用于讨论变更管理.

21世纪变化的速度非常快. 企业必须努力跟上, 适应世界和经济的变化. 在世界各地的会议室, 人们正在讨论变革的问题. 我们如何吸引和留住千禧一代? 我们如何用好新兴媒体? 我们如何变得更有效率? 我们如何外包? 问题清单还在继续.

在今天的课程中, 我们将在一家经历了大量增长的公司听一次会议. 但成功伴随着成长的痛苦. 他们正在谈论重组他们的公司, 并试图弄清楚如何去做.

在他们的讨论中, you’ll hear many English expressions that we callcollocations.” 搭配是单词的自然组合. 例如, you’ll hear people talking about making asmooth transition.We don’t saysofttransition orcleantransition. Native English speakers always saysmooth transitionbecause that’s what they grew up hearing, so now it’s a natural collocation.

即使你不是用英语长大的, 你可以学习这些自然表达. 通过学习 商务英语搭配, 您将改善词汇量,听起来更加流利. 当您听对话时, 尝试挑选一些搭配,我们将在稍后的汇报中讨论它们.

在对话框中, 我们会听到劳伦, 芬兰人, 和杰克. 他们正试图确定如何将他们创立的公司提升到一个新的水平. 尤其, 他们正在讨论如何让公司员工参与他们关于变革的讨论.


1. 根据芬恩, 他们需要向员工展示什么,而不仅仅是告诉他们?
2. 除了与员工交谈, Lauren 认为他们需要评估什么?
3. What does Jake say they will do during the “discussion phase” of the process?

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BEP 335 – 讨论变更管理英语 (1)

BEP 335 - English Collocations for Discussing Change Management (1)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 英语搭配 for discussing change management.

变化是永恒的. Nowhere is this more true than in business. Just look at the list of Fortune 500 companies from 50 几年前. You might be surprised by how many of those well-known companies are now gone. So what’s the difference between a company that survives and one that dies? A lot of it is about how they manage change.

在本课中, we’ll listen to a meeting featuring three colleagues who are trying to figure out how to restructure their company. 在讨论中, you’ll hear lots of useful expressions that we callcollocations.And what is a collocation? 出色地, it’s just a group of words that go together naturally. You heard me use the expressionrestructure a company.That’s a collocation. The words go together as one expression.

Native speakers learn collocations naturally. They simply repeat expressions that they’ve heard hundreds of times. If English is your second language, 然而, it might not come so automatically. 但, by studying collocations, you can improve your vocabulary and sound more fluent at the same time. 当您收听今天的对话时, 尝试挑选一些 商务英语搭配 我们将稍后在汇报中讨论它们.

在对话框中, we’ll hear Jake, 芬兰人, and Lauren. The company they founded has grown, and now they need to carefully manage the transition to a larger company.


1. What does Finn think is required to manage change in their company?
2. What does Lauren say is the first step in change management?
3. What does Jake believe is driving change in the company?

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BEP 324 – 讨论公司绩效的英语 (2)

BEP 324 课 - Business English Collocations for Describing Company Performance 2

欢迎回到 商务英语播客 for today’s 商务英语词汇 lesson on how to describe company performance.

Every company’s goal is to make a profit. But how they go about that is different. Different industries, different business models, different approachesThere’s no simple recipe for success. And there’s no simple, single way to measure whether a company is performing well.

代替, we look at many different factors when we measure company performance. We’ve also got a lot of different expressions in English for discussing the topic. And many of these English expressions are what we call “collocations.”

What’s a collocation? 出色地, it’s just a natural combination of words. Ever heard the expressions “turn a profit” or “boost the bottom line?” We don’t say “grow a profit” or “up the bottom line.” Those simply aren’t natural collocations. And if you say something like that, you won’t sound natural.

So studying collocations is a great way to sound more natural with your vocabulary. You can learn combinations of words, rather than single words on their own. As you listen to the dialog today, try to pick out some of these collocations, 我们将稍后在汇报中讨论它们.

在对话框中, we’ll rejoin a meeting at a private equity firm. Three colleagues, 玛丽亚, 克劳迪娅, 和泰勒, are talking about some of the companies they’ve invested in. They’ll use lots of great collocations as they discuss the performance of these companies.


1. What does Claudia think about SmartMoney?
2. What does Taylor think they should do before selling off SmartMoney?
3. What has Claudia been focusing on with Byron Industries?

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BEP 323 – 讨论公司绩效的英语 (1)

BEP 323 - 商务英语搭配讨论公司绩效

欢迎回到 商务英语播客 今天的英语课上谈论公司绩效.

经济 处于不断变化的状态. 公司成长, 公司萎缩. 新公司诞生了, 和旧的消失. 您不必成为投资者即可对市场的兴衰和公司如何应对的故事感到兴奋. 但是如果你是投资者, 您的整个退休可能取决于公司是否在正确的时间做出正确的举动.

这使得公司绩效成为围绕业务表的热门话题, 或在酒吧. 当我们谈论公司绩效时, 我们经常使用称为并置的特殊表达式. 一个 英语搭配 是常用词的组合, 如 “公司业绩” 或者 “变化的状态。”

母语使用者会自动使用这些搭配. 实际上, 我们的大脑将这些词组存储在一起, 好像他们是一个字. 您也可以学会记住并使用这些搭配. 学习搭配是学习词汇和听起来更自然的好方法. 所以, 当您听对话时, 尝试挑选一些搭配,我们将在稍后的汇报中讨论它们.

在对话框中, 我们会听到玛丽亚, 克劳迪娅, 和泰勒, 在私募股权公司工作的人. 基本上, 投资于合适的公司以获取最大利润是他们的工作. 三人正在讨论他们选择投资的几家公司的业绩.


1. 克劳迪娅(Claudia)为什么对Ranger Gold的表现持乐观态度?
2. 如果游侠金币(Ranger Gold)建立新矿山,泰勒担心会发生什么??
3. Maria认为Intuition Software需要做什么才能保持盈利?

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