BEP 43 – 会议英语: 管理讨论

This is the second in our two-part intermediate 商务英语播客 series on opening and managing 用英语开会. In the first episode, we looked at how to open a meeting. In today’s podcast lesson we’re going to cover how to manage the discussion.

Martin, the GM of Daneline Singapore, is discussing with his staff how to make up a budget shortfall. He has just asked Sandra to kick off the first item on the agendaoutsourcing the cleaning.


1) How much money can Daneline Singapore save by outsourcing cleaning?
2) Does Sam like pizza?
3) Does Dave agree with the strategy of outsourcing cleaning?
4) How does Dave suggest dealing with the brochure redesign?

*** 这节课是我们的一部分 商务英语电子书 会议: Meeting Essentials. 高级会员 点击这里下载 完整的电子书.

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BEP 42 – 会议英语: 开会

This is the first in a two-part intermediate 商务英语播客课程 on opening and managing meetings. 在这一集, we’ll look at how to open a meeting. In the second part (BEP 43) we’ll look at language you can use to manage the discussion.

The listening takes place in the Singapore offices of Daneline, an international shipping company. Martin, the GM, is chairing a meeting with Sandra, David and Sam to discuss a budget shortfall. Shortfall means their budget has fallen short of expectations. 换一种说法, they don’t have enough money, so they need to make some cuts. To chair a meeting is to lead the meeting. We can say that Martin is the chairperson. So in these two episodes on opening and managing meetings, you’ll be learning language for chairing meetings.

1) What is the amount of the budget shortfall?
2) Why doesn’t Sandra have a copy of the agenda?
3) How many possible cuts are under discussion?
4) What is the first item on the agenda?

*** 这节课是我们的一部分 商务英语电子书 会议: Meeting Essentials. 高级会员 点击这里下载 完整的电子书.

Members: Study Notes | Quizzes | PhraseCast | Lesson Module

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Business News 08 – 名人失去营销吸引力

Today we have a Business English News story on a recent study by several universities that looks into the ”˜selling poweror influenceof celebrities. Celebrity is another word for famous person, such as a movie or sports star.

The vocabulary we discuss in this podcast expands on the marketing terms we covered in 视频词汇 04.

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BEP 41 – Job Interview English: 第一轮面试 (Part 2)

这是针对第一轮工作面试的商务英语Pod课程(分为两部分)的第二部分. 学习如何回答常见的面试问题以及有用的短语和词汇 英语工作面试.

您会记得第一集, 迈克·巴恩斯(Mike Barnes)正在采访第一商业国际香港总部的威廉·周(William Chow)。, 一家全球银行. 威廉刚告诉麦克关于他的工作经历, 管理风格和个人特征. 我们的人力资源经理, 麦克风, 继续采访另一个非常常见的第​​一轮问题. 让我们看看它是什么,然后考虑如何回答这个问题?

下载有用的面试短语的PDF列表,以描述您的个人特征 这里.


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BEP 40 – Job Interview English: 第一轮面试 (Part 1)

今天的商务英语播客ESL课程是由两部分组成的系列中的第一部分,该系列紧随求职者William Chow在一家国际银行的首次采访之后.

在此播客中,您将学习如何应对一些典型的第一轮比赛 English job interview questions. 一路上,您还将为求职面试练习一些很棒的新词汇和有用的短语.

在对话中,我们将聆听William受邀在Mercantile International香港主要分支机构的业务发展部门担任职位时的讲话。. 迈克·沃纳, 香港商业国际有限公司人力资源经理, 正在进行面试.


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