
Business English lessons on the art of persuasion in English.

BEP 365 – 初创企业英语 2: 向投资者投手

BEP 365 课 - 初创企业英语 2: 向投资者推介英文

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on 用英语投球 给投资者.

科技创业公司的世界可能会非常令人兴奋和收获. 但是肯定不能保证成功. 实际上, 90% 在头三年内没有吸引投资者的新企业将失败. 因此,如果您的公司成功通过了死亡之谷, 并且您正在消耗现金,却没有任何收入, 那么您最好确保与潜在投资者保持良好的关系.

在短短 10 to 20 分钟, 您需要说服投资者,他们应该向您冒险. 要么, 更精确地, 为什么他们应该把钱花在您身上,而不是花在他们可以投资的数千家其他公司上. 很难想到比向投资者宣传更高的股权投资. 那么什么会增加您成功的机会?

出色地, 您需要谈论产品解决的问题, 以及您的产品如何真正独特. 当然, 在创业世界, 时间就是一切. 因此,您需要能够证明所提供产品的市场. 一个好的创业公司不只是一个好主意, 这是一个可靠的收入模型. 因此,您需要清楚地说明这一点. 坐下来思考投资者可能有什么问题也很聪明, 在他们问他们之前先回答他们!

在今天的对话中, 我们将听奎因的演讲, 创立了一家名为Moolah的在线支付公司. 在上一课中, 我们听到奎因在导师的帮助下为他的演讲做准备. 现在是放映时间, 奎因(Quinn)提出自己的建议以期吸引投资.

Listening Questions

1. 奎因在演讲开始时发现的问题是什么?
2. 谁是穆拉的目标受众?
3. 奎因预计投资者可能会有什么问题?

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技能 360 – 让你的想法坚持 (部分 2)

商务英语技能 360 课 - 让你的想法坚持 2

欢迎回到 商务英语技能 360 今天的课程,让您的想法坚定.

您是否参加过会议或听过有人谈论他们的大创意的演示文稿? 接着, 稍后会有40张PowerPoint幻灯片, 您仍然不确定他们在说什么, 还是为什么他们的想法如此伟大? 出色地, 背后总有一个好主意, 但由于某种原因,它没有粘住.

另一方面, 有些想法是您无法忘记的. 无论出于什么原因, 人们了解他们, 他们记得他们, 他们落后了.

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技能 360 – 让你的想法坚持 (部分 1)

商务英语技能 360 课 - 让你的想法坚持 1

欢迎回到 商务英语技能 360 在今天的课程中,您将如何使自己的想法变得坚定.

面对现实吧: 一分钱一打. 如果你不能让别人相信它,那么拥有一个好主意并不意味着什么。. 在让任何人相信之前, 您需要帮助他们记住它. 你需要让它坚持. 因此,今天我想分享一些提示,以帮助您坚持自己的想法. 进行演示都没关系, 在会议上提出一些建议, 或向投资者推销. 粘性的秘诀是一样的.

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BEP 20c – 提出内聚的论点

BEP 20c - 商务英语课: 提出内聚的论点

欢迎回到今天的商务英语播客 商务英语课presenting a cohesive argument.

You may have lots of great ideas. But those ideas aren’t worth much if you can’t convince other people that they’re great. And that takes more than just excitement and energy. To convince others, you need to present a cohesive argument.

So what is a cohesive argument? 出色地, it’s a series of logical reasons to support an idea. A cohesive argument helps you convince others of your position by providing a set of supporting points presented in a logical manner. If you do not provide a cohesive argument, then you’ll have trouble getting other people to support you.

A good argument might start by showing research and giving some context for the issue. Then you can talk about precedents for your idea, which means other times that it has been done successfully. It’s also good to think about what people might be concerned about, and address that before they even have a chance to bring it up. 最后, you can tell people why your idea is necessary. With a cohesive argument like this, you’re sure to have more support for your idea.

在今天的对话中, we’ll hear Jack, who’s presenting a proposal to move his company’s production to Costa Rica. 在上一课中, we heard Jack and several others discussing the idea. Jack’s argument was a bit disorganized and drew criticism from the others. He didn’t manage to convince them that moving production overseas was a good idea. In this meeting, the team has to make a decision on the issue. So Jack really needs to present a good argument.

Listening Questions

1. What has Jack done in preparation for the meeting?
2. Why does Jack mention the company Intel?
3. Jack talks about one thing that other people might be concerned, or worried about. What is it?

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BEP 19c – 主张或反对立场

BEP 19c - 主张或反对立场

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to argue for a position.

A position could be an opinion, an idea, or a plan. And whether you’re in a meeting, a one-on-one discussion, or a presentation, you’ll often find yourself arguing for your position, or against other people’s positions.

So how can you argue for or against a position effectively? Sure, you can just state what you think. But there are some more effective techniques you can use to support your position. 例如, you can use language to make an idea stronger. Instead of just saying “this plan is disorganized,” you can say “this plan is totally disorganized.” That has a greater impact.

You can also work the other way around, 和使用 softening and minimizing 语言. 例如, instead of saying “we are happy with the new building but there are some problems,” you might say “overall we’re pretty happy with the new building, but there might be a few problems.” And if you want to criticize someone’s ideas, you need to introduce that carefully and balance the criticism with praise. All these techniques will help you present your position.

在今天的对话中, we’ll hear Jack, who’s trying to argue for the idea of moving his company’s production overseas, to Costa Rica. 然而, 安吉, 和, and Jim are not convinced that Jack’s plan is a good idea. As they argue for their positions, we’ll cover some useful techniques on both sides of the discussion.

Listening Questions

1. How does Angie introduce her first criticism of Jack’s ideas?
2. What does Jack say about the risks involved in his plan?
3. What positive thing does Angie say about Jack later in the dialog?

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