BEP 164 – 足球和足球成语 (部分 2)

This is the second in a two-part Business English Pod lesson on football and soccer idioms.

The World Cup kicks off in just a few days. That gives us some time to look at some more idioms related to football.

因为体育和商业是如此相似, it’s easy to see how there could be so many related idioms. 公司就像团队; 员工就像球员. 想法就像被踢的球. 成功就像进球. 而且总是有很多竞争.

在最后一课中, 玛丽莲和卡尔, 一家出版公司的两位同事, discussed Karl’s interest in a manager’s job at the firm’s Sydney branch. Karl isn’t completely sure it’s the right move for him and has asked for Marilyn’s feedback. 今天, 我们会听到更多他们的谈话, 当卡尔解释他对申请的犹豫.


1. 卡尔的妻子对移居悉尼有何感想?
2. 为什么卡尔感觉自己在欺骗自己的公司?
3. What advice does Marilyn give at the end of their conversation?

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