BEP 163 – 足球和足球成语 (部分 1)

This Business English Pod lesson is the first in a two-part series on idioms that come from football, 或足球.

It’s almost time for the World Cup! And as we wait for the games to kick off, here’s a question for you: 您是否曾经停下来思考一下商务和体育之间有多少相似之处?

员工团队作为团队一起工作. 队伍, 或公司, 互相竞争, 试图赢得认可, 利润, 或新客户. 鉴于这些相似之处, 当我们谈论商务和体育时,语言会相似也就不足为奇了. 许多不同的运动为英语带来了成语。.

今天, our focus will be on football idioms. 当您听对话时, 您可能会听到一些新的短语. Remembering the relationship between business and sports may help you out. 当然, we’ll go over all of them in the debrief and you’ll have a chance to practice them, 也.

We’ll be listening to Karl and Marilyn, two friends that work at a publishing firm. Karl is thinking about applying for a manager’s job at the company’s Sydney location. He’s not sure about it, 尽管, 所以他问玛丽莲她在想什么.


1. 卡尔为什么要离开目前的工作?
2. What are two things Marilyn knows about the Sydney branch?
3. Karl听说过悉尼分公司的情况?

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