BEP 356 – 會計英語: 討論稅收 (2)

BEP 356 - 金融英語: 討論稅收 2

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 accounting English 的詞彙 討論稅收.

對於美國的會計師來說,春天是一個繁忙的時期. 和許多其他國家. 那是因為春天是公司和個人必須向政府提交納稅申報表的時候. 這是我們的年度提醒,我們不會保留所賺取的一切.

當然, 這些忙碌的會計師不只是計算您的收入和費用. 他們正在尋找減少您數量的方法 – 或你的生意 – 必須繳稅. 這就是為什麼辦公室和董事會周圍的閒聊都是為了避免將太多錢交給稅務員的方法.

聽這些對話,您會發現許多有用的表達. 例如, I’ve already used the phrase “file a tax return.That verb “filealways goes with “returnwhen we talk about our annual submission to the government. 你可以一起學那些話, as one expression or “collocation.

搭配只是母語為英語的人自然學習的單詞的自然組合. 和 英語搭配, 我們不必去搜索大腦中的每個單詞. 代替, 我們抽出一串符合我們預期含義的單詞. 學習這些詞串更有效, 會讓你聽起來更自然. 當您收聽今天的對話時, 嘗試挑選一些搭配,我們將在稍後的匯報中討論它們.

在對話方塊中, 我們將繼續討論名為Brando Equipment的公司的稅收情況. 科視Christie一直在更新兩位高級經理: 格倫和伊凡娜. 上次, 佳士得向他們全面介紹了稅收情況, 今天她提供了更多細節.


1. 克里斯蒂(Christie)說的是增加他們報告收入的因素之一?
2. 是什麼使該公司的報告收入減少了大約 $50,000?
3. Ivana想在對話框末尾詳細討論什麼重要問題??」

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BEP 355 – 會計英語: 討論稅收 (1)

BEP 355 - 金融英語: 討論稅收 1

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 accounting English for discussing taxes.

There’s an old saying in English that “nothing is certain except death and taxes.” 但, 雖然稅收是確定的, 您需要支付的確切金額不是. 只要問任何會計師. 對於公司和個人, 有各種各樣的方法來降低您的稅單. 較低的稅單意味著我們口袋裡有更多的錢, 或在我們股東的口袋裡. 為此原因, 稅收是一個熱門話題, 尤其是在春季,大多數稅款到期.

在這個 accounting English 課, 我們將聽白蘭度設備公司的三位經理討論他們的稅收情況. 談話中, 經理們使用很多與稅收相關的常用表達方式. We call these expressions “collocations.A collocation is just a group of words that go together naturally.

Some English collocations, 例如“抓住機會,” are widely used. 但是許多搭配是特定於某個工作領域或主題的. 並從事該領域或討論該主題, 您需要了解這些特殊表達. 說到稅收, 例如, you need to know that we use the verb “filewith “taxesto talk about our yearly report to the government. 在不同的領域學習類似的搭配會發展您的詞彙量,並幫助您聽起來更自然.

在對話方塊中, 我們會聽到克里斯蒂, 格倫, 和伊凡娜(Ivana)討論白蘭度設備(Brando Equipment)的稅收情況, 他們公司最近購買的子公司. Glen和Ivana是公司經理, 克里斯蒂(Christie)是會計師. 這三位同事在談論白蘭度設備欠多少稅時,使用了許多針對稅的英語搭配和詞彙.


1. 伊万娜希望他們在本月30日之前完成什麼工作?
2. 談話即將開始時, 佳士得說的話比他們預期的要高?
3. 格倫想知道哪些關鍵信息?

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BEP 347 – 英語銷售搭配 (部分 2)

BEP 347 - Business English Collocations for Sales 2)

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 英語搭配 for talking about sales.

銷售量 has never been tougher. In the digital age, competition for people’s attention is fierce. And customers are armed with more knowledge than ever before. 由於這些原因, companies can’t get lazy about their approach to sales. They need to be strategic; they have to find new ways to manage customer relationships, and they need effective ways to track how they’re doing.

在本課中, we’ll listen to a pharmaceutical sales team discuss new strategies to improve and track their performance. 在他們的討論中, you’ll hear a lot of what we call collocations. Collocations are just groups of words that combine naturally. 例如, if you want to say that someone finishes making a sale, you can say that hecloses a sale.Everyone uses that verbclose.Nobody saysshuta sale ordoa sale. The correct collocation isclose a sale.

Native speakers learn and use these collocations naturally. And if you want to improve your vocabulary and sound more fluent, you can learn to use them too. 當您聽對話時, 嘗試挑選一些搭配,我們將在稍後的匯報中討論它們.

在對話方塊中, we’ll listen to a discussion between Fran, 格斯, 和尼克. 在我們的最後一課中, the team discussed the need to improve their company’s sales. Now they’re talking about ways to do that. 在他們的討論中, 他們使用很多 英語搭配 與銷售有關.


1. What does Nick think his colleague Dennis is doing wrong?
2. What does Nick believe is an outdated way of measuring their success?
3. What does Nick believe will happen if they improve their performance metrics?

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BEP 346 – 英語銷售搭配 (部分 1)

BEP 346 課 - 商務英語銷售搭配 (部分 1)

您好,歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 英語搭配 與銷售有關.

銷售是任何企業的核心. 沒有將潛在客戶推下漏斗的銷售人員的辛勤工作, 將興趣轉化為銷售, 甚至不存在任何業務. 但銷售遊戲在不斷變化. 優秀的銷售人員, 和好公司, 學會適應市場的變化, 在消費者偏好中, 並且在比賽中.

在本課中, 我們將聽取一家製藥公司的銷售團隊會議. 團隊正在討論過去的表現和未來的戰略. 在他們的討論中, they use many expressions that we callcollocations.A collocation is just a natural combination of words that native speakers learn as one expression. 例如, the first collocation you’ll hear issales volume,” which refers to the number of units sold in a given period of time.

講英語的母語人士會自動使用這樣的搭配. 並且某個工作領域的人們對這些特定於他們領域的特殊表達有共同的理解. 通過研究這些不同領域的搭配, 您將改善詞彙量,聽起來更加流利. 當您聽對話時, 嘗試挑選一些 英語搭配 我們將稍後在匯報中討論它們.

在對話方塊中, 我們會聽到弗蘭, 格斯, 和尼克. 弗蘭是銷售經理, 她剛剛說完去年的銷售業績. 現在她想談談他們令人失望的結果的原因和改進它們的策略. 三位同事用了很多 銷售英語 特定於製藥行業的搭配和詞彙.


1. 通過討論銷售業績和策略,小組希望增加或改進什麼?
2. Fran 認為第三季度表現相當不錯的原因是什麼?
3. 什麼有更好的銷售分析幫助公司了解?

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BEP 324 – 討論公司績效的英語 (2)

BEP 324 課 - Business English Collocations for Describing Company Performance 2

歡迎回到 商務英語播客 for today’s 商務英語詞彙 lesson on how to describe company performance.

Every company’s goal is to make a profit. But how they go about that is different. Different industries, different business models, different approachesThere’s no simple recipe for success. And there’s no simple, single way to measure whether a company is performing well.

代替, we look at many different factors when we measure company performance. We’ve also got a lot of different expressions in English for discussing the topic. And many of these English expressions are what we call “collocations.”

What’s a collocation? 出色地, it’s just a natural combination of words. Ever heard the expressions “turn a profit” or “boost the bottom line?” We don’t say “grow a profit” or “up the bottom line.” Those simply aren’t natural collocations. And if you say something like that, you won’t sound natural.

So studying collocations is a great way to sound more natural with your vocabulary. You can learn combinations of words, rather than single words on their own. As you listen to the dialog today, try to pick out some of these collocations, 我們將稍後在匯報中討論它們.

在對話方塊中, we’ll rejoin a meeting at a private equity firm. Three colleagues, 瑪麗亞, 克勞迪婭, 和泰勒, are talking about some of the companies they’ve invested in. They’ll use lots of great collocations as they discuss the performance of these companies.


1. What does Claudia think about SmartMoney?
2. What does Taylor think they should do before selling off SmartMoney?
3. What has Claudia been focusing on with Byron Industries?

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