Search Results for: 搭配

BEP 218 – 討論網站重新設計

在本商務英語Pod課程中, 我們來看看 vocabulary and collocations for discussing the redesign of a website.

In the Internet age, every company needs a web presence. The foundation of this presence is a good website. This is where customers and the public can go to find information, engage with each other and the business, 和, in many cases, purchase products and services.

It’s essential that your website is designed to convey the right image and send the right message. Not only does it have to look great, but it needs to be usable as well. This means that it must be laid out in a way that will help people find what they’re looking for with ease. Internet users have a very short attention span, so if they can’t get around your site easily, they’ll quickly move on to something else.

在我們聽之前, 讓我們來談談搭配. 搭配是母語人士經常一起使用的一組詞. 正確的搭配聽起來很自然, 雖然不正確的搭配聽起來不自然. 例如, in English we say “go online” to talk about using the Internet. But we can’t say “proceed online” or “travel online,” even though “proceed” and “travel” mean “go.” Those simply aren’t natural expressions.

你會在今天的對話中聽到很多有用的搭配. 當你聽, 試著挑出這些自然的單詞組合. 然後我們將解釋它們的含義以及如何在匯報中使用它們.

We’re going to hear a conversation between a website designer named Andy and his client Penny. Penny’s company has contracted Andy to redesign their site. They are looking at the new website and discussing its features.


1. What does Penny think of the website’s layout?
2. Why does Andy show Penny the website on his tablet?
3. What does Penny need to learn to do with the website?

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BEP 184 – 討論培訓計劃 (部分 2)


良好的培訓對任何公司都至關重要, 大或小. 如果人們沒有正確的知識,我們怎麼能期望他們做好工作, 技能, 和工具? 為員工提供這些工具是培訓的關鍵功能.

培訓是我們今天要討論的內容. 我們將研究一些與訓練相關的重要詞彙和搭配. 記住, 搭配是母語人士常用的詞的自然組合. 搭配沒有明確的規則, 只有模式. 當你學習一個新詞時, 你應該嘗試學習它的其他詞. 例如, you might think that “crime” is a useful word to know, 但是如果你不知道我們通常使用動詞的話就很難使用它 “犯罪” 在它之前, 如: “犯罪。”

在最後一集中, 你聽過很多有用的訓練搭配. 我們聽了傑夫, 誰在一家工程公司從事人力資源工作, 與大衛交談, 誰剛剛介紹了新的培訓方法. 我們聽到傑夫解釋了他的公司希望如何改進他們的學習和發展計劃. 今天, 大衛將解釋更多關於以學習者為中心的培訓.


1. 什麼是傳統的培訓方法?
2. 大衛說另一家公司最近開始做什麼?
3. 大衛對傑夫的最大建議是什麼??

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BEP 183 – 討論培訓計劃 (部分 1)

在這堂商務英語詞彙課中, 我們將看看與一些不同的培訓和培訓計劃方法相關的一些常見搭配.

培訓是公司最重要的投資之一. 糟糕的訓練會導致糟糕的表現, 效率低下, 員工不滿, 以及一系列其他問題. 良好的培訓, 另一方面, 可以使公司順利運行, 有效率的, 並且有利可圖. 培訓計劃有許多不同的形式和形式, 從高度發達的在線系統到非正式的在職培訓. 無論培訓採取何種形式, 必須考慮預期的結果並相應地進行計劃.

在我們聽之前, 讓我們來談談搭配. 搭配是母語人士經常一起使用的一組詞. 正確的搭配聽起來很自然, 雖然不正確的搭配聽起來不自然. 例如, in English we say “go online” to talk about using the Internet. But we can’t say “proceed online” or “travel online,” even though “proceed” and “travel” mean “go”. 那些根本不是自然的表達.

你會在今天的對話中聽到很多有用的搭配. 當你聽, 試著挑出這些自然的單詞組合. 然後我們將解釋它們的含義以及如何在匯報中使用它們. 我們將聽到兩個人關於培訓和發展的對話. 傑夫在一家工程顧問公司的人力資源部門工作. 他在和大衛說話, 誰剛剛介紹了新的培訓方法.


1. 為什麼 Jeff 認為他的公司需要尋找新的培訓方法?
2. 傑夫的公司目前從事什麼類型的培訓?

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BEP 166 – 行政助理英語 (2)

這是由兩部分組成的商務英語播客系列中的第二部分 行政助理, 他們的工作, 以及相關的詞彙和搭配.

搭配對任何學習英語的人來說都是一個挑戰. 沒有任何具體的規則要遵循. 你只需要聽聽什麼是對的. 仍然, 它們對於英語交流必不可少,並且在您學習新詞彙時牢記這一點很重要 – 不要只考慮新詞, 想想它可能與哪些其他詞一起使用. 在學習本課時,我們將指出一些與日常辦公相關的有用搭配.

行政助理對任何商業組織都很重要. 例如, 他們確保負責任地處理數據並妥善保存記錄. 看起來他們在後台工作, 但他們的工作對公司的順利運行至關重要.

在最後一集中,我們遇到了克里斯蒂娜, 拉法基汽車人力資源部行政助理主管. 在一次採訪中, 克里斯蒂娜告訴我們一些她平時的工作職責. 今天, 她會談論為什麼她的​​工作對公司如此重要.


1. Christina 管理公司信息的一種方式是什麼?
2. 她調動資源的一種方式是什麼?
3. 克里斯蒂娜喜歡她的工作嗎? 為什麼或者為什麼不?

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BEP 165 – 行政助理英語 (1)

這是兩部分中的第一部分 商務英語播客 行政助理工作系列. 我們將研究與辦公室職責和日常生活相關的詞彙和搭配.

在我們開始之前, 讓我們談談 英語搭配. 搭配是一組通常一起使用的詞. 母語人士習慣於使用它們, they know what sounds “right” and what sounds “wrong.” For example, in English the phrase “go online” is a natural way to refer to using the internet. But it wouldn’t be natural to say something like “proceed online” or “travel online”, even though “proceed” and “travel” are other ways to express “go.” You’ll hear lots of collocations related to office life in today’s dialog. 傾聽它們,我們將在匯報中解釋它們的含義以及如何使用它們.

現在, 行政助理的角色. The job title of “administrative assistant”, or “admin assistant” for short, 可以涵蓋相當廣泛的職責. 行政助理通常會花費大量時間處理數據 – 是否是記錄其他員工工作時間的時間表, 或用於安排會議室的名冊. 他們所做的大部分工作都涉及確保其他員工盡可能高效地工作.

在這一集中,我們將與克里斯蒂娜交談, 誰在汽車零部件製造商的人力資源部擔任行政助理. 克里斯蒂娜將告訴我們她的職位的一些職責.


1. 克里斯蒂娜每天的第一項任務是什麼?
2. 銷售團隊有多少員工?
3. 個人休假申請的截止日期是什麼時候?

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國內生產毛額 04 詞彙 – 以英語討論項目

When you think of projects, what comes to mind? You might think of something quite complicated and extensive, like the new office project we’ll be hearing about today. But in fact, most of the tasks we do in business are part of a project. Even something as simple as writing a proposal is a project in itself: First you collect data, then you analyze and evaluate the data before writing a draft. 最後, you edit the draft proposal and present a final version to the decision-makers. So knowing how to refer to different elements of a project and describe them with interesting collocations is important for practically everyone involved in business today.

Following on from our two video podcasts on basic vocabulary for project management (維維 07 & 維維 08), today we’re going to listen in to a briefing by Kerri, the manager of a direct marketing company, and Martina, a member of her staff. We’ll be focusing on collocations useful for describing a project and its execution.


1) What does Kerri want Martina to do for the company?
2) How much time will Martina have to complete this project?
3) What does Kerri promise to do to make Martina’s work easier?

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國內生產毛額 03 商務詞彙 – 辦公室主管

Today’s podcast continues our series on business vocabulary, with a special focus on collocations or word partnerships. By focusing on words that are commonly used together you can improve your vocabulary and also your ability to understand your English-speaking colleagues.

當你想到 “office administration”, what are the first things that come to mind? They might be things like paperwork, 備案, copying, and other boring and repetitive tasks. Most people probably don’t think of an office manager’s job as a crucial service that supports the successful running of a company and, 所以, its ability to make money.

出色地, today we’re about to meet Thomas, who’s going to tell us about the role he plays as office manager at the Mexican subsidiary of a multinational chemical company.


1) How does Thomas summarize his role as Office Manager?
2) What characteristics does Thomas list as important qualities of an office manager?
3) According to Thomas, what is a common misunderstanding about the best way for an office manager to do his job?

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國內生產毛額 02 – 人力資源: 培訓經理

In the second part of our new ESL podcast series on business vocabulary, we continue with the topic of 人力資源 (人力資源) by looking at useful language and collocations to describe the role and responsibilities of a training manager.

In this fast-changing global world, everything is moving. To make a successful business, it’s not enough just to follow yesterday’s trend. Companies and people need to constantly acquire new skills to succeed in tomorrow’s marketplace. This means driving new training initiatives to enhance performance. 然而, not all training is equally successful. To ensure training effectiveness, it’s important to track results and to have standard criteria for measuring outcomes.

在這個播客中, we’ll listen to Andrea, a training manager, describing her function and responsibilities. Afterwards, we’ll study some key vocabulary. Then we’ll practice what we’ve learned.


1) What kind of training programs does Andrea run?
2) Does Andrea work with vendors? What for?
3) What do the five letters in SMART stand for?

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學習 專案管理英語 提供商務英語播客課程,用於以英語進行項目.

商務英語播客提供廣泛的專案管理英語課程,涵蓋從專案規劃和執行到風險管理和利害關係人溝通的各個方面. 課程涵蓋以下主題 專案規劃和調度, 風險管理, 專案範圍, 預算和財務, 利害關係人管理, 專案站立會議, 領導力和激勵, 專案報告, 和 專案執行和交付. 另外, 這些課程為學習者提供了 詞彙, 語法, 和口語練習, 讓您能夠在專案管理環境中自信、流利地用英語進行交流.
