技能 360 – Teleconferences (部分 2)

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技能 360 - English for Teleconference 1

歡迎回到 技能 360 for today’s lesson on leading and managing a 電話會議.

Leading a meeting is rarely easy. You’ve got to manage time, an agenda, 和 – most importantlya diverse group of people. 現在, what about if the meeting happens by phone, with each person or small group calling in from a different location? Nobody can see each other, and there may be a variety of distractions that you, as the leader, can’t shut out simply by closing the door. Sure, teleconferencing is a marvel of modern technology, but it can be challenging.

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技能 360 – Teleconferences (部分 1)

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技能 360 - English for Teleconferences 2

歡迎回到 技能 360 for today’s lesson on how to participate in a teleconference.

With modern technology, you don’t have to be in the same room to have a meeting with other people. Teleconferencing tools allow us to connect by phone, VOIP, or video from across the country, or around the world. You can even join a meeting from home, your car or on plane at 30,000 feet in the air. Sure, it’s amazing, but teleconferencing brings special challenges, and we have to be mindful of things that real-life meetings don’t require.

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BEP 181 – 處理危機 3: 獲得觀點

這是我們的第三 商務英語播客 處理危機系列. 在危機的第一部分, 可能會有很多混亂和活動. 但是如果你通過那部分就可以了, 接下來是什麼?

在關鍵階段之後的某個時刻, 人們將聚在一起重新評估情況. 團隊合作很重要. 人們需要共同努力以應對危機. 如果沒有, 如果他們不同意並嘗試朝不同的方向前進, 這對公司不利. 團結是絕對必要的. 需要良好的領導才能儘早建立這種團結, 但是要保持良好的團隊合作精神.

在我們的最後一課中, 我們聽到生產工程師Mike與新加坡通信副總裁交談, 莫妮卡. 她從邁克那裡獲得了有關事故的一些信息,並製定了溝通計劃. 那仍然是危機的關鍵階段.

在這一集, 在關鍵階段之後,我們將聽電話會議. 現在該考慮發生了什麼並重新評估情況. 我們會聽到邁克和莫妮卡, 以及美國老闆弗蘭克(Frank), 桑迪工廠經理, 還有一個叫西蒙妮的律師. 讓他們傾聽他們對危機的看法並弄清他們到目前為止如何處理局勢.


1. Why does Mike say “sorry” to Simone?
2. Monika想在討論中重點關注什麼?
3. 桑迪對西蒙妮的擔憂有何看法?

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BEP 179 – 處理危機 1: 控制

This is the first in a series of Business English lessons on handling a crisis.

Imagine this: it’s four o’clock in the morning and you’re sound asleep. 電話響了. It’s one of your managers. There’s been a terrible accident! 你是做什麼? 你說什麼?

At some point in your career, you will have to deal with a major crisis. It could be a labor strike or an environmental disaster. And there are minor crises, like missing an important delivery or running out of paper, that can happen every day. These events can certainly do damage, but how much? That depends on how you deal with them.

Good crisis management is the key. Your success and reputation depend on it. 那麼在這節課中, we’ll look at what happens when a crisis breaks, or begins. This is all about “Taking Control in a Crisis.” We’ll cover some useful techniques and language to deal effectively with that early morning phone call about an accident.

We’ll hear Sandy and Mike, who work at a factory in China that has just had an accident. Sandy is the plant manager, while Mike is the lead production engineer. A pipe has burst, releasing gas and injuring two workers. Now Sandy and Mike are calling their boss, Frank Menzies, in the U.S. Let’s listen as Sandy and Mike deliver the bad news and Frank takes control of the crisis.


1. Why isn’t Mike on the call at the beginning?
2. What information about the incident does Frank want to know?
3. What does Frank instruct Mike to do at the end?

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BEP 144 – 會議: English for Teleconferences (2)

English for Teleconference Meetings 1

This is the second of a two-part 商務英語課 on English for teleconferences.

Teleconferences allow people from different locations to have a meeting over the telephone. While convenient, teleconferences do have some issues to keep in mind, such as keeping track of who’s talking. Sometimes two people talk at the same time or talk too quickly. Because participants can’t see each other, it’s helpful to use “signposts” or short statements that prepare others for what’s about to be said. Other issues such as laying out an agenda and managing the time also come into play.

In the last episode, we heard a conversation between Craig and Elsa, two employees at StarCom, an electronics manufacturer. Craig has his first teleconference coming up and Elsa gave him an informal tutorial, teaching him about the equipment and some of the protocols for a teleconference.

今天, Craig is participating in the teleconference. The host of the teleconference is Tony, a manager in Chicago. Also participating are Diana, a colleague in London, and JP, who works in Marketing at the Dallas location. They’re discussing the upcoming holiday season, new product lines, and advertising.


1) How does JP help Craig with the agenda?
2) According to Diana, why were the printer test results disappointing?
3) Why doesn’t Diana think the problem will be resolved quickly?

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