BEP 354 – 商務英語輔導 3: 回顧進展

BEP 354 - 商務英語輔導課程 3: 回顧進展

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程,回顧 輔導計劃.

你為自己設定目標嗎? 很有可能, 正確的. 這是我們經常聽到的事情, 尤其是過年的時候. 設定目標 是成功的基本組成部分. 如果你擔任教練角色, 您可能已經幫助其他人為自己設定目標. 但真正的工作不是設定目標; 在於堅持並投入精力實現這些目標.

作為某人的教練, 一旦你幫助別人決定了某些目標,你的工作就還沒完成. 下一步正在跟進, 這通常意味著與你所輔導的人坐下來審查進展情況. 你問他們事情進展如何, 聆聽他們描述自己所做的事情. 但是有時, 這個人並沒有真正跟進. 然後怎麼樣呢?

那就是你透過讓對方承擔責任來證明你的價值的時候. 這可能包括強化公司的價值觀, 當你試圖讓對方遵守承諾時. 當然, 這個人可能遇到了障礙, 您可以詢問和討論. 仍然, 這些障礙不應成為藉口, 你可能需要稍微推動這個人才能發揮他們的潛力. 和, 當然, 好的教練在整個過程中都會提供支持.

在今天的對話中, 我們將繼續聆聽兩位律師的對話, 馬里昂和雷切爾. 馬里昂已經 輔導 雷切爾作為一名年輕律師適應新工作. 他們討論了雷切爾面臨的一些問題, 並設定一些目標. 現在,馬里昂正在跟進並審查實現這些目標的進展情況.


1. 當瑞秋因為某些問題而責怪傑夫時,馬里昂怎麼說?
2. 雷切爾認為改善自己的形象和人際網絡面臨哪些障礙?
3. 在挑戰雷切爾做得更好後, 馬里昂提供什麼?

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BEP 353 – 商務英語輔導 2: 設定目標

BEP 353 - 商務英語輔導 2: 設定目標

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程,內容是在學習期間設定目標 輔導 會議.

您可能聽說過其中一個重要部分 輔導 正在傾聽並表現出同理心. 好的教練會努力理解他或她要指導的人. 這有助於建立信任, 這創造了建設性的關係. 但這種關係是為了什麼? 這種信任允許從事什麼樣的工作?

一旦你作為教練建立了良好的關係, 然後你就可以開始談論改進. 畢竟, 教練的存在不僅僅是為了傾聽人們的問題. 他們的全部目的是幫助人們變得更好. 變得更好的一個重要部分是設定目標, 這是一個好的教練可以提供幫助的事情.

那我們如何與某人合作實現他們的目標? 出色地, 可能會從詢問他們的動機開始. 畢竟, 目標必須針對某事. 如果某人的動機是升職, 那麼目標必須與之相關. 這強調了這樣一個事實:它們是對方的目標. 我們不為他們設定目標. 我們詢問他們的目標. 然後我們可以幫助他們將目標分解為更小的目標.

當然, 教練的另一個重要功能是給予鼓勵. 所以當我們幫助某人設定目標時, 我們有能力對他們滿足他們的能力表現出信心. 最後, 我們可能會詢問他們的下一步行動. 那是, 當她試圖實現目標時,該人將採取哪些具體活動?

在今天的對話中, 我們將重新與兩位律師會合: 馬里昂和雷切爾. 馬里昂一直在指導雷切爾學習如何成為更好的律師. 在上一課中, 我們聽到馬里昂試圖找出雷切爾面臨的挑戰. 現在我們將聽到她幫助雷切爾設定一些目標.


1. 對話開始時,馬里恩問拉切爾什麼?
2. 雷切爾為自己確定了什麼短期目標?
3. 馬里昂說她「確信」什麼” 並且「毫無疑問?”

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BEP 345 – 管理英語: 解決衝突 (2)

BEP 345 課 - 管理英語: 解決衝突 (2)

歡迎回到商務英語播客今天的課程 resolving conflict in the workplace.

Conflict happens. There’s no way around it. But not everyone has the same attitude toward conflict. Some people run from it, or refuse to even admit it exists. Other people acknowledge it but simply hope it goes away on its own. And some people are able to approach it with confidence, dealing with it openly and honestly.

The first step in conflict resolution is for the people involved to sit down and try to work it out themselves. But that doesn’t always work, and in many cases it takes a third party to attempt to find solutions. That third party might be a peer, 或同事. But mostly it’s a manager or leader. 實際上, helping mediate conflict between people is an important function of a manager.

Effective mediation is a tricky business. You need to help people have the open and honest conversations that they might not be able to have on their own. Part of that involves ensuring each person has their turn to speak. One of your aims, 當然, is common understanding, so you may need to encourage empathy and confirm understanding at different steps along the way.

As a conflict mediator, your ultimate aim it to find a solution. 要做到這一點, you’ll want to have people agree on a common goal. You may also ask them to focus on positive actions, rather than negative ones. Positive actions are more solution-focused.

在今天的對話中, we’ll continue hearing about a conflict between Trevor and Andrew, two retail managers in the same company. Trevor has tried talking with Andrew about their personal conflict, but they haven’t been able to reach a clear solution. So their boss Ann has stepped in as a third-party to help resolve the conflict.


1. What does Ann do when Trevor interrupts Andrew at the start of the dialog?
2. After Andrew explains his side of the story, what does Ann ask Trevor?
3. What is the common goal for the solution Ann proposes?

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BEP 344 – 管理英語: 解決衝突 (1)

Business English Lesson BEP 344 - 管理英語: 解決衝突 (1)

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on how to resolve conflict.

Just say the wordconflictand people usually get uncomfortable. Most people want to avoid conflict at all costs. But conflict in the workplace is unavoidable. 實際上, it’s a natural result of people working in groups. And in a healthy organization, conflict can actually be constructive. It can lead to personal and professional growth, as well as new ideas and ways of working.

But those positive results of conflict can only be realized if people are willing to face conflict directly and honestly. If people ignore conflict, or refuse to face it, then bad things can happen. Unresolved conflict leads to toxicity and poisoned relationships or teams. Given enough time, it can destroy a company.

So if you experience conflict with someone at work, what can you do? 出色地, the first step involves trying to work things out one-on-one. You need to talk, privately and openly. And when you do, it’s important to focus on the impact of the other person’s behavior and to try to identify the root cause of the problem. 與此同時, you should consider the other sides views and ask them about their perceptions, rather than just focusing on yours. Stick to the facts as you try to resist arguing, and always look for possible solutions.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear a retail manager named Trevor try to resolve a conflict he’s having with Andrew, a manager at another store in the same company. Trevor is trying to calmly deal with the situation and find a way to improve their working relationship.


1. What does Trevor say he felt as a result of Andrew’s behavior?
2. How does Trevor respond when Andrew gives him examples of employees that have changed workplaces?
3. What solution does Trevor propose?

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BEP 343 – 面試英語: 第二輪行為面試

BEP 343 - 英語面試: 2nd Round Behavioral Interview in English

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on second round 英語面試.

You may know all about the basic 英語求職面試題. And you might be comfortable talking about your basic qualifications and experience. But most companies don’t stop the selection process after one round of interviews. They create a shortlist and invite a few outstanding candidates back for a second interview.

在很多情況下, that second interview is what we call a behavioral interview. Interviewers will ask questions about how you acted or reacted to challenges in past work, and how you dealt with or adapted to different situations. 這樣, they can find out whether you have the right attitude, 方法, and abilities for the job.

The behavioral interview is a special opportunity to demonstrate soft skills, such as leadership, or how you take a principled approach to problems. You might also want to show that you can remain calm in conflict. 在很多情況下, the STAR approach can help shape your responses. This is when you describe four things: the situation, the task, the action, and the result. And in this kind of 英語面試, you have to be careful, because some interviewers will try to give you leading questions to get you to reveal mistakes or problems.

在今天的對話中, we’ll hear Kat, who is applying for a job with a private healthcare company. She is being interviewed by Denise. Denise is asking Kat some tough behavioral questions, and Kat is doing a good job of demonstrating some important soft skills.


1. What example does Kat give of how she showed leadership and went above and beyond?
2. What situation does Kat describe in response to a question about an unpopular decision?
3. What attitude or attribute does Kat demonstrate when describing a situation of conflict?

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