BEP 145 – 金錢成語 (部分 1)

This is the first of a two-part Business English Pod series on idioms related to money.

It’s difficult to imagine business without money. 畢竟, making money is the main goal of many businesses. Profits often determine a company’s success. And companies must spend money, and budget carefully, to reach their business goals. 所以, it’s not surprising money idioms are featured regularly in business conversations.

We’ll be covering many of these idioms today. Take note of them as you hear the dialog, but don’t worry if you don’t understand them the first time around. 它們都會在報告中得到解釋,最後你將有機會練習它們.

我們將聽凱文和利亞, 一家中型化妝品公司的兩名同事. 化妝品是化妝品的行業名稱 – 用於增強人的外觀的產品, 例如睫毛膏或眼影. 他們正在討論來年的促銷計劃,同時預算緊張, 所以沒有太多錢可以花. 凱文和利亞在花錢的最佳方式上意見不一,必須找到妥協方案.


1. 凱文建議什麼促銷計劃?
2. 利亞同意這個想法嗎? 為什麼或者為什麼不?
3. 凱文認為公司需要展示什麼?

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8 關於「BEP」的思考 145 – 金錢成語 (部分 1)”

  1. 回撥: 商務英語遊戲和測驗 | 商務英語播客 :: 線上學習商務英語

  2. This point is also brought up in the script as his own mother warns him that he would not get so lucky a third time.

  3. Hi all,
    I am Quoc, I am From Viet Nam. I want to improve my English, but I have not method to other improve, i hope the people will help me. :)


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