BEP 79 – Viagem: Fazendo uma reserva de hotel

Today’s Business English Podcast lesson is on making a hotel reservation.

It’s something all of us need to do: Whether it’s for a company business trip, or for personal travelwe all need to, at some time or another, call a hotel to reserve a room. Claro, making reservations is not only useful for hotels but also for all sorts of situationsconferences, restaurants, airplane travel, and any other type of event that requires us to book in advance.

That is the skill that we will be practicing in this episodemaking reservations. Pelo caminho, we’ll also be learning vocabulary for staying in hotels.

Na escuta, Sarah Johnson is going on vacation with her husband. She calls the reservations desk at the Majestic Hotel in New York, where a staff member, Tony, picks up the phone. Enquanto você escuta, pay attention to the language Sarah uses, and try to answer the following questions.

Perguntas de escuta

1) What kind of room does Sarah want?
2) What extra request does Sarah have?
3) Tony makes a mistake while taking Sarah’s reservation. O que é isso?

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BEP 67 – Socializando com colegas de trabalho

This is the fourth in a series of intermediate business ESL podcasts that focus on business travel. In this series we’re following a group of trainees who work for the telecommunications company Ambient as they visit their head office in Michigan in the U.S.

How do you make friendly chat with your colleagues? What kinds of topics can you talk about? We’ll be looking at some answers. Em particular, we’ll cover informal greetings and how to chat about movies. As almost everyone loves to go to the cinema, movies are usually a good topic for small talk.

As our listening begins, it’s Monday morning. Honesto, a trainee from the Philippines, says hello to his American colleague Brenda as she comes in to the office.

Perguntas de escuta

1) What does Brenda mean when she says “veg out”?
2) What are critics and what did they think about Rush Hour 3?
3) How does Brenda like her coffee?

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BEP 66 – Trabalhando com colegas e fazendo solicitações

O que você faz se não tiver espaço de escritório para todos os seus funcionários ou muitos deles geralmente passam a maior parte do tempo viajando ou trabalhando fora do local? Nos anos 90, algum gerente inteligente veio com uma solução – mesa quente – E o resto é história. Hot desking refere-se ao uso de áreas de trabalho temporárias que são configuradas para qualquer equipe que precise delas.

Com a invenção dos laptops e da Internet, podemos trabalhar em qualquer lugar. Agora, em muitas empresas ao redor do mundo, de empresas de software de alta tecnologia a consultorias de gestão e até mesmo cada vez mais em setores mais tradicionais, como bancos e engenharia, um certo número de áreas de trabalho são transformadas em “mesas quentes.” Contanto que eles estejam vazios, qualquer um pode trabalhar lá. Sentar-se, conecte seu computador, e você está pronto para ir! Em empresas onde muitas pessoas viajam, esta é uma ótima maneira de economizar dinheiro porque reduz o espaço não utilizado a um mínimo.

Nisso Podcast de inglês para negócios lição, continuaremos nossa série sobre viagens de negócios. Estamos seguindo Honesto, um funcionário da Ambient Telecommunications de Manila, em uma viagem de treinamento para a matriz em Michigan, EUA. O foco principal do idioma da lição é fazer pedidos educados. Pelo caminho, também veremos algumas maneiras diferentes de expressar gostos e desgostos. Honesto encontrou uma mesa sem uso e está trabalhando quando de repente consegue um novo vizinho, Megan.

Perguntas de escuta

1) Que tipo de expressões Honesto e Megan usam para fazer pedidos educados?
2) Em que tipo de treinamento Honesto está participando?
3) De onde é a megan?

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BEP 56 – Viagem de negócios 2: Alfândega e Imigração

Continuing our series on ESL for business travel, we rejoin Alan and Honesto on their business trip to the USA. Dentro BEP 55 – Airport Departures and Take Off, Alan, the main character in our story, and Honesto, his colleague, have left Hong Kong for San Francisco. There they will go through immigration, collect their bags, and change planes to Michigan, which is where their company, Ambiente, is headquartered.

Immigration is the process you follow to enter a foreign country. So in today’s ESL lesson, you’ll learn helpful travel vocabulary and phrases you can use when you enter the U.S. or other countries.

Perguntas de escuta

1) What is an I-94 form?
2) How much money can you bring into the U.S.?
3) Where does Alan want to go sightseeing?
4) What does Alan mean byjust pulling your leg?”

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BEP 55 – Viagem de negócios: Partida e decolagem do aeroporto

This Business English Podcast lesson is the first in a series of shows that will follow an employee of a manufacturing company on a training trip to the U.S. Over the series, we’ll practice many situations that will be useful for you on your business trips overseas, including going through immigration, renting a car, checking into a hotel, using wireless internet and so on.

The main character in our story is Alan Chen. He works for a major multinational electronics manufacturer, Ambiente, which is headquartered in Michigan in the USA. Having recently received a promotion, Alan is going to America to learn 6 Sigma, which is a system for improving quality.

Today’s episode starts at the beginning of the business trip withboarding the airplane.

Perguntas de escuta

1) What row are Alan and Honesto sitting in?
2) What should passengers turn off before the plane takes off?
3) What does Alan mean bymurder a scotch.

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