BEP 126 – Reuniões em inglês: Discutindo um problema (1)

Um dos motivos mais comuns para realizar uma reunião é resolver um problema. A meeting can be a great place to do this, because it is possible for a variety of people with different experiences and perspectives to work together to identify the problem and come up with possible solutions.

Mas, enquanto podemos ter as pessoas certas na reunião, o processo geralmente é falho porque uma pergunta não foi claramente feita e respondida: "Qual é o problema?” So, in today’s episode we’re going to focus on how to define the problem through discussion and then restate the problem as a challenge. In the second part of this series, we’ll look at how to evaluate and eliminate suggestions and then agree on a plan of action.

We’ll be listening to Kathryn, the head of Human Resources at a medium-sized company, who is meeting with department heads to discuss a problem they’re having with low staff morale across all departments of the company. Morale is a word used to describe a general feeling or mood.

Kathryn wants everyone to consider possible hidden reasons for low morale at the company. We’ll see how she helps participants focus on breaking down the morale problem. Quando a caixa de diálogo começa, Kathryn calls everyone to attention and begins the meeting.

Perguntas de escuta:

1) What is the surface problem that Kathryn and the others can see?
2) What does the group decide is the true cause of this problem?
3) What is the challenge that the group faces at the end of the dialog?

*** Esta lição faz parte do nosso EBook em inglês para negócios para reuniões: Fundamentos da reunião. Membros Premium Clique aqui para baixar o eBook completo.

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11 thoughts on “BEP 126 – Reuniões em inglês: Discutindo um problema (1)”

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