بن 14 – معركة المنصات المتنقلة

Business English Lesson on Mobile Platforms
وصلت معركة تفوق الهواتف الذكية إلى مستويات جديدة في الأشهر الأخيرة, مع الشركات الضخمة في الصناعة ، Apple و Google ، يتصدران المسؤولية على الأجهزة المحمولة القوية منذ فترة طويلة مثل Research in Motion و Windows.

احصل على المعلومات المنخفضة في الموجز, لكنها تتطور باستمرار, تاريخ سوق الهواتف الذكية في هذا الشهر درس أخبار اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال. نعرض الكثير من المفردات الرائعة للحديث عن الاتصالات المتنقلة, المبيعات والتكنولوجيا. استخدم الروابط أدناه للوصول إلى النص المجاني والاختبارات القصيرة لهذا الدرس.

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18 thoughts on “BEN 14 – معركة المنصات المتنقلة”

  1. To be honest I can’t see Apple losing this battle. The way in which their apps integrate with the iPad alone is enough to make them the winners.

  2. I agree with you GemmaEspecially the way that Apple’s ‘cult followingkeeps growing with each new product release, I don’t see anyone else making any kind of a dent in their market share.

  3. Really interesting thing for checking your grammar, but the voice of the narrator could be better. This should be useful for students.
    The theme of the text is nowadays battle between smartphones, People are hating android when they are using IPhone and opposed. It is a really messy thing battle between smartphones it will end one day but not today. Maybe someday there will be a third competitor in this battle for supremacy.

  4. This text and tasks were really interesting. Something new and diffirent. In the text most of the things were allready know, but i found something new. Tasks was a bit easy and you can cheat, but still it was fun, we need more task like this, beacause it was intresint and fun and something new.

  5. Apple and Google are battling each other for the top spot for the smart phone OS market for a few years now and this article seems to be very informative.
    Earlier this year i bought my first Android phone. So far it has been pretty handy and easy to use but since my phone is slow the OS is running slower than expectedAccording to the Google, they are implementing hotfixes to the new Android versions to support cheaper phones with less than 1GB of RAM. Because I haven’t used any of the iOS phones I cannot really compare these two operating systems but as far as I know from YouTube reviews, iOS is faster and more stable.
    All in all it seems that people are more willingly using Google software over Apple.

  6. The quiz was pretty interesting but also quite easy. I’ve done much more difficult tasks in the past and so it wasn’t too hard for me. Even though i think it was pretty useful because i have learned a few new words.

  7. حسنًا, the article was surprisingly interesting, although it didn’t cover enough aspects of both companies and operating systems. However those quizes were rather fun and pretty enjoyable if you want to learn something new in a different way. If I were to create such an interactive learning environment I would make it more difficult.

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