BEP 42 – اللغة الإنجليزية للاجتماعات: افتتاح اجتماع

This is the first in a two-part intermediate درس بودكاست للغة الإنجليزية للأعمال on opening and managing meetings. في هذه الحلقة, we’ll look at how to open a meeting. In the second part (BEP 43) we’ll look at language you can use to manage the discussion.

The listening takes place in the Singapore offices of Daneline, an international shipping company. مارتن, the GM, is chairing a meeting with Sandra, David and Sam to discuss a budget shortfall. Shortfall means their budget has fallen short of expectations. In other words, they don’t have enough money, so they need to make some cuts. To chair a meeting is to lead the meeting. We can say that Martin is the chairperson. So in these two episodes on opening and managing meetings, you’ll be learning language for chairing meetings.

مسابقة الاستماع
1) What is the amount of the budget shortfall?
2) Why doesn’t Sandra have a copy of the agenda?
3) How many possible cuts are under discussion?
4) What is the first item on the agenda?

*** هذا الدرس جزء من عملنا اللغة الإنجليزية للأعمال للاجتماعات: أساسيات الاجتماع. أعضاء بريميوم إضغط هنا للتحميل الكتاب الإلكتروني الكامل.

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5 thoughts on “BEP 42 – اللغة الإنجليزية للاجتماعات: افتتاح اجتماع”

  1. Your site is really a good one. The contents are really pertinent. I have found a lot of the site on the business english, but I think yours is the best. بالاضافة, your business mode is new and attractive.(a little pity, I cannot download the phrasecast by itunes, so I have to add it to my library manually ).

    Please, note that you attached the wrong study note to the podcast BEP42 INT Meetings. في الحقيقة, the BEP41: study notes related to the previous Podcast BEP41SN Interview2.

  2. I agree this is the best of all for business English study and practice, besides it is attractive, motivating and you never want to stop practisingit is an excellent tool and we look forward to learning moreIt is a pleasure to read and listen to, very intelligent , exceptional way to make business English enjoyable !!! شكرًا لك , and congratulations !

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