أفضل الممارسات البيئية 21 – الاتصال الهاتفي: فتح المكالمات وتلقي الرسائل

A new version of this lesson is available here: أفضل الممارسات البيئية 21 ATelephone Skills: بدء مكالمة

This is an intermediate level Business English Podcast on making telephone calls in English. Some of the key language phrases we cover in this episode are: تحديد هويتك والمتصل, ذكر الغرض من مكالمتك وترك رسالة.

These telephone calls are about a contract between a large aircraft company and one of its suppliers, also known as a subcontractor. The contracts department from the client is calling to ask about a proposal it is expecting from the supplier for a new contract. الوقت قصير جدًا لتلقي جميع المقترحات, وحتى الآن, لم تتلق شركة الطائرات أي شيء من هذا المورد.

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11 thoughts on “BEP 21 – الاتصال الهاتفي: فتح المكالمات وتلقي الرسائل”

  1. The podcast programs are great for both business English instructors and learners at appropriate levels. Thanks for this kind of global contribution to the network.
    I wonder if I could get transcripts about the podcasts.

  2. I really learnes a lot from these Telephoning calls. How to talk with people in an Professional way, and the new thing I learned that is helpful is the Telephone alphabet.

    شكرا لك

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