
Learn how English idioms are used in conversation with our lessons on business English idioms. 随着超过 40 lessons on English idioms you can learn how to understand and use hundreds of idioms in English.

Business English Idioms

BEP 405 – 有关动物的英语习语 (2)

BEP 405 课 - 有关动物的英语习语 (2)

欢迎回到 商务英语 Pod 我们系列的第二部分 英语成语 与动物有关.

英语可能是一门很难学的语言. 一个理由, 你可能已经发现了, 就是有很多不同的方式来表达某件事. 不只是各种单独的单词, 还有各种习语. 习语可能很棘手. 您可能会听到有人说“这是一个狗咬狗的世界”并想知道: 他们为什么谈论狗?

实际上, “狗吃狗的世界”根本不是关于狗的. 这是一个成语,形容竞争环境艰苦. 就像你在商业世界中努力学习英语以便参与竞争一样. 英语里充满了这样的表达方式. 原来我们有几十个与动物有关的成语.

在本课中, 我们将重新加入一家大公司的三位同事之间的对话. 红宝石, 迪伦和凯尔一直在讨论他们公司的首席投资官职位, 以及投资世界. 他们在谈话中使用许多与动物有关的习语. 看看你是否能在我们通过对话时发现其中的一些, 我们稍后会在汇报中解释它们.


1. 迪伦如何描述他的投资顾问的工作习惯?
2. Ruby 用什么话来向她的同事传达她没有特殊信息可以分享?
3. Dylan 认为公司需要做什么才能证明他们认真对待 IT 转型?

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BEP 404 – 有关动物的英语习语 (1)

BEP 404 课 - 有关动物的英语习语 (1)

欢迎回到 商务英语 播客今天的课程 英语成语 与动物有关.

就像我们所有的课程一样, 这一主题侧重于您可以在工作和商业中使用的语言. 当你像狗一样工作时, 你不能浪费时间学习你永远不会使用的表达方式. 当谈到习语时, 你应该关注那些常用的和被广泛理解的. 和我刚用的一样: “像狗一样工作。”

实际上, 有很多 英语习语 提到动物的, 尤其是狗. 这可能是因为我们很多人都把它们当作宠物. 但我们有关于猫的习语, 马匹, 蛇, 鱼, 奶牛, 熊和无数其他动物. 学习这些习语可以丰富你的语言工具箱,让你听起来更自然. 除了, 一个恰当的习语可以给句子增添很大的影响力.

在本课中, 我们来听迪伦之间的对话, 红宝石, 和凯尔 – 一家大公司的三个同事. 他们正在谈论他们公司的首席投资官职位. 他们讨论该角色的前任人选, 申请该职位的人, 以及得到它的人. 他们在谈话中使用许多与动物有关的习语. 看看你是否能发现其中一些, 我们稍后会在汇报中解释它们.


1. 鲁比如何描述格雷格, 申请首席投资官职位的财务人员?
2. 迪伦如何描述布雷特, 前首席投资官?
3. Ruby 用什么表达来形容当前充满挑战的市场?

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BEP 394 – English Idioms about Body Parts (2)

BEP 394 - English Idioms about Body Parts (2)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 business English idioms based on the human body.

In your time studying English have you ever heard the expression “to learn something by heart?” Maybe you had to learn an English song by heart. Or maybe it was verb conjugations, or a list of vocabulary that your teacher made you learn “by heart.” And maybe you know that learning something by heart means memorizing it, which is kind of strange when you consider our memory is in our brain, not our heart!

But “to learn by heart” is an idiom. And English has thousands and thousands of idioms. It’s one thing that makes English really hard to learn. But you’ll find that 英语成语 tend to rely on certain themes or metaphors, like body parts. And today we’ll look at some idioms that refer to brains, ears, hearts, hands, lips, fingers, and even heels.

在本课中, we’ll rejoin a conversation between Maria and Trevor. They are friends and former colleagues who are meeting for coffee to chat about their work situations. In their conversation they use many different idioms related to human body parts. See if you can spot some of these idioms as you listen, and I’ll explain them later in the debrief.


1. How does Maria describe her CEO?
2. What does Trevor say when Maria tells him she has a secret?
3. What has Maria seen happen to other companies that makes her afraid of starting her own?

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BEP 393 – English Idioms about Body Parts (1)

BEP 393 - English Idioms about Body Parts (1)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 英语成语 related to different parts of the body.

Now you probably already know that when I said “head over to” the website, I meant you should go look at the website. Even if you didn’t know that particular expression, you could probably guess the meaning from my sentence. “Head over tois a kind of idiom, and English has a lot of idioms, as you’ve probably noticed!

实际上, there are many common sources of idioms. And one interesting source is the human body. There are a few body parts in particular that have generated a lot of idioms. English has dozens of idioms just with the words “head” and “hands.” But there are idioms using all different parts of the body, and that’s what we’re going to learn about today.

在本课中, we’ll listen to a conversation between two friends and former colleagues: Maria and Trevor. They’re meeting for coffee and are eager to catch up after not seeing each other for a while. Maria and Trevor talk about their different work situations. 在他们谈话期间, they use many 英语成语 related to the human body. 看看你是否能在我们通过对话时发现其中的一些, 我们稍后会在汇报中解释它们.


1. How does Trevor agree with Maria’s assessment of her old boss Roger?
2. How does Maria describe her ten years of working at Trevor’s company?
3. What does Maria say about the attitude of the people she works with?

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BEP 386 – English Idioms about Spending Money (2)

BEP 386 - English Idioms about Spending Money 2

欢迎回到 商务英语播客 for another look at 英语成语 related to spending money.

Think of the people close to you, particularly your family members, and consider how they spend money. Does everyone have the same approach? Or do they all handle things differently? Chances are, you can easily think of differences in peoples’ approaches to money management. And it shouldn’t be surprising to learn that money is one of the top sources of conflict in a relationship.

This is true in business just as it is in families. How a company uses its financial resources is a huge strategic concern. Does the company risk some to get some? Or does the company favor saving and safety? And does the short-term strategy differ from the long-term strategy? These are all important questions, and it’s no wonder that English has so many idioms to talk about how people spend money.

在今天的对话中, we’ll rejoin Shelly, Martin, and Vince, three managers at a tech company. They are talking about how their company should spend money on staffing. And as we’ll hear, they don’t really agree on the best approach. 在他们谈话期间, they use many business English idioms related to spending money. 看看你是否能在我们通过对话时发现其中的一些, 我们稍后会在汇报中解释它们.


1. What does Martin say about companies that already work in the sector they are considering?
2. How does Martin describe office space on the south side of the city?
3. How does Vince describe the company’s possible future situation of having lots more money to spend?

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