BEP 223 – 金融英语: 讨论预算 (1)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 金融英语词汇 and discussing a budget.

Budgets aren’t just for accountants. Almost everyone in business has to talk about money and how to spend it. It doesn’t matter if you’re a manager with a million dollar budget or a field tech just tracking your expenses. You’ll be talking about money and budgets.

实际上, talk about budgets is everywhere. Turn on the news and it’s not hard to hear people discussing budget “cuts” or budget “reductions.” You can hear about governments with budget “deficits” and budget “surpluses.” Everyone’s worried about money, and in business, earning more often means spending less. These are the topics you’ll hear about today.

在我们听之前, 让我们谈谈 搭配. 搭配是母语人士经常一起使用的一组词. 正确的搭配听起来很自然, 虽然不正确的搭配听起来不自然. 例如, in English we say “budget cuts” to talk about lower spending. But we can’t say “budget slices” or “budget chops,” even though “slice” and “chop” mean “cut.” Those simply aren’t natural expressions.

你会在今天的对话中听到很多有用的搭配. 当你听, 试着挑出这些自然的单词组合. 然后我们将解释它们的含义以及如何在汇报中使用它们.

You’re going to hear a conversation between two managers in the IT department of a large company and their boss. Kate and Harry are the managers, and Linda is the boss. They’re discussing the past year’s budget and how they spent their department’s money.


1. What does Linda want to examine first?
2. What does Harry say about the large one-time cost the department had?
3. According to Linda, what is finance concerned about?

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BEN 21 – 的业务趋势 2013

Business Trends for 2013

在这个 商务英语新闻 课, we take a look at the prospects for 2013.

As the world rang in 2013, many analysts and commentators feel that it’s time to pull out the crystal ball and try to determine what’s in store in the coming 12 月. As the OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurria explains, there’s still a lot of work to do.

The world economy is far from being out of the woods. The US ”˜debt ceiling debate’, if it materializes, could tip an already weak economy into recession, while failure to solve the euro area crisis could lead to a major financial shock and global downturn. Governments must act decisively, using all the tools at their disposal to turn confidence around and boost growth and jobs.

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技能 360 – 保持积极 (部分 2)

在今天的 技能 360 课 我们将以上周的想法为基础,研究如何在工作中以积极的态度实施.

在我们的 最后一集 我们谈论了积极的思考. 今天最重要的是对他人保持积极的态度,因为这会帮助他们感觉良好. 如果你能做到, 客户会想和你做生意, 同事会想和你一起工作, 老板会希望看到你做得好.

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技能 360 – 保持积极 (部分 1)

欢迎回到 技能 360 播客 for today’s lesson on keeping a positive outlook.

It’s the start of a new year. And when you look ahead at 2013, what do you see? Do you see great things for yourself, for your business, or for your career? Or do you see doom and gloom, trouble in the workplace, and a global economic mess? 出色地, I hope you focus on all the positives, even if the negatives exist. And what I want to do is to help you focus on these good things, because positive thinking can help us get where we want to go.

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BEN 20 – 美中经济展望

Business English for Economics

在这个 商务英语新闻 课, we take a look at the economic prospects for the USA and China.

The relationship between the world’s two biggest economies is sure to undergo some major changes in the months ahead. With Obama set to remain in the White House for 4 more years, and Xi Jinping moving in to Zhongnanhai for the next decade, all eyes will be on how the new faces work together amid these tough economic times.

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