BEP 398 – 销售英语: 金融服务 (2)

BEP 398 课 - Sales: 金融服务 2

Welcome back to Business English Pod 今天的课程, 关于销售的三部分系列中的第二部分 金融服务.

当很多人都想着赚钱的时候, 他们考虑有一份工作并赚取薪水. 但如果您曾经存过钱或进行过投资, 你知道还有其他赚钱的方法. I mean, 钱本身就可以做事, 如果你用它做出明智的决定. 正如投资的方式有很多种一样, 我们用很多词来谈论金钱和投资.

在上一课中, 我们被带入了“财富管理”的世​​界。我们在对话中遇到了一个正在“计划退休”的角色。这些表达方式, “财富管理”和“退休计划”,”就是我们所说的 搭配.

A collocation is a natural combination of words. 精通英语的人知道将动词“to plan for”与名词“retirement”一起使用。单词组合起来形成搭配, 或一个集合表达式. 学习搭配可以帮助你听起来更自然, 一起记住单词会更容易, 而不是分开.

In today’s dialog, 我们将重新加入杰西卡, 计划退休的人, 和罗伯特, 财富经理. 杰西卡正在访问罗伯特的办公室,以了解有关他的服务的更多信息. 罗伯特正试图温和地说服杰西卡成为他的客户. 在他们谈话期间, 他们使用许多英语搭配, 我们将在稍后的汇报中解释.

Listening Questions

1. 罗伯特说他的公司采取什么样的财富管理方法?
2. 除了管理投资, 罗伯特的公司为像杰西卡这样的人提供的另一项服务是什么?
3. 杰西卡说她对什么类型的投资特别感兴趣?

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商务英语新闻 53 – 抖音

商务英语新闻 53 - 抖音

In this Business English 我们看的新闻课 business English vocabulary 与科技和 TikTok 有关.

似乎每周都会有另一次试图禁止 TikTok 的消息. Indeed, 联邦政府和美国一半的州. 禁止在政府拥有的设备上使用该应用程序. 以前从未有过应用程序的突然流行引起如此大的反应. 那么该应用程序的下载量是如何达到 10 亿次的? 150 美国 100 万活跃用户? 据《卫报》报道:

TikTok 的巨大成功归功于一系列精明的选择. 它们具有易于使用的视频, 使用模糊创作者和消费者之间界限的创作工具. 他们庞大的授权音乐库让青少年可以为自己的剪辑配乐,而不必担心版权纠纷. Facebook 上耗资 10 亿美元的广告活动吸引了新用户,扎克伯格的公司一派新用户就来.

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商务英语新闻 52 – 聊天GPT

商务英语新闻 52 - 聊天GPT

In this Business English 我们看的新闻课 business English vocabulary 与人工智能和ChatGPT相关.

一阵子, 围绕人工智能的炒作似乎已经平息. 但人工智能的最新发展席卷了世界. 它的名字叫ChatGPT, 除非你住在山洞里, 你肯定听说过. 但到底是什么? 正如《卫报》所解释的:

通过人工智能和机器学习进行培训, ChatGPT 旨在通过对话界面提供信息并回答问题. OpenAI 表示,新人工智能的创建重点是易用性. “对话框格式使得ChatGPT能够回答后续问题, 承认自己的错误, 质疑不正确的前提, 并拒绝不适当的要求。”

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BEP 394 – English Idioms about Body Parts (2)

BEP 394 - English Idioms about Body Parts (2)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 business English idioms based on the human body.

In your time studying English have you ever heard the expression “to learn something by heart?” Maybe you had to learn an English song by heart. Or maybe it was verb conjugations, or a list of vocabulary that your teacher made you learn “by heart.” And maybe you know that learning something by heart means memorizing it, which is kind of strange when you consider our memory is in our brain, not our heart!

But “to learn by heart” is an idiom. And English has thousands and thousands of idioms. It’s one thing that makes English really hard to learn. But you’ll find that 英语成语 tend to rely on certain themes or metaphors, like body parts. And today we’ll look at some idioms that refer to brains, ears, hearts, hands, lips, fingers, and even heels.

In this lesson, we’ll rejoin a conversation between Maria and Trevor. They are friends and former colleagues who are meeting for coffee to chat about their work situations. In their conversation they use many different idioms related to human body parts. See if you can spot some of these idioms as you listen, and I’ll explain them later in the debrief.

Listening Questions

1. How does Maria describe her CEO?
2. What does Trevor say when Maria tells him she has a secret?
3. What has Maria seen happen to other companies that makes her afraid of starting her own?

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BEP 393 – English Idioms about Body Parts (1)

BEP 393 - English Idioms about Body Parts (1)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 英语成语 related to different parts of the body.

Now you probably already know that when I said “head over to” the website, I meant you should go look at the website. Even if you didn’t know that particular expression, you could probably guess the meaning from my sentence. “Head over tois a kind of idiom, and English has a lot of idioms, as you’ve probably noticed!

实际上, there are many common sources of idioms. And one interesting source is the human body. There are a few body parts in particular that have generated a lot of idioms. English has dozens of idioms just with the words “head” and “hands.” But there are idioms using all different parts of the body, and that’s what we’re going to learn about today.

In this lesson, we’ll listen to a conversation between two friends and former colleagues: Maria and Trevor. They’re meeting for coffee and are eager to catch up after not seeing each other for a while. Maria and Trevor talk about their different work situations. 在他们谈话期间, they use many 英语成语 related to the human body. See if you can spot some of these as we go through the dialog, and we’ll explain them later in the debrief.

Listening Questions

1. How does Trevor agree with Maria’s assessment of her old boss Roger?
2. How does Maria describe her ten years of working at Trevor’s company?
3. What does Maria say about the attitude of the people she works with?

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