技能 360 – 卖出你的想法 (Part 1)

Welcome back to the 业务技能 360 podcast. 在本课中, 我们将看看如何“~销售”’ 你的想法并有说服力.

你可能充满了伟大的想法, 但究竟如何让人们购买它们? 你如何让人们参与你的辉煌计划? Well, 今天我想分享一些工具和技术来帮助你做到这一点.

这些工具和技术有两个重要作用: 他们建立 连接 他们建造 可信度. 连接可以在您和您的听众之间, 但它们也可能介于您的听众和您的想法之间. 这些联系将产生买入. 这种可信度可以是你的可信度和你的想法的可信度. 你, 和你的想法, 必须可信和值得信赖.

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BEP 178 – English Presentations: Making an Impact (2)

English Presentation

This is the second in a two-part usiness English Pod series about adding impact to your business English presentations.

Nobody likes a long and boring presentation. 实际上, a long and boring presentation can do a lot of damage. People might actually feel less convinced of your idea. And that’s certainly not what you want. It doesn’t matter if you’re giving a presentation at a staff meeting or a sales presentation to a potential client. You have to make an impression. Most business people have to sit through a lot of meetings and presentations, and it can be difficult to impress them. So how are you going to make them sit up and listen? How are you going to convince them of your idea?

You need impact. 幸好, there are specific things you can do to add impact. And that’s what we’re talking about today.

在我们的最后一集中, we heard Ben talk about the problem of too many documents on too many computers in too many locations. He finished by suggesting that he has a solution to this problem. In today’s lesson, Ben will continue his presentation. He’s going to talk about cloud computing, which he thinks can solve many problems in the department. He’ll use several different techniques for adding impact.


1. What are the benefits of the system that Ben is suggesting?
2. Why does Ben mention several large companies such as IBM and Dell?
3. What does Ben think that people should spend less time doing?

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BEP 177 – English Presentations: Making an Impact (1)


This is the first in a two-part Business English Pod series about adding impact to your business English presentations.

We’ve all sat through boring presentations before. And we’ve all worried during our own presentations that others might be feeling that way. So what can we do to prevent this?

A presentation needs impact. It needs to make the audience feel something, understand something, or believe something. And it needs to make them want to do something. 幸好, there are some simple techniques and language that you can learn that will add impact to your presentations. And then people will look at you, and not out the window.

在本课中, we’ll hear part of a presentation delivered by Ben. Ben is going to talk to his colleagues and managers about cloud computing. But first he is going to identify a problem and then show that there needs to be a solution to that problem. Only then can he help them understand what cloud computing is and what benefits it might bring to the company.


1. What happened to Ben on Monday morning?
2. Where is Ben’s stuff stored?
3. What does Ben say about the number of documents in their department?

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BEP 174 – 会议: 考虑提案 2


正如我们在上一集中看到的, 这种类型的会议可以类似于谈判. 有不同意见的人围坐在桌子旁,试图说服对方,他们的想法是最好的. 所以在这种情况下, 你需要非常有说服力,并为你的建议提供充分的理由.

在本课中, 我们将看看如何表达怀疑, 承认风险, 确认支持, 并推测未来可能的情况或情景. 我们还将介绍您可以用来强调您在之前的谈判中可能赢得的任何让步的语言.

在今天的对话中, 我们将重新加入史蒂夫和他的经理们讨论语言培训的提案. 史蒂夫推荐了一种混合培训模式,将课堂课程与在线培训相结合.


1. Steve 关注在线培训的哪些优势?
2. 两位女经理的主要关注点是什么?
3. 如果混合方法不起作用, 他们可以选择做什么?

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BEP 173 – 会议: 考虑提案 1

这是关于考虑提案的内部会议的两部分商务英语播客系列中的第一部分. 本课是我们最近关于与外部供应商会面的三部分系列的后续课程 (BEP 170 – 172).

开会讨论提案就像内部谈判. 餐桌旁的人可能对最佳选择或行动方案有不同的看法. 这些人需要有充分的理由来支持他们的想法,并试图说服其他人相信他们的立场. 到底, 只会选择一个选项或提案, 所以做好准备很重要.

在本课中, 我们将专注于定义选项并概述提案的优点和缺点. 我们还将了解如何证明我们已经充分研究了潜在供应商的背景,以及我们如何以充分的理由支持我们的想法.

在今天的对话中, 我们将听取史蒂夫与他的人力资源和直线经理的会面. 史蒂夫找到了一个外部供应商, 称为 Lexis, 进行语言训练. Steve 正试图说服管理人员选择 Lexis 提出的混合交付模式.


1. 在线培训的优缺点是什么?
2. 男经理对在线培训的感觉如何?
3. 史蒂夫如何评价 Lexis Training Solution 的声誉?

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