BEP 353 – 商务英语辅导 2: 设定目标

BEP 353 - 商务英语辅导 2: 设定目标

欢迎回到商务英语播客今天的课程,内容是在学习期间设定目标 教练 会议.

您可能听说过其中一个重要部分 教练 正在倾听并表现出同理心. 一个好的教练会努力理解他或她要指导的人. 这有助于建立信任, 这创造了建设性的关系. 但这种关系是为了什么? 这种信任允许从事什么样的工作?

一旦你作为教练建立了良好的关系, 然后你就可以开始谈论改进. 毕竟, 教练的存在不仅仅是为了倾听人们的问题. 他们的全部目的是帮助人们变得更好. 变得更好的一个重要部分是设定目标, 这是一个好的教练可以提供帮助的事情.

那么我们如何与某人合作实现他们的目标? 出色地, 可能会从询问他们的动机开始. 毕竟, 目标必须针对某件​​事. 如果某人的动机是升职, 那么目标必须与之相关. 这强调了这样一个事实:它们是对方的目标. 我们不为他们设定目标. 我们询问他们的目标. 然后我们可以帮助他们将目标分解为更小的目标.

当然, 教练的另一个重要作用是给予鼓励. 所以当我们帮助某人设定目标时, 我们有能力对他们满足他们的能力表现出信心. 最后, 我们可能会询问他们的下一步行动. 那是, 当她试图实现目标时,该人将采取哪些具体活动?

在今天的对话中, 我们将重新与两位律师会合: 马里恩和瑞秋. 马里昂一直在指导雷切尔学习如何成为一名更好的律师. 在上一课中, 我们听到马里昂试图找出雷切尔面临的挑战. 现在我们将听到她帮助雷切尔设定一些目标.


1. 对话开始时,马里恩问拉切尔什么?
2. 雷切尔为自己确定了什么短期目标?
3. 马里昂说她“确信”什么” 并且“毫无疑问?”

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BEP 352 – 商务英语辅导 1: Needs Analysis

BEP 352 - 商务英语辅导 1: Needs Analysis

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 教练英语.

每个人都明白一个好的教练在体育运动中的重要性, 但是工作中的好教练又如何呢?? 实际上, 辅导是每个经理工作的重要组成部分. 管理人员不仅仅是告诉他们要做什么以及如何做. 优秀的经理帮助员工发展并充分发挥潜力, 就像体育运动一样. 这需要开放和建设性的教练关系.

辅导涉及您和员工之间持续的对话. 你们将一起评估情况, 设立目标, 监控这些目标, 并随着您的进展调整您的活动和目标. 是的, 我说“一起。” 21 世纪的经理与 20 世纪 80 年代的经理不一样. 关系不一样. 你必须是老板而不是发号施令. 你需要同时维护你的权威和员工的自主权. 这是一条很好走的路线.

辅导通常从需求分析开始. 那是, 您正在与一名员工会面,以了解哪些措施效果良好, 什么根本不起作用, 以及还有哪些可以改进的地方. 那次谈话将涉及很多开放式问题. 它还涉及表现出同理心, 这是领导力的重要组成部分.

当你谈论员工的表现时, 给出非常具体的行为示例很重要. 询问他们对这些行为的看法也很重要. 最终, 您想让员工同意他或她面临的挑战是什么. 只有这样你才能继续谈论解决方案.

在今天的对话中, 我们会听到马里昂, 经验丰富的律师, 指导一位名叫雷切尔的年轻律师. 马里昂和瑞秋正在公开讨论瑞秋的表现, 并试图确定她的需求是什么.


1. 为什么玛丽昂会提到她自己第一份工作的经历?
2. 马里昂提出了瑞秋表演的哪些例子供讨论?
3. 评估问题后, 谈话结束时马里昂问瑞秋什么?

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技能 360 – How to Get a Year-End Bonus (2)

商务英语 360 - How to Get a Year-End Bonus (2)

欢迎回到 商务英语技能 360 for today’s lesson on how to make sure you get a great year-end bonus.

When I say “bonus,” I’m not talking about a Christmas card from the boss with a $20 gift certificate for Starbucks. I’m not talking about tokens of appreciation. I’m talking about a nice fat year-end bonus that says your employer believes you’re worth investing in.

在上一课中, I talked about how to demonstrate your value through your approach to work. 今天, I want to focus not just on your approach, but on the work itself. When all is said and done, it’s your performance that will be valued above all else. So how can you show that?

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技能 360 – How to Get a Year-End Bonus (1)

商务英语 360 - How to Get a Year-End Bonus (1)

欢迎回到 商务英语技能 360 for today’s lesson on how to secure a great year-end bonus.

We all know that money’s not the only workplace incentive, but it sure is an effective one. Nothing beats a nice cheque at the end of the year to say “thanks for all the hard work.That bonus can help us enjoy the holiday season more, and feel better about heading back to the office when the holiday is over.

所以, how can you make sure you get that bonus? Or how can you increase the size of your bonus? 出色地, 首先, if you just started thinking about this now, you might be out of luck. You can’t just suck up to your boss in December and expect to be rewarded. If you’re looking for an easy workaround to hard work, I’m sorry to disappoint you.

And if you think that you deserve a bonus because you showed up on time every day and never ducked out early, then think again. If you make hamburgers at McDonalds, then your employer pays you for your time, in the form of a wage. But in professional settings, where people earn salaries, it’s not your time that your employer pays for. It’s your value.

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BEP 345 – 管理英语: 解决冲突 (2)

BEP 345 课 - 管理英语: 解决冲突 (2)

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 resolving conflict in the workplace.

Conflict happens. There’s no way around it. But not everyone has the same attitude toward conflict. Some people run from it, or refuse to even admit it exists. Other people acknowledge it but simply hope it goes away on its own. And some people are able to approach it with confidence, dealing with it openly and honestly.

The first step in conflict resolution is for the people involved to sit down and try to work it out themselves. But that doesn’t always work, and in many cases it takes a third party to attempt to find solutions. That third party might be a peer, 或同事. But mostly it’s a manager or leader. 实际上, helping mediate conflict between people is an important function of a manager.

Effective mediation is a tricky business. You need to help people have the open and honest conversations that they might not be able to have on their own. Part of that involves ensuring each person has their turn to speak. One of your aims, 当然, is common understanding, so you may need to encourage empathy and confirm understanding at different steps along the way.

As a conflict mediator, your ultimate aim it to find a solution. 要做到这一点, you’ll want to have people agree on a common goal. You may also ask them to focus on positive actions, rather than negative ones. Positive actions are more solution-focused.

在今天的对话中, we’ll continue hearing about a conflict between Trevor and Andrew, two retail managers in the same company. Trevor has tried talking with Andrew about their personal conflict, but they haven’t been able to reach a clear solution. So their boss Ann has stepped in as a third-party to help resolve the conflict.


1. What does Ann do when Trevor interrupts Andrew at the start of the dialog?
2. After Andrew explains his side of the story, what does Ann ask Trevor?
3. What is the common goal for the solution Ann proposes?

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