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What is Business English?

商务英语, also known as English for business, is an essential skill for communication in the global business world. The key characteristics of business English are clear and precise use of language and specialized vocabulary, attention to register or formality, and cultural awareness.

Learning 商务英语 is important for those who want to be successful in their careers. It can help to increase confidence when communicating with others and give an edge over competitors in the workplace. Those who are proficient in business English are better able to express themselves clearly and accurately, creating more opportunities for success.

From marketing and finance to human resources, business English covers a wide range of language and skills, empowering you to communicate effectively and confidently in business. It is often taught to those learning English as a second language, but can also be useful for native English speakers want to improve their communication skills for business purposes.

What is Business English?
Business English is an approach to communicating in English that is used in professional settings such as international trade, business negotiations, and commerce. Business English is characterized by its precision, specialized vocabulary, and the need to communicate effectively across cultures. In order to succeed in the global business world, it is essential for professionals to have a strong command of business English.

Precision in Business English
One of the main characteristics of business English is its emphasis on precision and clarity. In a professional setting, it is important to use clear and concise language in order to avoid confusion and ensure that important information is conveyed accurately. Misunderstandings can have serious consequences in business, so it is essential to use language that is precise and easy to understand.

Register in Business English
Another important aspect of business English is the need to use a specific register, or level of formality, in verbal communication. In a business setting, it is important to use a more formal and professional register in order to show respect and convey a sense of professionalism. This includes using more formal vocabulary and avoiding slang or colloquial language.

Use of Specialized Vocabulary in Business English
Business English also includes specialized vocabulary and phrases that are specific to certain industries or fields. 例如, a finance professional may use terms likebalance sheet” 和 “asset allocation,” while a marketing professional may use terms likebranding” 和 “customer segmentation.Familiarity with this terminology and vocabulary is essential in order to communicate effectively within your industry.

Role of Culture in Business English
In addition to using a specific register and specialized terminology, it is also important to consider cultural differences when using business English. In some cultures, it is more common to use indirect language in order to be polite, while in other cultures it is more common to be more direct. It is important for professionals to be aware of these cultural differences and to adapt their language usage accordingly in order to avoid misunderstandings and communicate effectively with their international colleagues and clients.

Resources for Improving your Business English
There are several strategies for learning business English. Taking classes or enrolling in an online course are two great options for those looking to learn business English efficiently and effectively. There are also many resources available online, such as podcasts, blogs, and articles. One of the most popular resources is 商务英语播客, which offers audio and video lessons on a variety of business topics. The lessons cover a wide range of skills, including negotiations, 会议, 演示文稿, and socializing in a professional setting.

One of the advantages of using Business English Pod is that the lessons are designed specifically for independent English learners. We offer a huge variety of multimedia lessons based on real-life scenarios in order to provide learners with practical, applicable language skills. In addition to general business English lessons, Business English Pod also covers specialized 商务英语词汇 for specific industries and professions, such as finance, 营销, and human resources. These lessons provide learners with industry-specific terminology and language skills that are relevant to their profession.

Learning business English is essential for success in the professional world. It is important to have a strong understanding of how to use the language effectively to communicate with colleagues, 顾客, and clients. Resources like Business English Pod can help learners develop their skills and become more confident in their ability to communicate professionally. By focusing on precision, the use of a specific register, specialized terminology, and cultural awareness, professionals can use business English to communicate effectively with their colleagues and clients and succeed in the global business world.

总体, business English is an approach to communicating effectively in a professional setting, particularly in international business. By focusing on precision, the use of a specific register, specialized terminology, and cultural awareness, professionals can use business English to communicate effectively with their colleagues and clients and succeed in the global business world. The Business English Pod podcast is a valuable resource for those who are looking to improve their business English skills and succeed in their careers.

技能 360 – 顶部 10 商务英语技能 (1)

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欢迎回到商务英语技能 360 今天的课程 商务英语 每个人成功所需的技能.

正如任何值得他在盐中体重的上师都会告诉你的那样, 生意全关乎关系. 这意味着要结识新朋友, 并与现有网络中的人保持良好关系. 我们做到这一点的方法之一就是闲聊.

我们称其为闲聊,因为它与重要的重要商业话题无关. 关于周末, 天气, 体育, 或家人. 制造 英文闲聊 让我们与人交流, 进一步了解他们, 并定下心情. 这种对话涉及简单的评论来回, 问题, 和答案. 您需要对其他人表现出兴趣, 还可以透露一些关于你自己的信息. 坚持双方共同的话题很重要.

一旦闲聊打破僵局, 然后您可以继续讨论更大的主题. 那就是您引入技能的地方 用英语表达意见. 实际情况取决于情况. 如果您正在开会并想添加自己的观点, 你可能只是用“我看待事物的方式”或“就我而言”这样的表达方式来介绍它.

但是,如果您提出建议或 提出一个想法, 有几种解决方法. 你可以小心地用“也许”或“也许”或“我们可以”这样的词来做到这一点. 要么, 如果你想更自信地说, 你可以使用更强烈的词,比如“必须”或“应该”. 这里重要的是你评估情况并相应地调整你的语言.

毕竟, 英语对话不只是说; 这也是关于倾听, 这导致我提出问题. 我不只是指是或否的问题. 我的意思是实质性问题,表明您正在倾听并参与其中. 这也包括对人们想法的敏锐和真诚的问题. 这是积极倾听者的重要组成部分, 这意味着要听懂, 不只是听回应.

当然, 成为一个好听众并不意味着成为一个好人. 参加会议或 英文谈判 需要拒绝想法的能力. 这并不像说“不”或“我不同意”那么简单. 大多数情况需要更细致或更谨慎的方法.

但是请小心使用这种软化语言. 如果您可以拒绝或拒绝某件事, 清楚一点. 你仍然可以 外交 不用胡扯. 要做到这一点, 您可以评论这个想法的积极方面, 或他们背后的意图, 在说不之前.

有效地拒绝想法是果断和取得成果的一方面. 这就是我今天要提的最后一项技能: 让人们采取行动. 您可能曾经在 英文会议 那里有很多精彩的讨论, 但没有实际动作要点. 因此,您需要学习如何有效地委派.

好的, 所以我们看了五个基本要素 商务英语技能. 让我们快速回顾一下: 你需要知道如何闲聊, 表达意见, 问好问题. 同时, 您需要能够拒绝想法并从人们那里采取行动.

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BEP 328 – 项目管理英语 8: 谈判解决方案


欢迎回到 商务英语播客 今天的课程 谈判中 项目期间的解决方案.

如果每个项目都按计划进行,那会不会很好? 但这根本不现实. 项目与参与人员一样多样化. 每个项目都遇到障碍, 挑战, 甚至重大故障. 良好的计划可以帮助避免其中一些问题, 但您很有可能需要使用自己的 解决问题的能力 在某一点.

其中一些问题可能与您的项目团队有关. 但是其他人可能会涉及到客户. 在很多情况下, 这意味着在项目中期出现了一些你们都没有想到的事情. 缺乏信息, 时间轴问题, 范围变更 – 一千种不同的问题可能会测试您 项目管理技巧.

解决这类问题将需要的不仅仅是基本的 项目管理英语. 对于初学者, 您可能需要向客户解释不同的选择. 但是您需要注意避免可能的责任, 而且您可能还需要拒绝提交时间表. 这些是 谈判英语 一个解法.

“解决方案”这个词是关键. 您的目标是找到一个双方都同意的解决方案,以便该项目仍可以实现其最初的目标. 就像在任何谈判中一样, 这可能涉及提出折衷方案. 当然, 协议应以书面形式提出, 因此您必须记录所有您同意的解决方案.

在今天的对话中, 我们会听到吉尔, 与软件开发人员的项目经理. 他们正在为物流公司建立新系统. 吉尔正在和利亚姆谈话, 客户的IT经理, 关于他们的项目即将结束时出现的问题. 吉尔需要协商解决这个问题的好方法.


1. 吉尔在会议开始时提出了哪些选择?
2. 当利亚姆询问要花多长时间, 吉尔如何回应?
3. 吉尔建议的折衷解决方案是什么?

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BEP 300 – 英语外部会议 (部分 1)

BEP 300 - 会议英语 1

欢迎回到Business English Pod,参加今天的关于参加外部培训的课程 用英语开会.

当你想到 商务英语会议, 您可能会立即想到员工会议, 项目会议, 或与公司人员进行的其他内部会议. 但是在业务中,我们经常必须与外部公司或组织合作,因此我们也必须处理外部会议.

外部 英语会议 可能是非常棘手的情况. 因为每个人都有不同的目标和意见, 你需要非常外交. 您要小心,不要试图让别人去承诺太多承诺. 通过这种方式, 外部会议很像谈判, 您试图达成有利于您的协议的地方.

在这个来回谈判中, 你必须说服别人你的位置. 当他们试图说服您某些事情时, 你必须熟练地回应. 那可能意味着仍然不置可否, 当您不想给出明确的是或否答案时. 这也可能意味着您没有权力或无权做决定.

但是,如果每个人都不置可否并表示无法做出决定, 人们如何达成协议? 出色地, 有时您需要介绍创造性的解决方案或想法. 但是即使有人提出一个好主意, 你不应该总是马上就同意. 就像我说的, 这有点像谈判. 所以您可能想对一个想法表示怀疑, 而不是立即接受.

在今天的对话中, 我们将听到几个人之间的会议,讨论条形结构的建设, 或小购物, 购物中心. 詹妮弗(Jennifer)是新开发项目的建筑师, 卡洛斯是一位咨询工程师. 他们需要与弗兰克达成协议, 谁代表地方政府. 会议由尼基主持, 项目经理.


1. 珍妮佛(Jennifer)为什么认为该市应该让开发商在转弯道数量上有所突破?
2. 弗兰克说谁坚持要拥有两条转弯车道?
3. 卡洛斯建议什么解决方案?

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BEP 278 – 谈判英语习语 (部分 2)

BEP 278 谈判英语习语 2

欢迎回到Business English Pod,今天的课程 英语成语 用于讨论谈判.

达成交易并达成协议可能是一件棘手的事情. 我们给予, 我们采取. 我们赢了一点, 我们失去了一点. 双方都希望得到的比需要放弃的多. 这就是所谓的谈判的激烈竞争, 一场将戏剧性融入商业世界的竞赛.

就像任何类型的戏剧或比赛一样, 我们喜欢谈论它. 谁赢了谁输了? 谁得到了什么? 他们付了多少钱? 他们是如何得到如此优惠的价格的? 用英语, 我们有很多习语可以用来谈论谈判. 今天我们将仔细研究其中一些习语以及如何使用它们.

我们将重新加入两位同事之间的对话, 何塞和尼尔. 尼尔一直在谈论他与一家新加坡公司正在进行的艰难谈判.


1. 尼尔表示他将如何回应另一家公司的付款条件要求?
2. 据何塞介绍, 为什么对方可能会与尼尔公司以外的另一家公司进行谈判?
3. 尼尔最大的恐惧是什么?

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BEP 277 – 谈判英语习语 (部分 1)

BEP 277 - 讨论谈判的英语习语 1

欢迎回到商务英语播客,学习今天有关以下方面的习语的课程: 谈判.

谈判是商业的核心. 我们协商薪资, 伙伴关系, 价格, 条款, 时间线, 商业交易, 和几乎所有的东西, 实际上! 并且要做到这一点, 我们讨论, 我们说服, 我们以完成交易的名义进行权衡.

是的, 商业中几乎所有事情都是一种谈判, 我们试图得到我们想要的东西的推拉. 毫不奇怪,在英语中我们有很多不同的习语来谈论谈判. 今天我们来看看其中一些习语以及如何使用它们.

您将听到两位同事之间的对话, 何塞和尼尔. 他们正在谈论最近参与的一些谈判. 尤其, 尼尔在与一家新加坡公司的谈判中遇到了一些挑战.


1. 尼尔说另一家公司早期提出了哪些令人惊讶的需求?
2. 在解释了他自己在一家巴西公司的经历后, 何塞建议尼尔尝试什么?
3. 尼尔认为他可能必须做什么,而不是按照何塞的建议去做?

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BEP 269 – 战略谈判 6: 巩固伙伴关系

Welcome back to Business English Pod for today’s lesson on successfully completing a strategic negotiation.

Negotiating a strategic partnership can take a lot of time and energy. And if you succeed, you need to cement that new partnership and make sure it gets off a good start. So whether you kick off your new arrangement with a party, a ceremony, or a meeting, you need to acknowledge the people and all the hard work that went into building the relationship.

So what might you do to cement a partnership? 出色地, today we’ll learn how to show enthusiasm for a new partnership and how to compliment a new partner. We’ll also look at how to emphasize both opportunities and expectations. 最后, we’ll learn how to make a toast.

在对话框中, we’ll hear representatives of two companies at a reception to start off a new partnership. Representing the auto parts company called Sigma is Mike, the lead negotiator on the new partnership, and Grant, a company executive. We’ll also hear Lisa, who represents NVP, the Japanese distributor that has just partnered with Sigma to sell auto parts in India.


1. How does Lisa compliment Sigma? What is she impressed by?
2. What does Lisa expect in order for all the hard work to pay off?
3. 在对话框末尾, Grant makes a toast. What does he make a toast to?

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